
Events Extension Point

When implementing business logic an out-of-process model should be used. For example, if some processing should be done every time a PDF is uploaded to a specific folder, then there is an event that can be subscribed to and the business logic can be implemented in an external process separate from the Content Services server process.

The following diagram gives an overview of the Event System and the event types:


Architecture Information: Platform Architecture

Event Model

The event model in Content Services is a library packaged as a JAR file, which is part of the repository (i.e. alfresco.war). The library contains the event model and the databind helpers used to help the clients to marshall and unmarshall the events.

The event model is based on the CloudEvents specification. CloudEvents is a specification for describing event data in common formats to provide interoperability across services, platforms and systems. For more information see CloudEvents Primer.

The Content Services event payload (i.e. the part of transmitted data that is the actual intended message) consist of two parts. The CloudEvent attributes and the Content Services event attributes.

{ CloudEvent standard attributes... "data": { Content Services custom event attributes... } }

Basic configuration of the event system is in the file:

### Repository events2 # # Type and aspect filters which should be excluded. # Note: System folder node types are added by default. repo.event2.filter.nodeTypes=sys:*, fm:*, cm:thumbnail, cm:failedThumbnail, cm:rating, rma:rmsite include_subtypes repo.event2.filter.nodeAspects=sys:* repo.event2.filter.childAssocTypes=rn:rendition # # Comma separated list of users which should be excluded # Note: username's case-sensitivity depends on the {} setting repo.event2.filter.users=System, null # # Topic name repo.event2.topic.endpoint=amqp:topic:alfresco.repo.event2

Any custom configuration, to for example the default event filtering, can be done in

CloudEvent attributes

Standard CloudEvent attributes in the context of Content Services events:

Property Type Description
type String The Alfresco event type. (1.0 spec#type)
specversion String The CloudEvents specification version. Value should be 1.0. (1.0 spec#specversion)
id String Event ID, a UUID generated by the producer (1.0 spec#id)
source URI-reference The instance of a repository that produced the event, .i.e. repository cluster node identifier (1.0 spec#source)
time Timestamp The producer’s timestamp of when the event occurred. (1.0 spec#time)
dataschema URI-reference Identifies the schema that data adheres to.
datacontenttype String The content type of the data attribute. Value should be application/json. (1.0 spec#datacontenttype)
data JSON The domain-specific data of the event. (1.0 spec#data)

Content Services event data attributes

Content Services event data payload/attributes:

Property Type Description
data.eventGroupId String Optional unique identifier for events group, i.e. a transaction ID. Multiple nodes can be created in the same transaction.
data.resource Object (varies) The object representing the resource affected. Here the resource represents a node in the Alfresco Repository.
data.resource.@type String The type of resource object (NodeResource, ChildAssociationResource). String The Alfresco Repository Node Id for the resource (e.g. node such as folder or file) that the data represent.
data.resource.primaryHierarchy Array Optional primary hierarchy of ancestors of the resource affected, i.e. folder path for the node. Note that the first element is the immediate parent. String The name of the resource. This is the name of the node, e.g. the name of a folder or a file.
data.resource.nodeType String A content model type, such as cm:content for a file or cm:folder for a folder. See content modelling
data.resource.createdByUser Object The id (String) and display name (String) of the user that created the node.
data.resource.createdAt String The time a node was created.
data.resource.modifiedByUser Object The id (String) and display name (String) of the user that modified/updated the node.
data.resource.modifiedAt String The time a node was modified/updated.
data.resource.content Object If the node is of content type cm:content (i.e. a file), then this object contains information about the file, such as MIME-type and size. Object Content model properties corresponding to the data.resource.nodeType.
data.resource.aspectNames Array Content model aspects that have been applied to the node.
data.resource.isFolder Boolean true if this node is of type cm:folder.
data.resource.isFile Boolean true if this node is of type cm:content.
data.resource.resourceReaderAuthorities Array (Enterprise Only) The authority IDs, such as GROUP_EVERYONE, that have READ access to the resource affected by the event. Note: this property will not be present in the event when authorities generation is disabled.
data.resource.resourceDeniedAuthorities Array (Enterprise Only) The authority IDs, such as GROUP_EVERYONE, that are denied READ access to the resource affected by the event. Note: this property will not be present in the event when authorities generation is disabled.
data.resource.resourceReaderSecurityControls Array (Enterprise Only) The Governance security controls that have been placed on the resource affected by the event. Note: this property is only available for AGS. Also, it will not be present in the event response when authorities generation is disabled or when the AGS module is not installed.
data.resourceBefore Object (varies) The object representing the old values of the changed resource’s attributes. Note, this object is only available on the org.alfresco.event.node.Updated event type.

For a detailed view of the event data refer to Repo Event JSON schema.

Content Services event types

The following are the different types of events that can be subscribed to:

Name Description
org.alfresco.event.node.Created Occurs when a node is created.
org.alfresco.event.node.Updated Occurs when a node is updated or moved. Currently only node’s name, type, properties, aspects, and content are supported.
org.alfresco.event.node.Deleted Occurs when a node is deleted.
org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Created Occurs when a secondary child association is created.

Note. This event is not triggered for cm:contains primary parent-child associations. I.e. when a file or folder is created.
org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Deleted Occurs when a secondary child association is deleted.

Note. This event is not triggered for cm:contains primary parent-child associations. I.e. when a file or folder is deleted.
org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Created Occurs when a peer association is created.
org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Deleted Occurs when a peer association is deleted.
org.alfresco.event.permission.Updated Occurs when permissions for a node is updated

=== Event descriptions ===

Let’s have a look at each event and see what we can use it for when implementing business logic for a particular content domain.

Content Services events are published on the JMS Topic called alfresco.repo.event2. See (search) default configuration in the file. So a Camel Route could for example be configured to pick up events from amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2. The amqpConnection to the Active MQ endpoint in the Content Services server would then be configured to connect to amqp://localhost:5672.

Node created event

This event is fired whenever a node, such as a folder or file, is created in the repository. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.node.Created.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.node.Created", "id": "368818d9-dddd-4b8b-8eab-e050253d7f61", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-01-21T11:14:16.42372Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "4004ca99-9d2a-400d-9d80-8f840e223581", "resource": { "@type": "NodeResource", "id": "d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65", "primaryHierarchy": [ "5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549", "93f7edf5-e4d8-4749-9b4c-e45097e2e19d", "c388532e-8da6-4d50-a6d2-4f3f3ac36ff7", "2fa2cde5-9d83-4460-a38c-cfe4ec9cca08" ], "name": "purchase-order-scan.pdf", "nodeType": "cm:content", "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "createdAt": "2021-01-21T11:14:15.695Z", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2021-01-21T11:14:15.695Z", "content": { "mimeType": "application/pdf", "sizeInBytes": 531152, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "properties": { "cm:autoVersion": true, "cm:versionType": "MAJOR", "cm:autoVersionOnUpdateProps": false, "cm:versionLabel": "1.0", "cm:initialVersion": true }, "aspectNames": [ "cm:versionable", "cm:auditable" ], "isFolder": false, "isFile": true }, "resourceReaderAuthorities": [ "GROUP_EVERYONE" ], "resourceDeniedAuthorities": [] } }

Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"id": "d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65", /app:company_home/cm:Testing/cm:Inbound/cm:purchase-order-scan.pdf (cm:content) "primaryHierarchy": [ "5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549", /app:company_home/cm:Testing/cm:Inbound (cm:folder) "93f7edf5-e4d8-4749-9b4c-e45097e2e19d", /app:company_home/cm:Testing (cm:folder) "c388532e-8da6-4d50-a6d2-4f3f3ac36ff7", /app:company_home (cm:folder) "2fa2cde5-9d83-4460-a38c-cfe4ec9cca08" Store root (sys:store_root)

The event payload is telling us that a file called purchase-order-scan.pdf (i.e. of type cm:content (i.e. data.resource.nodeType) was created by the user admin (i.e. in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder (i.e. data.resource.primaryHierarchy[0]). The new node has a Node ID d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65 (i.e.

To find out the display name for a folder or file via its Node ID use the ReST API to get metadata. This call can also be used to get other properties for the created node as not all are returned in the event data (i.e.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.node.Created event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are interested in files with content type cm:content uploaded to a folder called /Company Home/Testing/Inbound (e.g. Node ID 5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549) it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnNodeCreatedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a document/file being uploaded to the repository. */ @Component public class ContentUploadedEventHandler implements OnNodeCreatedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentUploadedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { NodeResource nodeResource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A file was uploaded to the repository: {}, {}, {}", nodeResource.getId(), nodeResource.getNodeType(), nodeResource.getName()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return IsFileFilter.get() // Make sure it's a file .and(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549")); // Located in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder } }

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a file is uploaded */ @Component public class NewContentFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NewContentFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.NODE_CREATED)) // Filter events and select only node created events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(IsFileFilter.get())) // Filter node and make sure it is a file node .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549"))) // Filter node and make sure we got correct parent folder ID .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); NodeResource resource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"File uploaded: {}", resource); } }

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("CreatedFileRoute") .log("${body}") .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is node created .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.node.Created' && " + // The node that was created is a file "'cm:content' && " + // The file is located in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder "'5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549' in[:1])]") // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("eventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID eventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Node updated event

This event is fired whenever a node, such as a folder or file, is updated or moved in the repository. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.node.Updated. The event is fired when the node’s name, type, properties, aspects, or content is updated.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.node.Updated", "id": "ae5dac3c-25d0-438d-b148-2084d1ab05a6", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-01-26T10:29:42.99524Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "b5b1ebfe-45fc-4f86-b71b-421996482881", "resource": { "@type": "NodeResource", "id": "d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65", "primaryHierarchy": [ "5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549", "93f7edf5-e4d8-4749-9b4c-e45097e2e19d", "c388532e-8da6-4d50-a6d2-4f3f3ac36ff7", "2fa2cde5-9d83-4460-a38c-cfe4ec9cca08" ], "name": "purchase-order-scan.pdf", "nodeType": "cm:content", "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "createdAt": "2021-01-21T11:14:15.695Z", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2021-01-26T10:29:42.529Z", "content": { "mimeType": "application/pdf", "sizeInBytes": 531152, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "properties": { "cm:autoVersion": true, "cm:title": "Purchase Order", "cm:versionType": "MAJOR", "cm:versionLabel": "1.0", "cm:autoVersionOnUpdateProps": false, "cm:lastThumbnailModification": [ "doclib:1611227666770" ], "cm:description": "", "cm:taggable": null, "cm:initialVersion": true }, "aspectNames": [ "cm:versionable", "cm:author", "cm:thumbnailModification", "cm:titled", "rn:renditioned", "cm:auditable", "cm:taggable" ], "isFolder": false, "isFile": true }, "resourceBefore": { "@type": "NodeResource", "modifiedAt": "2021-01-21T11:14:25.223Z", "properties": { "cm:title": null, "cm:taggable": null, "cm:description": null }, "aspectNames": [ "cm:versionable", "cm:author", "cm:thumbnailModification", "cm:titled", "rn:renditioned", "cm:auditable" ] }, "resourceReaderAuthorities": [ "GROUP_EVERYONE" ], "resourceDeniedAuthorities": [] } }

The event data payload looks very similar to the data for a created node. There is just one extra object called resourceBefore that contains the property values before the update. In this case we can see that the cm:title property of the cm:titled aspect has been filled in (i.e. "Purchase Order").

Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"id": "d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65", /app:company_home/cm:Testing/cm:Inbound/cm:purchase-order-scan.pdf (cm:content) "primaryHierarchy": [ "5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549", /app:company_home/cm:Testing/cm:Inbound (cm:folder) "93f7edf5-e4d8-4749-9b4c-e45097e2e19d", /app:company_home/cm:Testing (cm:folder) "c388532e-8da6-4d50-a6d2-4f3f3ac36ff7", /app:company_home (cm:folder) "2fa2cde5-9d83-4460-a38c-cfe4ec9cca08" Store root (sys:store_root)

The event payload is telling us that a file called purchase-order-scan.pdf (i.e. of type cm:content (i.e. data.resource.nodeType) was updated by the user admin (i.e. in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder (i.e. data.resource.primaryHierarchy[0]). The updated node has a Node ID d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65 (i.e.

To find out the display name for a folder or file via its Node ID use the ReST API to get metadata. This call can also be used to get other properties for the created node as not all are returned in the event data (i.e.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.node.Updated event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are interested in files with content type cm:content updated in the folder called /Company Home/Testing/Inbound (e.g. Node ID 5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549) it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnNodeUpdatedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a document/file being updated. */ @Component public class ContentUpdatedEventHandler implements OnNodeUpdatedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentUploadedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { NodeResource beforeUpdateResource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResourceBefore(); NodeResource afterUpdateResource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A file was updated in the repository: {}, {}, {}", afterUpdateResource.getId(), afterUpdateResource.getNodeType(), afterUpdateResource.getName()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return IsFileFilter.get() // Make sure it's a file .and(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549")); // Located in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder } }

Note that you can get to the property values before the update via the repoEvent.getData().getResourceBefore() call. You can compare those to the values retreived via repoEvent.getData().getResource() and see what’s changed.

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a file is updated */ @Component public class UpdatedContentFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpdatedContentFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.NODE_UPDATED)) // Filter events and select only node updated events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(IsFileFilter.get())) // Filter node and make sure it is a file node .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549"))) // Filter node and make sure we got correct parent folder ID (/Company Home/Testing/Inbound) .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); NodeResource beforeUpdateResource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResourceBefore(); NodeResource afterUpdateResource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"File updated: Before update {}, after update {}", beforeUpdateResource.toString(), afterUpdateResource.toString()); } }

Note that you can get to the property values before the update via the repoEvent.getData().getResourceBefore() call. You can compare those to the values retreived via repoEvent.getData().getResource() and see what’s changed.

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("UpdatedFileRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is node updated .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.node.Updated' && " + // and the node that was updated is a file "'cm:content' && " + // and the file is located in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder "'5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549' in[:1])]") // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("updatedEventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID updatedEventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Node deleted event

This event is fired whenever a node, such as a folder or file, is deleted in the repository. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.node.Deleted.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.node.Deleted", "id": "df329995-d744-427c-bafb-4a31ba7d50e3", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-01-27T10:57:02.586606Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "acb8e25f-a340-48b5-8de8-249ae5bac670", "resource": { "@type": "NodeResource", "id": "d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65", "primaryHierarchy": [ "5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549", "93f7edf5-e4d8-4749-9b4c-e45097e2e19d", "c388532e-8da6-4d50-a6d2-4f3f3ac36ff7", "2fa2cde5-9d83-4460-a38c-cfe4ec9cca08" ], "name": "purchase-order-scan.pdf", "nodeType": "cm:content", "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "createdAt": "2021-01-21T11:14:15.695Z", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2021-01-26T10:29:42.529Z", "content": { "mimeType": "application/pdf", "sizeInBytes": 531152, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "properties": { "cm:autoVersion": true, "cm:title": "Purchase Order", "cm:versionType": "MAJOR", "cm:versionLabel": "1.0", "cm:autoVersionOnUpdateProps": false, "cm:lastThumbnailModification": [ "doclib:1611227666770" ], "cm:description": "", "cm:taggable": null, "cm:initialVersion": true }, "aspectNames": [ "cm:versionable", "cm:author", "cm:thumbnailModification", "cm:titled", "rn:renditioned", "cm:auditable", "cm:taggable" ], "isFolder": false, "isFile": true }, "resourceReaderAuthorities": [], "resourceDeniedAuthorities": [] } }

The event data payload looks very similar to the data for a created node. Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"id": "d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65", /app:company_home/cm:Testing/cm:Inbound/cm:purchase-order-scan.pdf (cm:content) "primaryHierarchy": [ "5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549", /app:company_home/cm:Testing/cm:Inbound (cm:folder) "93f7edf5-e4d8-4749-9b4c-e45097e2e19d", /app:company_home/cm:Testing (cm:folder) "c388532e-8da6-4d50-a6d2-4f3f3ac36ff7", /app:company_home (cm:folder) "2fa2cde5-9d83-4460-a38c-cfe4ec9cca08" Store root (sys:store_root)

The event payload is telling us that a file called purchase-order-scan.pdf (i.e. of type cm:content (i.e. data.resource.nodeType) was deleted by the user admin (i.e. in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder (i.e. data.resource.primaryHierarchy[0]). The deleted node had a Node ID d71dd823-82c7-477c-8490-04cb0e826e65 (i.e. Note that the deleted node is soft deleted and is now available in the trash can.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.node.Deleted event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are interested in files with content type cm:content deleted in the folder called /Company Home/Testing/Inbound (e.g. Node ID 5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549) it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnNodeDeletedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a document/file being deleted. */ @Component public class ContentDeletedEventHandler implements OnNodeDeletedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentDeletedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { NodeResource resource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A file was deleted: {}, {}, {}", resource.getId(), resource.getNodeType(), resource.getName()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return IsFileFilter.get() // Make sure it's a file .and(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549")); // Located in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder } }

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a file is deleted */ @Component public class DeletedContentFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeletedContentFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.NODE_DELETED)) // Filter events and select only node deleted events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(IsFileFilter.get())) // Filter node and make sure it is a file node .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549"))) // Filter node and make sure we got correct parent folder ID (/Company Home/Testing/Inbound) .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); NodeResource resource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"File deleted: {}", resource.toString()); } }

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("DeletedFileRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is node deleted .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.node.Deleted' && " + // and the node that was deleted is a file "'cm:content' && " + // and the file is located in the /Company Home/Testing/Inbound folder "'5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549' in[:1])]") // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("deletedEventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID deletedEventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Parent-Child association created event

This event is fired whenever a secondary parent -> child association is created, such as via the the POST nodes/{parentId}/secondary-children
ReST API. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Created.

Note that this event will not be generated when a file is created or a folder is created. In this case the primary parent -> child association (i.e. cm:contains) is created but an event for this association is not triggered. You will have to listen to the org.alfresco.event.node.Created event instead, and from the data for this event you can get to the primary parent -> child association.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Created", "id": "4014bcb2-f1e6-447f-8caa-3a6219bc94ad", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-01-28T13:42:34.329162Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "78da21cc-fa5a-47d1-afcb-03005229efa9", "resource": { "@type": "ChildAssociationResource", "assocType": "fdk:images", "parent": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" }, "child": { "id": "ceb3c804-8b32-4050-b2da-b55c47f01666" } } } }

Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"parent": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" /app:company_home/cm:My_x0020_Gadgets/cm:My_x0020_Gadget }, "child": { "id": "ceb3c804-8b32-4050-b2da-b55c47f01666" /app:company_home/cm:My_x0020_Gadgets/cm:gadget-picture.png

The event payload is telling us that a secondary parent-child association of type fdk:images (i.e. data.resource.assocType) was set up between a gadget file My Gadget (i.e. data.resource.parent) and a gadget image gadget-picture.png (i.e. data.resource.child).

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Created event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are only interested in associations of type fdk:images it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnChildAssocCreatedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a parent-child assoc being created. */ @Component public class ParentChildAssocCreatedEventHandler implements OnChildAssocCreatedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParentChildAssocCreatedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { ChildAssociationResource resource = (ChildAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A secondary Parent-Child association was created: {} -> {}", resource.getParent().getId(), resource.getChild().getId()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:images"); // Make sure the Parent-Child association is of type FDK Images } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Parent-Child association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see ChildAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a secondary parent-child assoc is being created. */ @Component public class ParentChildAssocCreatedFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParentChildAssocCreatedFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.CHILD_ASSOC_CREATED)) // Filter events and select only Parent-Child assoc created events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:images"))) // Make sure the Parent-Child association is of type FDK Images .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); ChildAssociationResource resource = (ChildAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A secondary Parent-Child association was created: {} -> {}", resource.getParent().getId(), resource.getChild().getId()); } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Parent-Child association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see ChildAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("ParentChildAssocCreatedRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is parent-child assoc created .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Created' && " + // and the association type is fdk:images "'fdk:images')]" ) // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("parentChildAssocCreatedEventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID parentChildAssocCreatedEventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Parent-Child association deleted event

This event is fired whenever a secondary parent -> child association is deleted, such as via the the DELETE nodes/{parentId}/secondary-children
ReST API. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Deleted.

Note that this event will not be generated when a file is deleted or a folder is deleted. In this case the primary parent -> child association (i.e. cm:contains) is deleted but an event for this association is not triggered. You will have to listen to the org.alfresco.event.node.Deleted event instead, and from the data for this event you can get data for the deleted primary parent -> child association.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Deleted", "id": "80a8b1db-9bac-4f20-8273-025bc555ba61", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-02-01T16:39:56.583965Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "3c53ff93-9a7c-4275-ac17-7bb2b7413f53", "resource": { "@type": "ChildAssociationResource", "assocType": "fdk:images", "parent": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" }, "child": { "id": "ceb3c804-8b32-4050-b2da-b55c47f01666" } } } }

Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"parent": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" /app:company_home/cm:My_x0020_Gadgets/cm:My_x0020_Gadget }, "child": { "id": "ceb3c804-8b32-4050-b2da-b55c47f01666" /sys:archivedItem/gadget-picture.png

The event payload is telling us that a secondary parent-child association of type fdk:images (i.e. data.resource.assocType) was deleted between a gadget file My Gadget (i.e. data.resource.parent) and a gadget review gadget-picture.png (i.e. data.resource.child).

Note. when you use the Node Browser to look for the deleted gadget-picture.png file (i.e. with ID ceb3c804-8b32-4050-b2da-b55c47f01666) you have to search in the archive://SpacesStore store to find it. This store contains soft deleted files.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Deleted event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are only interested in associations of type fdk:images it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnChildAssocDeletedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a parent-child assoc being deleted. */ @Component public class ParentChildAssocDeletedEventHandler implements OnChildAssocDeletedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParentChildAssocDeletedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { ChildAssociationResource resource = (ChildAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A secondary Parent-Child association was deleted: {} -> {}", resource.getParent().getId(), resource.getChild().getId()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:images"); // Make sure the Parent-Child association is of type FDK Images } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Parent-Child association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see ChildAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a secondary parent-child assoc is being deleted. */ @Component public class ParentChildAssocDeletedFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParentChildAssocDeletedFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.CHILD_ASSOC_DELETED)) // Filter events and select only Parent-Child assoc deleted events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:images"))) // Make sure the Parent-Child association is of type FDK Images .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); ChildAssociationResource resource = (ChildAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A secondary Parent-Child association was deleted: {} -> {}", resource.getParent().getId(), resource.getChild().getId()); } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Parent-Child association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see ChildAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("ParentChildAssocDeletedRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is parent-child assoc deleted .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.assoc.child.Deleted' && " + // and the association type is fdk:images "'fdk:images')]" ) // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("parentChildAssocDeletedEventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID parentChildAssocDeletedEventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Peer association created event

This event is fired whenever a peer association is created, such as via the the POST nodes/{sourceId}/targets
ReST API. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Created.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Created", "id": "8a8113a2-fa67-4914-9ecb-2ec47c456159", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-01-28T13:42:34.352956Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "78da21cc-fa5a-47d1-afcb-03005229efa9", "resource": { "@type": "PeerAssociationResource", "assocType": "fdk:reviews", "source": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" }, "target": { "id": "f826ac49-0262-48af-8f63-f87eb7007078" } } } }

Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"source": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" /app:company_home/cm:My_x0020_Gadgets/cm:My_x0020_Gadget }, "target": { "id": "f826ac49-0262-48af-8f63-f87eb7007078" /app:company_home/cm:My_x0020_Gadgets/cm:gadget-review.txt

The event payload is telling us that a peer association of type fdk:reviews (i.e. data.resource.assocType) was set up between a gadget file My Gadget (i.e. data.resource.source) and a gadget review gadget-review.txt (i.e.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Created event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are only interested in associations of type fdk:reviews it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnPeerAssocCreatedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a peer-2-peer assoc being created. */ @Component public class Peer2PeerAssocCreatedEventHandler implements OnPeerAssocCreatedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Peer2PeerAssocCreatedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { PeerAssociationResource resource = (PeerAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A Peer-Peer association was created: Source {} -> Target {}", resource.getSource().getId(), resource.getTarget().getId()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:reviews"); // Make sure the Peer-Peer association is of type FDK Reviews } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Peer-2-Peer association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see PeerAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a peer-2-peer assoc is being created. */ @Component public class Peer2PeerAssocCreatedFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Peer2PeerAssocCreatedFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.PEER_ASSOC_CREATED)) // Filter events and select only Peer2Peer assoc created events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:reviews"))) // Make sure the Peer2Peer association is of type FDK Reviews .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); PeerAssociationResource resource = (PeerAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A Peer-Peer association was created: Source {} -> Target {}", resource.getSource().getId(), resource.getTarget().getId()); } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Peer-2-Peer association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see PeerAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("PeerAssocCreatedRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is peer assoc created .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Created' && " + // and the association type is fdk:reviews "'fdk:reviews')]" ) // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("peerAssocCreatedEventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID peerAssocCreatedEventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Peer association deleted event

This event is fired whenever a peer association is deleted, such as via the the DELETE nodes/{sourceId}/targets
ReST API. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Deleted.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Deleted", "id": "630a2b78-5832-42ad-89e0-bafaed73df3d", "source": "/08d9b620-48de-4247-8f33-360988d3b19b", "time": "2021-02-01T10:39:37.329006Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "27e7f158-707b-48ee-87ca-efd247e6cbb7", "resource": { "@type": "PeerAssociationResource", "assocType": "fdk:reviews", "source": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" }, "target": { "id": "f826ac49-0262-48af-8f63-f87eb7007078" } } } }

Using the Node Browser the following NodeRefs were resolved as follows:

"source": { "id": "a4eb7684-0ffe-4bf5-b6f7-4297a6e4ee84" /app:company_home/cm:My_x0020_Gadgets/cm:My_x0020_Gadget }, "target": { "id": "f826ac49-0262-48af-8f63-f87eb7007078" /sys:archivedItem/gadget-review.txt

The event payload is telling us that a peer association of type fdk:reviews (i.e. data.resource.assocType) was deleted between a gadget file My Gadget (i.e. data.resource.source) and a gadget review gadget-review.txt (i.e.

Note. when you use the Node Browser to look for the deleted gadget-review.txt file (i.e. with ID f826ac49-0262-48af-8f63-f87eb7007078) you have to search in the archive://SpacesStore store to find it. This store contains soft deleted files.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Deleted event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are only interested in associations of type fdk:reviews it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnPeerAssocDeletedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a peer-2-peer assoc being deleted. */ @Component public class Peer2PeerAssocDeletedEventHandler implements OnPeerAssocDeletedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Peer2PeerAssocDeletedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { PeerAssociationResource resource = (PeerAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A Peer-Peer association was deleted: Source {} -> Target {}", resource.getSource().getId(), resource.getTarget().getId()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:reviews"); // Make sure the Peer-Peer association is of type FDK Reviews } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Peer-2-Peer association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see PeerAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when a peer-2-peer assoc is being deleted. */ @Component public class Peer2PeerAssocDeletedFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Peer2PeerAssocDeletedFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.PEER_ASSOC_DELETED)) // Filter events and select only Peer2Peer assoc deleted events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(AssocTypeFilter.of("fdk:reviews"))) // Make sure the Peer2Peer association is of type FDK Reviews .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); PeerAssociationResource resource = (PeerAssociationResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A Peer-Peer association was deleted: Source {} -> Target {}", resource.getSource().getId(), resource.getTarget().getId()); } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.AssocTypeFilter event filter to specify what type of Peer-2-Peer association we are interested in.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see PeerAssociationResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("PeerAssocDeletedRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is peer assoc deleted .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.assoc.peer.Deleted' && " + // and the association type is fdk:reviews "'fdk:reviews')]" ) // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("peerAssocDeletedEventHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID peerAssocDeletedEventHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

Permission updated event (ENTERPRISE ONLY)

This event is fired whenever a permission is updated for a node, such as via the the Manage Permissions action in the Share user interface. The full name of this event is org.alfresco.event.permission.Updated.

Note. this event is not fired if you are using the Community Edition of Alfresco.

Here is an example payload for this event type:

{ "specversion": "1.0", "type": "org.alfresco.event.permission.Updated", "id": "ecf62eb0-55b5-4c42-969b-27bb24ad658d", "source": "/bb4be766-5aeb-4bc9-bd23-948ae98e4e9f", "time": "2021-04-07T09:10:33.825727Z", "dataschema": "", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": { "eventGroupId": "8ddc1695-b911-40c4-b81c-05b549cd02dc", "resource": { "@type": "NodeResource", "id": "018de31a-47bf-431f-9107-3aacb63fcb67", "primaryHierarchy": [ "f813b415-aa71-43b9-9c8a-2ce92ab715f8", "1f0371cf-ab5b-45f3-8d76-76699c82367d", "341635c3-c089-4564-b5dd-8407498b7ea3" ], "name": "somefile.txt", "nodeType": "cm:content", "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "createdAt": "2021-04-07T09:06:44.216Z", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2021-04-07T09:10:33.602Z", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "sizeInBytes": 9, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "properties": { "cm:title": "", "app:editInline": true, "cm:lastThumbnailModification": [ "pdf:1617786411514" ], "cm:description": "" }, "aspectNames": [ "cm:thumbnailModification", "cm:titled", "app:inlineeditable", "rn:renditioned", "cm:auditable" ], "isFile": true, "isFolder": false }, "resourceReaderAuthorities": [ "GROUP_EVERYONE", "abeecher", "guest" ], "resourceDeniedAuthorities": [] } }

In this case the node permissions for user abeecher was updated. For information about what specific permissions were set or removed for the user use the ReST API.

When subscribing to the org.alfresco.event.permission.Updated event it’s possible to filter out anything that is of no interest. So for example, if you are only interested in permission updates for a specific node or folder it would be easy to configure this.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and plain Java event handlers:

import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.handler.OnPermissionUpdatedEventHandler; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Sample event handler to demonstrate reacting to a node permission being updated. * * IMPORTANT! only works with ACS 7 Enterprise Edition. */ @Component public class PermissionUpdatedEventHandler implements OnPermissionUpdatedEventHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PermissionUpdatedEventHandler.class); public void handleEvent(final RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent) { NodeResource resource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"A node permission was updated: {}", resource.toString()); } public EventFilter getEventFilter() { return IsFileFilter.get() // permissions for a file is being updated .and(ParentFolderFilter.of("55a21ec2-eaff-4e0f-b76b-c84e32d1c2fe")); // the file is located in a specific folder with this Node ID } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter event filter to specify that we are only interested in permission updates to files.

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses plain Java event handlers follow these instructions.

The following code shows how this can be done with SDK 5 and Spring Integration event handlers:

package; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.EventTypeFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.EventChannels; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.integration.filter.IntegrationEventFilter; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.DataAttributes; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.NodeResource; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.RepoEvent; import org.alfresco.event.sdk.model.v1.model.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowAdapter; import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlowDefinition; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Spring Integration based event handler that will execute code when node permissions are being updated. * * IMPORTANT! only works with ACS 7 Enterprise Edition. */ @Component public class PermissionUpdatedFlow extends IntegrationFlowAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PermissionUpdatedFlow.class); // Use builder to create an integration flow based on event channel @Override protected IntegrationFlowDefinition<?> buildFlow() { return from(EventChannels.MAIN) // Listen to events coming from the Alfresco events channel .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(EventTypeFilter.PERMISSION_UPDATED)) // Filter events and select only permission updated events .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(IsFileFilter.get())) // Filter node and make sure it is a file node .filter(IntegrationEventFilter.of(ParentFolderFilter.of("5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549"))) // Filter node and make sure the file is in a folder with this Node ID .handle(t -> handleEvent(t)); // Handle event with a bit of logging } private void handleEvent(Message message) { RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>> repoEvent = (RepoEvent<DataAttributes<Resource>>)message.getPayload(); NodeResource resource = (NodeResource) repoEvent.getData().getResource();"Node permissions were updated: {} ", resource.toString()); } }

This code uses the org.alfresco.event.sdk.handling.filter.IsFileFilter event filter to specify that we are only interested in permission updates to files.

This code uses a custom ParentFolderFilter.

For more information about how to extract all the properties from the message payload see NodeResource info.

To create an SDK event handler project that uses Spring Integration follow these instructions.

The following code snippet shows how this could be done with an Apache Camel route configuration:

public class SimpleRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() { from("amqpConnection:topic:alfresco.repo.event2") .id("PermissionUpdatedRoute") .log("${body}") // Log all incoming events on this topic, even those that we are not interested in .choice() .when() // When the following is true: // The event type is permission udpated .jsonpath("$[?(@.type=='org.alfresco.event.permission.Updated' && " + // The node that was created is a file "'cm:content' && " + // The file is located in a folder with this Node ID "'5f355d16-f824-4173-bf4b-b1ec37ef5549' in[:1])]") // Unpack the data into JSON format .unmarshal("publicDataFormat") // Call a Spring Bean with the event data .bean("permissionUpdatedHandlerImpl", "onReceive(*, COPY)") .end(); } }

The jsonpath expression uses several of the event data properties to filter out exactly the events we are interested in.

In this case a Spring Bean with ID permissionUpdatedHandlerImpl is called at the end of the route from where you could make the necessary ReST API calls.

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