
Searching for content

This section provides information on how to search for content and metadata in the Repository.

Searching the content in the Repository is one of the major benefits of using Content Services. It is possible to search both in the text content of files and in the metadata for folders and files.

You can search the Repository in two different ways. The first approach is easy and requires only a GET call with the term that you want to search for in the text content or metadata. This call searches the whole repository and every type of file that can be transformed to text. The second approach is a POST call with the search query that you want to use. It’s more powerful and allows you to do a more specific search, such as where in the Repository to search and in what type of files to search.

This section also goes through how to specifically search for sites and people.

Finding folders and files by a term

Simple search in metadata and content with a term.

API Explorer URL: http://localhost:8080/api-explorer/#!/queries/findNodes

See also: Complex search

The /queries endpoints are designed to be very simple to use and usable in “live search” scenarios. Meaning they can be executed upon each key press so clients can show results as the user types. The actual query used behind the scenes is hard-coded, if complex or custom queries are required the /search API should be used, which this section also covers.

To find content by specifying a term (i.e. a word) you use a GET call as follows:


This simple search query will look in the name (cm:name), title (cm:title) and description (cm:description) node properties, in the content, and in the tags for a match. Let’s say we have a file with the word dog in the text and another file with the word dog in the cm:title property, we can then search for these files as follows:

$ curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzA4ZWI3ZTJlMmMxNzk2NGNhNTFmMGYzMzE4NmNjMmZjOWQ1NmQ1OTM=' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/queries/nodes?term=dog&orderBy=name' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 1105 100 1105 0 0 1247 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1247 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 2, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 2, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "createdAt": "2019-09-05T08:52:16.785+0000", "isFolder": false, "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-09-16T08:31:22.936+0000", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "somefile.txt", "id": "8f1c3f76-0eaf-452a-be66-c5405af67dbc", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 48, "encoding": "ISO-8859-1" }, "parentId": "5a858591-752f-49d0-b686-e2e1a830ea8d" } }, { "entry": { "createdAt": "2019-09-16T08:32:07.415+0000", "isFolder": false, "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-09-16T08:32:07.415+0000", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "some-other.txt", "id": "6c5c4d89-132e-4761-83b9-088bd820e711", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 25, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "5a858591-752f-49d0-b686-e2e1a830ea8d" } } ] } }

The response contains only minimal metadata for each entry. Use the include and fields parameters to return more metadata in the response.

The type of nodes returned can be restricted via the nodeType query parameter, for example passing acme:document as the value will only return nodes of that type and any of it’s subtypes.

Finding sites by a term

Simple search for sites with a term.

API Explorer URL: http://localhost:8080/api-explorer/#!/queries/findSites

See also: Complex search

The /queries endpoints are designed to be very simple to use and usable in “live search” scenarios. Meaning they can be executed upon each key press so clients can show results as the user types. The actual query used behind the scenes is hard-coded, if complex or custom queries are required the /search API should be used, which this section also covers.

To find sites by specifying a term (i.e. a word) you use a GET call as follows:


This simple search query will look in the site id , site title and site description properties for a match. Let’s say we have a site with the word ‘web’ in the title, we can then search for it as follows:

$ curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzA4ZWI3ZTJlMmMxNzk2NGNhNTFmMGYzMzE4NmNjMmZjOWQ1NmQ1OTM=' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/queries/sites?term=web&orderBy=title' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 347 0 347 0 0 7081 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7081 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 1, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 1, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "role": "SiteManager", "visibility": "PUBLIC", "guid": "b4cff62a-664d-4d45-9302-98723eac1319", "description": "This is a Sample Alfresco Team site.", "id": "swsdp", "preset": "site-dashboard", "title": "Sample: Web Site Design Project" } } ] } }

You can use the fields parameters to return more or less metadata in the response.

Finding people by a term

Simple search for people with a term.

API Explorer URL: http://localhost:8080/api-explorer/#!/queries/findPeople

See also: Complex search

The /queries endpoints are designed to be very simple to use and usable in “live search” scenarios. Meaning they can be executed upon each key press so clients can show results as the user types. The actual query used behind the scenes is hard-coded, if complex or custom queries are required the /search API should be used, which this section also covers.

To find people by specifying a term (i.e. a word) you use a GET call as follows:


This simple search query will look in the person id, first name, and last name properties for a match. Let’s say we look for people that have “jackson” in their username (id), first name or last name. We can then search as follows:

$ curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzA4ZWI3ZTJlMmMxNzk2NGNhNTFmMGYzMzE4NmNjMmZjOWQ1NmQ1OTM=' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/queries/people?term=jackson&orderBy=lastName' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 831 0 831 0 0 1613 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1613 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 1, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 1, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "lastName": "Jackson", "userStatus": "Working on a new web design for the corporate site", "capabilities": { "isGuest": false, "isAdmin": false, "isMutable": true }, "jobTitle": "Web Site Manager", "statusUpdatedAt": "2011-02-15T20:13:09.649+0000", "mobile": "012211331100", "emailNotificationsEnabled": true, "description": "Mike is a demo user for the sample Alfresco Team site.", "telephone": "012211331100", "enabled": false, "firstName": "Mike", "skypeId": "mjackson", "avatarId": "3fbde500-298b-4e80-ae50-e65a5cbc2c4d", "location": "Threepwood, UK", "company": { "organization": "Green Energy", "address1": "100 Cavendish Street", "address2": "Threepwood", "address3": "UK", "postcode": "ALF1 SAM1" }, "id": "mjackson", "email": "" } } ] } }

The response can be customized by using the fields parameter to return more or less metadata.

Finding content by a search query

Use a search query to be able to do a more specific search, such as where to search and for what.

API Explorer URL: http://localhost:8080/api-explorer/#!/search/search

See also: Simple search

Search Reference: Alfresco Full Text Search Reference (afts)


If the pre-canned queries (i.e. term based search) do not provide what you need you have the option to use the rich and powerful /search API, at the cost of a little more complexity. Due to the number of options and functionality available via the search API, it is a little different than most of the other search APIs. Firstly, the API is defined under the “search” namespace so it’s base URL is slightly different. Secondly, the /search endpoint does not accept any query parameters and is therefore completely controlled via the POST body as we’ll see in the examples that follow.

Searching text content

You POST a search query to the following URL:


The POST body for a basic query looks like:

{ "query": { "query": "dog" } }

This basic query searches only the text content for the files in the repository. Let’s say I got a file with the word dog in the text and another file with the word dog in the cm:title property. If I search with the following query I should only get one response:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzA4ZWI3ZTJlMmMxNzk2NGNhNTFmMGYzMzE4NmNjMmZjOWQ1NmQ1OTM=' -d '{ "query": { "query": "dog" } } ' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 711 100 671 100 40 23137 1379 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24517 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 1, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 1, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "context": {}, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-09-16T08:31:22.936+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 48, "encoding": "ISO-8859-1" }, "parentId": "5a858591-752f-49d0-b686-e2e1a830ea8d", "createdAt": "2019-09-05T08:52:16.785+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 3.5323858 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "somefile.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "8f1c3f76-0eaf-452a-be66-c5405af67dbc" } } ] } }

The response contains only minimal metadata for each entry. Use the include and fields parameters to return more metadata in the response.

The results should look familiar, for the most part they are the same as the results from /queries and from /nodes/{id}/children.

There are a couple of differences though, the search API returns two additional properties, search and location. The search property adds extra context for the individual result, in this case, the score. Explaining the full details is beyond the scope of this article but it is possible to search across “live” nodes, deleted nodes and versioned nodes, the location property shows from which area the result came from. By default only “live” nodes are included.

The example above used the default search language afts (Alfresco Full Text Search), however, cmis and lucene are also supported.

CMIS query finding files by name

The example body below shows how to define a simple CMIS query to find all files with a name starting with test:

{ "query": { "query": "select * from cmis:document WHERE cmis:name LIKE 'test%'", "language": "cmis" } }

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called cmis-query.json (it does not work to write the query with the -d curl parameter on the command line):

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@cmis-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 1329 0 1212 100 117 15150 1462 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16822 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 2, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 2, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-10-03T08:37:17.832+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "application/x-javascript", "mimeTypeName": "JavaScript", "sizeInBytes": 118, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "fa62d870-061c-400f-a3c5-12a37fe0738e", "createdAt": "2019-10-03T08:37:17.832+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 1 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "test return value.js.sample", "location": "nodes", "id": "6b0b7a4c-1630-47ec-9c2f-7620c1cefeed" } }, { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 9, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "6b661ba4-830b-457d-af04-46f174351536", "createdAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 1 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "test-file.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "9613e418-b1c1-4889-8866-4dccda66a258" } } ] } }

Lucene query finding files modified last week

The example body below shows how to execute a simple Lucene query to find all the files modified in the last week:

{ "query": { "query": "+@cm\:modified:[NOW/DAY-7DAYS TO NOW/DAY+1DAY] +TYPE:\"cm:content\"", "language": "lucene" } }

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called lucene-query.json:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@lucene-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 829 0 698 100 131 7050 1323 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8373 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 1, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 1, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "context": { "consistency": { "lastTxId": 139 } }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 9, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "6b661ba4-830b-457d-af04-46f174351536", "createdAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 0.017988352 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "test-file.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "9613e418-b1c1-4889-8866-4dccda66a258" } } ] } }

Searching by content type and controlling paging and sorting

As with all the v1 ReST APIs paging can also be controlled, it’s just done via the body rather than a query parameter. The results can also be sorted. The example body below shows how to execute a search to find all files ordered by the cm:name property, only show 25 results rather than the default of 100 and skip the first 10 results:

{ "query": { "query": "+TYPE:\"cm:content\"", "language": "afts" }, "paging": { "maxItems": "25", "skipCount": "10" }, "sort": [{"type":"FIELD", "field":"cm:name", "ascending":"false"}] }

This also shows how you can search for a specific content type with the TYPE keyword.

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called paging-sort-query.json:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@paging-sort-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 13836 0 13622 100 214 31387 493 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 31880 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 25, "hasMoreItems": true, "skipCount": 10, "maxItems": 25 }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "name": "WebSiteReview.mp4", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "turbine.JPG", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "translatable.ftl", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "text-file.txt", ... } }, { "name": "test return value.js.sample", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "test-file.txt", ... } }, { "name": "system-overview.html", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "start-pooled-review-workflow.js", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "some-stuff.txt", ... } }, { "entry": { "name": "somefile.txt", ... } }, ... ] } }

The result have been truncated a bit here for clarity.

Searching by aspect

Another common search requirement is to find files that have a certain aspect applied. We can do that by using the ASPECT keyword in a similar way to how we used the TYPE keyword, they could be combined too if needed. The following POST will match all files with the aspect acme:securityClassified applied (this aspect is part of the default content model that comes with the SDK template projects):

{ "query": { "query": "+TYPE:\"cm:content\" AND +ASPECT:\"acme:securityClassified\"", "language": "afts" }, "include": [ "aspectNames" ], "paging": { "maxItems": "10", "skipCount": "0" }, "sort": [{"type":"FIELD", "field":"cm:name", "ascending":"false"}] }

Note also that we have requested to include the aspect names in the response. We can use the include JSON body parameter to return additional information. This works in the same way as in the /nodes/{id}/children method in the core API.

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called type-and-aspect-query.json:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@type-and-aspect-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 1046 0 755 100 291 21571 8314 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 29885 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 1, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 1, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 10 }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-10-04T08:38:15.321+0000", "nodeType": "acme:document", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 61, "encoding": "ISO-8859-1" }, "parentId": "3e59f24a-3a5b-4370-b98e-10e5514ac24e", "aspectNames": [ "cm:versionable", "cm:titled", "cm:auditable", "acme:securityClassified", "cm:author" ], "createdAt": "2019-10-04T08:38:15.321+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 1 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "anotherfile.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "9b045d17-1aa4-4296-80e1-d7a39e858585" } } ] } }

We can see in the response JSON that the aspectNames array contains the aspect we were matching.

Search by tag

As you probably know, folder and file nodes can be tagged. If you have a lot of nodes tagged it make sense to be able to find stuff based on these tags.

We can use the /search API to search for files and folders that have been tagged. The POST body looks like this:

{ "query": { "query": "+TAG:\"project-x\"", "language": "afts" } }

In this case I want to search for all folders and files that have been tagged project-x.

I have previously tagged a text file with this tag.

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called tag-query.json:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@tag-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 769 0 690 100 79 1869 214 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2084 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 1, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 1, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "context": { "consistency": { "lastTxId": 64 } }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-12-13T10:11:57.762+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 18, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "d0ec1a36-0bda-40b9-8602-804b787f800e", "createdAt": "2019-12-02T13:31:35.619+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 1 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "some-file.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "7279b5c5-da55-4e98-8b12-72d33b90c810" } } ] } }

One response is expected as I only got one file tagged with project-x.

Faceted search

Now when we have covered the basics let’s look at a couple of the more interesting features of the search API, faceting and term highlighting.

There are two types of facets; queries and fields. A query facet returns the count of results for the given query, you can provide multiple facet queries in one request. A field facet returns a number of “buckets” for a field, providing the count of results that fit into each bucket.

It’s much easier to understand with an example, the body below shows a search request that will look for files that have a cm:name or cm:title starting with “test”. We also specify that we want to know how many of the results are small files, how many are plain text files, how many are images and how many are Office files. Additionally, we are also asking for the creator facet field to be included, which will indicate how many of the results were created by each user:

{ "query": { "query": "(name:\"test*\" OR title:\"test*\") AND TYPE:\"cm:content\"" }, "facetQueries": [ {"query": "content.size:[0 TO 10240]", "label": "Small Files"}, {"query": "content.mimetype:'text/plain'", "label": "Plain Text"}, {"query": "content.mimetype:'image/jpeg' OR content.mimetype:'image/png' OR content.mimetype:'image/gif'", "label": "Images"}, {"query": "content.mimetype:'application/msword' OR content.mimetype:'application/'", "label": "Office"} ], "facetFields": {"facets": [{"field": "creator"}]} }

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called facet-query.json:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@facet-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 6359 0 5793 100 566 141k 14150 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 159k { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 9, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 9, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "context": { "consistency": { "lastTxId": 193 }, "facetQueries": [ { "label": "Office", "filterQuery": "content.mimetype:'application/msword' OR content.mimetype:'application/'", "count": 3 }, { "label": "Small Files", "filterQuery": "content.size:[0 TO 10240]", "count": 3 }, { "label": "Plain Text", "filterQuery": "content.mimetype:'text/plain'", "count": 1 }, { "label": "Images", "filterQuery": "content.mimetype:'image/jpeg' OR content.mimetype:'image/png' OR content.mimetype:'image/gif'", "count": 3 } ], "facetsFields": [ { "label": "creator", "buckets": [ { "label": "admin", "filterQuery": "creator:\"admin\"", "count": 9, "display": "Administrator" } ] } ] }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 9, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "6b661ba4-830b-457d-af04-46f174351536", "createdAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 1 }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "test-file.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "9613e418-b1c1-4889-8866-4dccda66a258" } }, ... ] } }

As well as the expected list of files, the response also contains a facetQueries and a facetsFields object containing the counts we requested. The facetQueries object has an entry for each query supplied in the result whereas the facetsFields object contains an entry for each requested field which in turn contains the count for each bucket.

Term highlighting search

The last example we’re going to look at is term highlighting. The example body below shows a search request that will look for content nodes that have a name or title starting with test, if the match occurs in either the cm:name or cm:title property the location of the match will be returned in the results. By default, the matched term is highlighted by surrounded by an em tag, to surround the match with something else the prefix and postfix properties can be used as shown in the example below:

{ "query": { "query": "(name:\"test*\" OR title:\"test*\") AND TYPE:\"cm:content\"" }, "highlight": { "fields": [ { "field": "cm:name", "prefix": "(", "postfix": ")" }, { "field": "{}title" } ] } }

Here is how the call looks like, assuming that we have stored the query JSON data in a file called highlight-query.json:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic VElDS0VUXzIxYzAzOWMxNjFjYzljMDNmNmNlMzAwYzAyMDY5YTQ2OTQwZmYzZmM=' --data-binary '@highlight-query.json' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search' | jq % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 7101 0 6786 100 315 56082 2603 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 58685 { "list": { "pagination": { "count": 10, "hasMoreItems": false, "totalItems": 10, "skipCount": 0, "maxItems": 100 }, "context": { "consistency": { "lastTxId": 193 } }, "entries": [ { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "text/plain", "mimeTypeName": "Plain Text", "sizeInBytes": 9, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "6b661ba4-830b-457d-af04-46f174351536", "createdAt": "2019-11-07T10:43:43.279+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 1, "highlight": [ { "field": "cm:name", "snippets": [ "(test)-file.txt" ] } ] }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "test-file.txt", "location": "nodes", "id": "9613e418-b1c1-4889-8866-4dccda66a258" } }, { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-10-03T08:37:17.832+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "application/x-javascript", "mimeTypeName": "JavaScript", "sizeInBytes": 118, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "fa62d870-061c-400f-a3c5-12a37fe0738e", "createdAt": "2019-10-03T08:37:17.832+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 0.95773923, "highlight": [ { "field": "cm:name", "snippets": [ "(test) return value.js.sample" ] } ] }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "test return value.js.sample", "location": "nodes", "id": "6b0b7a4c-1630-47ec-9c2f-7620c1cefeed" } }, { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-10-03T08:37:17.743+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "application/x-javascript", "mimeTypeName": "JavaScript", "sizeInBytes": 2271, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "fa62d870-061c-400f-a3c5-12a37fe0738e", "createdAt": "2019-10-03T08:37:17.743+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 0.3308143, "highlight": [ { "field": "cm:name", "snippets": [ "example (test) script.js.sample" ] }, { "field": "{}title", "snippets": [ "Example <em>Test</em> Script" ] } ] }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "example test script.js.sample", "location": "nodes", "id": "5d837ad9-4e7e-4eb9-9c41-1133f02c4cef" } }, { "entry": { "isFile": true, "createdByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-08T13:39:34.040+0000", "nodeType": "cm:content", "content": { "mimeType": "application/msword", "mimeTypeName": "Microsoft Word", "sizeInBytes": 205312, "encoding": "UTF-8" }, "parentId": "d87e0641-e44a-4e42-a88c-6d9765a74600", "createdAt": "2019-11-08T13:30:41.839+0000", "isFolder": false, "search": { "score": 0.32019404, "highlight": [ { "field": "cm:name", "snippets": [ "SampleTemplate-(test.doc)" ] } ] }, "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "SampleTemplate-test.doc", "location": "nodes", "id": "6aa9d4ac-df1f-4c6d-9159-6f62821dd814" } }, ... ] } }

As we specified in the request, the match in the cm:name property is surrounded by brackets and the em tag surrounds the match in the cm:title property.

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