
Alfresco Community Edition

Alfresco Community Edition is an open source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system that manages all the content within an enterprise and provides the services and controls that manage this content.

At the core of the Community Edition system is a repository supported by a server that persists content, metadata, associations, and full text indexes. Programming interfaces support multiple languages and protocols upon which developers can create custom applications and solutions. Out-of-the-box applications provide standard solutions such as document management, and web content management.

As an entirely Java application, the Community Edition system runs on virtually any system that can run Java Enterprise Edition. At the core is the Spring platform, providing the ability to modularize functionality, such as versioning, security, and rules. Alfresco uses scripting to simplify adding new functionality and developing new programming interfaces. This portion of the architecture is known as web scripts and can be used for both data and presentation services. The lightweight architecture is easy to download, install, and deploy.

Alfresco Community Edition lightweight architecture

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