Alfresco Content Connector for AWS Glacier

Glacier Connector FAQ

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Why can’t I create an Archive or Restore rule in a Records Management site?

The Archive or Restore rule isn’t available on a folder when creating a rule on a Records Management site. To move declared records from S3 to Amazon S3 Glacier, they must first be declared as Easy Access records from a collaboration site. You can then configure the Archive or Restore rule on the folder in the collaboration site.

Note: The Archive and Restore action is available using the v1 REST API and is displayed as an action in the rules engine for Alfresco Content Services.

Why can’t I view the content of the Record version of a file?

When a file is ‘Declared version as record’ the record created has the same internal content url as the file. If the original file has been archived, the declared as version node has not been marked as archived in Alfresco Content Services. For the Record version file you won’t receive the message stating the content has been archived.

Note: See additional information in the S3 Connector FAQs.

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