
Install manually

There are two options for installing Process Services without using containers, depending on the environment you are deploying in:

  • For trials, testing and development it’s recommended to install using a setup wizard.
  • For production environments it is recommended that you install manually.

Install using setup wizards

There are setup wizards available for Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems.

Important: The setup wizards are evaluation copies that are useful for trials and experimentation. The h2 database provided with them is not suitable for use in a production environment.

The setup wizards install their own Apache Tomcat container for Process Services, an h2 database and all prerequisite software for Process Services to run on your chosen operating system.

Use these instructions to install Process Services on Linux.

  1. Download the Linux setup wizard from your trial email.

  2. Locate the bin you just downloaded and run the following command against it to update its permissions:

    chmod 777 <installer file name>
  3. Run the setup wizard using the following command:

    ./<installer file name>
  4. Read and accept the License Agreement.

  5. Use the default Installation Directory or choose your own.

  6. Select an Installation Profile.

  7. Complete the installation.

    Note: A message will appear displaying the default credentials and URL to use.

  8. Navigate to your installation directory and run the following command to start the application:


    Note: The default installation location is /home/{user}/alfresco/process-services-{version}

  9. Enter http://localhost:8080/activiti-app into a browser once the application has started to begin using Process Services.

    Note: Use the default credentials to log in. View the process-services-readme.txt, by default found in /home/{user}/alfresco/process-services-{version}, if you can’t remember them.

  10. Install the administrator application:

    1. Rename the file activiti-admin.war.undeployed found in /home/{user}/alfresco/process-services-{version}/tomcat/webapps to activiti-admin.war

    2. Stop and restart Tomcat.

    3. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/activiti-admin once the application has started back up.

Use these instructions to install Process Services on a Mac.

  1. Download the Mac setup wizard from your trial email.

  2. Locate the dmg you just downloaded using Finder and double click it.

  3. Double click the Alfresco logo to launch the setup wizard.

    Note: Click Open if you are prompted about opening files from the internet.

  4. Read and accept the License Agreement.

  5. Use the default Installation Directory or choose your own.

  6. Select an Installation Profile.

  7. Complete the installation.

    Note: A message will appear displaying the default credentials and URL to use.

  8. Navigate to your installation directory and double click the StartProcessServices application.

    Note: The default installation location is Applications\alfresco\process-services-{version}

  9. Enter http://localhost:8080/activiti-app into a browser once the application has started to begin using Process Services.

    Note: Use the default credentials to log in. View the process-services-readme.txt, by default found in Applications\alfresco\process-services-{version}, if you can’t remember them.

  10. Install the administrator application:

    1. Rename the file activiti-admin.war.undeployed found in Applications\alfresco\process-services-{version}\tomcat\webapps to activiti-admin.war

    2. Stop and start Tomcat via the Terminal or by closing and re-opening the StartProcessServices application.

    3. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/activiti-admin once the application has started back up.

Use these instructions to install Process Services on Windows.

  1. Download the Windows setup wizard from your trial email.

  2. Locate the exe you just downloaded and double click it to launch the setup wizard.

  3. Read and accept the License Agreement.

  4. Use the default Installation Directory or choose your own.

  5. Select an Installation Profile.

  6. Complete the installation.

    Note: A message will appear displaying the default credentials and URL to use.

  7. Navigate to your installation directory and double click the StartProcessServices application.

    Note: The default installation location is C:\Program Files\alfresco\process-services-{version}

  8. Enter http://localhost:8080/activiti-app into a browser once the application has started to begin using Process Services.

    Note: Use the default credentials to log in. View the process-services-readme.txt, by default found in C:\Program Files\alfresco\process-services-{version}, if you can’t remember them.

  9. Install the administrator application:

    1. Rename the file activiti-admin.war.undeployed found in C:\Program Files\alfresco\process-services-{version}\tomcat\webapps to activiti-admin.war

    2. Stop and start Tomcat via the Command Line or by closing and re-opening the StartProcessServices application.

    3. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/activiti-admin once the application has started back up.

After installing you will need to apply a valid license file to your installation.

Install manually

To install Process Services and the administrator application manually, download the relevant Web Application Archive (WAR) files.

It is recommended that you install the administrator application in a separate container to Process Services in a production environment. It is possible to install the two applications in the same web container, however separate containers allows them to be managed in isolation from one another.

The download files are available from Hyland Community.

Install Process Services

Use these instructions to install the Process Services application using the WAR file.

Ensure you have read the supported platforms to confirm that your web container and database combination is supported before commencing with installation.

  1. Install your web container and database.

    Note: The following steps use Tomcat and MySQL for examples.

  2. Create a schema for the activiti-app application. The default name is activiti

    In MySQL:

  3. Create a user and password. This example will use alfresco/alfresco

    In MySQL:

    CREATE USER 'alfresco'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'alfresco';
  4. Grant full privileges on the schema to this new user.

    In MySQL:

    GRANT ALL ON activiti.* TO 'alfresco'@'localhost';
  5. Edit the file supplied with the WAR file.

    1. Uncomment the correct properties for the database you have installed.

    2. Update the values for the schema and credentials created in the previous steps and check that the hibernate.dialect property matches your chosen database type.

      For example:

      com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// datasource.username=alfresco datasource.password=alfresco hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

      Note: Example syntax is provided in the file for other database types.

      Important: Ensure that the driver for your database is on the classpath of the web application.

    3. Set a location for the file content to be at using contentstorage.fs.rootFolder.

    4. Set a location for the search and analytics indexes using

  6. Ensure that the driver for your database is on the classpath of your web container.

    For Tomcat and MySQL:

    Copy the MySQL java connector jar to <Tomcat install location>/lib

  7. Copy the activiti-app.war and files to your web container.

    For Tomcat:

    • <Tomcat install location>/webapps/activiti-app.war
    • <Tomcat install location>/lib/
  8. Start up your web container.

    For Tomcat:

    • On Linux or MacOS run <Tomcat install location>\\bin\\
    • On Windows run <Tomcat install location>/bin/catalina.bat
  9. Enter http://localhost:8080/activiti-app into a browser to begin using Process Services.

After installing you will need to apply a valid license file to your installation.

Install Process Services Administrator

Use these instructions to install Process Services Administrator using the WAR file.

Ensure you have read the supported platforms to confirm that your web container and database combination is supported before commencing with installation.

  1. Install your web container and database.

    Note: The following steps use Tomcat and MySQL for examples.

  2. Create a schema for the activiti-admin application. The default name is activitiadmin

    In MySQL:

  3. Create a user and password. This example will use alfresco/alfresco

    Important: You do not need to complete this step if you use the same user you created when installing Process Services and can skip to the next step.

    In MySQL:

    CREATE USER 'alfresco'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'alfresco';
  4. Grant full privileges on the schema to this new user.

    In MySQL:

    GRANT ALL ON activitiadmin.* TO 'alfresco'@'localhost';
  5. Edit the file supplied with the main Process Services WAR file download.

    1. Uncomment the correct properties for the database you have installed.

    2. Update the values for the schema and credentials created in the previous steps and check that the hibernate.dialect property matches your chosen database type.

      For example:

      com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// datasource.username=alfresco datasource.password=alfresco hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

      Note: Example syntax is provided in the file for other database types.

  6. Copy the activiti-admin.war and files to your web container.

    For Tomcat:

    • <Tomcat install location>/webapps/activiti-admin.war
    • <Tomcat install location>/lib/
  7. Start up your web container.

    For Tomcat:

    • On Linux or MacOS run <Tomcat install location>\bin\
    • On Windows run <Tomcat install location>/bin/catalina.bat
  8. Enter http://localhost:8080/activiti-admin into a browser to begin using Process Services Administrator.

After installing you will need to apply a valid license file to your installation.


A valid license file is required to run Process Services.

A license file can be obtained from support or a link is provided via email to download a temporary (30-day) license if you signed up for a free trial.

Logging into Process Services as an administrator will display a notification if a license is not currently valid. Notifications are displayed when:

  • No valid license file can be found
  • A license file has expired or is not valid until a date in the future
  • The current license file is close to expiring

There are two methods for uploading a license file to Process Services.

Upload a license

To upload a license through the user interface:

  1. Click the UPLOAD LICENSE button or use the top menu Administrator > Upload license

  2. Browse to, or drag your activiti.lic file into the pop-up.

Alternatively, you can manually move the activiti.lic file into the web container.

For example using Tomcat: <Tomcat install location>\lib\

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