
Configure authentication

The authentication methods that can be configured for Process Services are:

Identity Service

Process Services can be configured to authenticate using the Identity Service.

The Identity Service allows you to configure user authentication between a supported LDAP provider or SAML identity provider and the Identity Service for Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities.

The Identity Service needs to be deployed and configured with an identity provider before being set up with other Alfresco products.

Once the Identity Service has been deployed, you will need to configure Process Services to authenticate with it.

Note: Please refer to the supported platforms page to see which parts of Process Services are compatible with the Identity Service.

Note: Process Services requires an email address as the user name when logging into the Identity Service.


Use this information to configure Process Services to authenticate via Identity Service.

Configure the file using the below properties:

Note: A full list of possible properties is also available.

Property Description
keycloak.enabled Required. Enable or disable authentication via the Identity Service.
keycloak.realm Required. Name of the realm configured in the Identity Service.
keycloak.auth-server-url Required. Base URL of the Identity Service server in the format https://{server}:{port}/auth
keycloak.ssl-required Required. Whether communication to and from the Identity Service server is over HTTPS. Possible values are all for all requests, external for external requests or none. Important: this property needs to match the equivalent setting for Require SSL in your realm within the Identity Service administration console.
keycloak.resource Required. The Client ID for the client created within your realm that points to Process Services.
keycloak.principal-attribute Required. The attribute used to populate the field UserPrincipal with. This property needs to be set to email to work with Process Services.
keycloak.public-client Optional. The adapter will not send credentials for the client to the Identity Service if this is set to true.
keycloak.credentials.secret Optional. The secret key for this client if the access type is not set to public.
keycloak.always-refresh-token Required. The token will be refreshed for every request if this is set to true.
keycloak.autodetect-bearer-only Required. This should be set to true if your application serves both a web application and web services. It allows for the redirection of unauthorized users of the web application to the Identity Service sign in page, but send a HTTP 401 to unauthenticated SOAP or REST clients.
keycloak.token-store Required. The location of where the account information token is stored. Possible values are cookie or session.
keycloak.enable-basic-auth Optional. Whether basic authentication is supported by the adapter. If set to true then a secret must also be provided.
activiti.use-browser-based-logout Optional. Sets whether signing out of Process Services calls the Identity Service logout URL. If set to true, set the Admin URL to https://{server}:{port}/activiti-app/ under the client settings in the Identity Service management console.

OAuth 2

To use the OAuth 2 client for authenticating login to the APS web application, you first need to configure it using the information obtained by the OAuth 2 authorization server.

The following entries show the properties you need to edit in and how you might set them for a typical configuration.

Property Description
security.oauth2.authentication.enabled Enables or disables the OAuth 2 client. To enable the OAuth 2 client, set this property to true. To disable it, set this property to false.
security.oauth2.client.clientId Client ID provided by the OAuth 2 Authorization server.
security.oauth2.client.clientSecret Client Secret provided by the OAuth 2 Authorization server.
security.oauth2.client.checkToken Configures the OAuth 2 Authorization to be used. Only set this property if you are using an internal authentication server. It contains the authorization URL obtained from the Authorization server. Example: security.oauth2.client.checkToken=http://localhost:9999/oauth/check_token
security.oauth2.client.userAuthorizationUri Implementation of the Authorization endpoint from the OAuth 2 specification. Accepts authorization requests, and handles user approval if the grant type is authorization code.
security.oauth2.client.tokenName Name of the token that will be used as parameter in the request.
security.oauth2.client.accessTokenUri Endpoint for token requests as described in the OAuth 2 specification. Once login access to the application on the authorization server has been allowed, the server provides the client (APS application) with the access token. This is exchanged with the authorization server residing on the Uri set within this property.
security.oauth2.client.userInfoUri Uri of the user. This is used to retrieve user details from the authorization server.

Note: The user name used for Process Services application login should also exist on the external authentication server. Note also that the Process Services user name is an email address.

LDAP and Active Directory

It’s possible to hook up a centralized user data store with Process Services. Any server supporting the LDAP protocol can be used. Special configuration options and logic has been included to work with Active Directory (AD) systems too.

From a high-level overview, the external Identity Management (IDM) integration works as follows:

  • Periodically, all user and group information is synchronized asynchronously. This means that all data for users (name, email address, group membership and so on) is copied to the Process Services database. This is done to improve performance and to efficiently store more user data that doesn’t belong to the IDM system.

  • If the user logs in to Process Services, the authentication request is passed to the IDM system. On successful authentication there, the user data corresponding to that user is fetched from the Process Services database and used for the various requests. Note that no passwords are saved in the database when using an external IDM.

Note that the LDAP sync only needs to be activated and configured on one node in the cluster (but it works when activated on multiple nodes, but this will of course lead to higher traffic for both the LDAP system and the database).

The configuration of the external IDM authentication/synchronization is done in the same way as the regular properties. There is a properties file named in the WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ folder in the WAR file. The values in a file with the same name on the classpath have precedence over the default values in the former file.

In addition, in the same folder, the file contains an example configuration for an Active Directory system.

Server connection

The following code snippet shows the properties involved in configuring a connection to an LDAP server (Active Directory is similar). These are the typical parameters used when connecting with an LDAP server. Advanced parameters are commented out in the example below:

# The URL to connect to the LDAP server

# The default principal to use (only used for LDAP sync),ou=system

# The password for the default principal (only used for LDAP sync)

# The authentication mechanism to use for synchronization

# LDAPS truststore configuration properties
# Set to 'ssl' to enable truststore configuration via subsystem's properties

# The LDAP context factory to use

# Requests timeout, in miliseconds, use 0 for none (default)

# See

It is possible to configure connection pooling for the LDAP/AD connections. This is an advanced feature and is only needed when creating a connection to the IDM system has an impact on system performance.

The connection pooling is implemented using the Spring-LDAP framework. Below are all the properties that it is possible to configure. These follow the semantics of the properties possible for Spring-LDAP and are described here.

# -----------------------
# -----------------------

# Options=
# nothing filled in: no connection pooling
# 'jdk': use the default jdk pooling mechanism
# 'spring': use the spring ldap connection pooling facilities. These can be configured further below

# Following settings follow the semantics of org.springframework.ldap.pool.factory.PoolingContextSource
# Options for exhausted action: fail | block | grow

# Connection pool validation (see for semantics)
# Used when any of the testXXX above are set to true
# Search control: object, oneLevel, subTree


To enable authentication via LDAP or AD, set the following property:


In some organizations, a case insensitive log in is allowed with the LDAP ID. By default, this is disabled. To enable, set following property to false.


Next, set the following property to specify the user ID pattern for an authenticating LDAP user:


However, if the users are in structured folders (organizational units for example), a direct pattern cannot be used. In this case, leave the property either empty or comment it out. Now, a query will be performed using the ldap.synchronization.personQuery (see below) with the ldap.synchronization.userIdAttributeName to find the user and their distinguished (DN) name. That DN will then be used to sign in.

When using Active Directory, two additional properties need to be set:

The first property enables Active Directory support and the second property is the domain of the user ID (that is, userId@domain) to sign in using Active Directory.

If the domain does not match with the rootDn, it is possible to set is explicitly:,DC=com

And also the filter that is used (which defaults to a userPrincipalName comparison) can be changed:{0}))

The following property can be set to true to allow for basic authentication to be used as a fallback for LDAP authentication. This allows for system or service users to be utilized for certain actions, such as making specific REST API calls:



The synchronization component will periodically query the IDM system and change the user and group database. There are two synchronization modes: full and differential.

Full synchronization queries all data from the IDM and checks every user, group, and membership to be valid. The resource usage is heavier than the differential synchronization in this type of synchronization and therefore, it is usually only triggered on the very first sync when Process Services starts up and is configured to use an external IDM. This is so that all users and groups are available in the database.

Full synchronization

The frequency in which it runs is set using a cron expression:

ldap.synchronization.full.cronExpression=0 0 0 * * ?

Differential synchronization is lighter, in terms of performance, as it only queries the users and groups that have changed since the last synchronization. One downside is that it cannot detect deletions of users and groups. Consequently, a full synchronization needs to run periodically (but less than a differential synchronization typically) to account for these deletions.

ldap.synchronization.differential.cronExpression=0 0 */4 * * ?

Do note that all synchronization results are logged, both in the regular logging and in a database table named IDM_SYNC_LOG.

The synchronization logic builds on two elements:

  • Queries that return the correct user/group/membership data
  • A mapping of LDAP attributes to attributes used within the Process Services system

There are a lot of properties to configure, so do base your configuration on one of the two files in the META-INF folder, as these contain default values. You only need to add the specific properties to your custom configuration file if the default values are not appropriate.

Generic synchronization settings

These are settings that are generic or shared between user and group objects. For each property, an example setting of a regular LDAP system (that is, ApacheDS) and Active Directory is shown.

Property Description
ldap.synchronization.distinguishedNameAttributeName The attribute that is the Disinguished Name in the system. For example: dn.
ldap.synchronization.modifyTimestampAttributeName The name of the Operational attribute recording the last update time for a group or user. Important for the differential query. For example in LDAP: modifyTimestamp and in AD: whenChanged.
ldap.synchronization.createTimestampAttributeName The name of the operational attribute recording the create time for a group or user. Important for the differential query. For example in LDAP: createTimestamp and in AD: whenCreated.
ldap.synchronization.timestampFormat The timestamp format. This is specific to the directory servers and can vary. For example in LDAP: yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSS’Z' and in AD: yyyyMMddHHmmss'.0Z'.
ldap.synchronization.timestampFormat.locale.language The timestamp format locale language for parsing. Follows the java.util.Locale semantics For example: en. The timestamp format locale country. Follows the java.util.Locale semantics. For example: GB.
ldap.synchronization.timestampFormat.timezone The timestamp format timezone. Follows the java.text.SimpleDateFormat semantics. For example: GMT.

User synchronization settings

Property Description
ldap.synchronization.users.ignoreCase If this property is set to true then the synchronization will ignore the case that users are stored in within the source database when syncing users.
ldap.synchronization.userSearchBase The user search base restricts the LDAP user query to a sub section of a tree on the LDAP server. For example: ou=users,dc=alfresco,dc=com.
ldap.synchronization.syncAdditionalUsers Set to true if users outside of the userSearchBase but included in the groupSearchBase should be synchronized.
ldap.synchronization.personQuery The query to select all objects that represent the users to import (used in the Full Synchronization Query). For example in LDAP: (objectclass\=inetOrgPerson) and in AD: (&(objectclass\=user)(userAccountControl\:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803\:\=512))
ldap.synchronization.personDifferentialQuery The query to select objects that represent the users to import that have changed since a certain time (used in the Differential Synchronization Query).
ldap.synchronization.userIdAttributeName The attribute name on people objects found in LDAP to use as the user ID in Alfresco. For example in LDAP: uid and in AD: cn.
ldap.synchronization.userFirstNameAttributeName The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the first name property of a user. For example: givenName.
ldap.synchronization.userLastNameAttributeName The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the last name property of a user. For example in LDAP: sn and in AD: cn.
ldap.synchronization.userEmailAttributeName The attribute on person objects in LDAP to map to the email property of a user. For example: mail.
ldap.synchronization.userType The person type in the directory server. For example in LDAP: inetOrgPerson and in AD: user.

You can configure which users should be made administrators in the system. Delimit multiple entries with a ; (semi-colon) as commas can’t be used.

Note: No trimming of spaces will be applied and the property value must be an exact string match to the user DN value not an LDAP/AD query string.


When using multi-tenancy, the administrator of all tenants can be configured as follows. Similar rules for delimiting apply as above.

Note: The property value must be an exact string match to the user DN value not an LDAP/AD query string.


It’s important to set at least 1 user with admin rights. Otherwise no user will be able to sign into the system and administer it.

Group synchronization settings

Property Description
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase The group search base restricts the LDAP group query to a sub section of a tree on the LDAP server. For example: ou=groups,dc=alfresco,dc=com.
ldap.synchronization.groupQuery The query to select all objects that represent the groups to import (used in Full Synchronization). For example in LDAP: (objectclass\=groupOfNames) and in AD: (objectclass\=group).
ldap.synchronization.groupDifferentialQuery The query to select objects that represent the groups to import that have changed since a certain time (used in the Differential Synchronization).
ldap.synchronization.groupIdAttributeName The attribute on LDAP group objects to map to the authority name property in Process Services. For example: cn.
ldap.synchronization.groupMemberAttributeName The attribute in LDAP on group objects that defines the DN for its members. This is an important setting as is defines group memberships of users and parent-child relations between groups. For example: member.
ldap.synchronization.groupType The group type in LDAP. For example in LDAP: groupOfNames and in AD: group.

Add users to an LDAP group

Active Directory sets a limit on the number of attributes stored in a group that are retrievable in a single query. To overcome this, you can use incremental retrieval of data. This involves limiting the number of attribute values in a single query. To reduce the number of times the query is required to contact the server, set the number of values requested as close, as possible, to the maximum.

Process Services provides the capability to configure the number of group members retrieved per query subject to the limitations imposed by Active Directory. Follow these steps to enable this:

  1. Open the <InstallLocation>/tomcat/webapps/activiti-app/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/activiti-app/ file.
  2. Set the following property to true.

  3. Set the maximum number of members to retrieve in a single query.


    Note: This value should not exceed the limit set by Active Directory. If this is greater than the Active Directoy limit, no members are returned. See for information related to the maximum number of values returned in a single query in Active Directory. For further information regarding the behavior of the range attribute see

Note: If you set the enablement property to true, the default value for ldap.synchronization.groupMemberRangeSize is set to 1000.


It is possible to use paging when connecting to an LDAP server (some even mandate this).

To enable paging when fetching users or groups, set following properties:


By default, paging is disabled.

Batch insert

It is possible to tweak the batch size when doing an LDAP sync.

The insert batch size limits the amount of data being inserted in one transaction (for example, 100 users per transactions are inserted).By default, this is 5. The query batch size is used when data is fetched from the Process Services database (for example, fetching users to check for deletions when doing a full sync).


Kerberos and Active Directory

Process Services support for Kerberos SSO allows customers with existing Kerberos AD infrastructure to quickly and easily set up Windows-based SSO for their users’ access. It’s established as a security standard in many organizations and does not require additional infrastructure. It allows users secure access to the Process Services app (activiti-app) without explicit login through a web browser.

You must first set up accounts for use on a Microsoft Active Directory domain controller. It is important to identify each of the servers in your cluster that will be running the Process Services (activiti-app.war) web application. These instructions also apply to simple non-clustered installations, where a single activiti-app.war runs on a single host.

These instructions use the following naming conventions for the example server,

  • <host> is the server host name (without domain name suffix). For example, server1.
  • <hostnetbios> is the resolved value of the cifs.serverName property if the server is part of the Active Directory domain (typically the host name with the letter ‘A’ appended) or the host name otherwise (without domain name suffix). For example, server1A.
  • <domain> is the DNS domain. For example,
  • <domainnetbios> is the Windows domain NetBIOS name. For example, alfresco.
  • <REALM> is t he DNS domain in upper case. For example, ALFRESCO.ORG.


You must ensure that you have configured LDAP (LDAP synchronization in particular). You can use Kerberos SSO in combination with LDAP authentication and also database authentication. You can use both of these as fallback scenarios in the case that the user’s browser does not support Kerberos authentication.

Configuration steps

Kerberos SSO configuration can be divided into three parts:

  • (1) Steps to configure Active Directory and are performed by an Administrator against the domain controllers
  • (2) Steps to configure the machine where Process Services is hosted (for example, creating the krb5.ini file)
  • (3) Steps to set configuration properties
  1. Create accounts for the SSO authentication filters by repeating the following steps for each server in the cluster that will be running the activiti-app.war file.

    1. In the Active Directory Users and Computers application, choose Action > New > User, then enter the full name as HTTP and the user log in name as http.

    2. Click Next.

    3. Enter a password.

    4. Enable Password never expires and disable User must change password at next logon.

    5. Click Next.

    6. Click Finish.

    7. Right-click the new user account name, and then select Properties.

    8. Select the Account tab and enable the Do not require Kerberos preauthentication option in the Account Options section.

    9. From the command prompt, use the ktpass utility to generate key tables for this account as shown:

       ktpass -princ HTTP/<host>.<domain>@<REALM> -pass <password> -mapuser 
       <domainnetbios>\http<host> -crypto all -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out 
       c:\temp\http<host>.keytab -kvno 0
    10. Create the Service Principal Names (SPN) for the account using the setspn utility.

      setspn -a HTTP/<host> http<host>
      setspn -a HTTP/<host>.<domain> http<host>

      Note: When configuring Kerberos on a cluster through a load balancer, use the proxy name as the Service Principal Names (SPN).

    11. In the Active Directory Users and Computers application, right click on the http<host> user and select Properties.

    12. Select the Delegation tab. If you cannot see the Delegation tab, do one or both of the following:

      • Check that you ran the specified setspn command correctly. Delegation is only intended to be used by service accounts, which should have registered SPNs, as opposed to a regular user account which typically does not have SPNs.
      • Raise the functional level of your domain to Windows Server 2012 R2 x64. To do this:
        • Open Active Directory Domains and Trusts.
        • In the console tree, right-click the applicable domain and then click Raise Domain Functional Level.
        • In Select an available domain functional level, click Windows Server 2012, and then click Raise.
    13. In the user Delegation tab, select the Trust this user for delegation to any service (Kerberos only) check box.

    Copy the key table files created in steps 1 and 2 to the servers they were named after. Copy the files to a protected area, such as C:\etc\ or /etc.

  2. On each server in the cluster that will be running the APS web application (activiti-app.war), repeat the following steps:

    1. Set up the Kerberos ini file to point to the Windows domain controller.

      The default location is %WINDIR%\\krb5.ini, where %WINDIR% is the location of your Windows directory, for example, C:\Windows\krb5.ini. If the file does not already exist (for example, if the Kerberos libraries are not installed on the target server), you must copy these over or create them from scratch. See Kerberos Help for more information on the krb5.conf file. In this example, our Windows domain controller host name is

       default_realm = ALFRESCO.ORG
       default_tkt_enctypes = rc4-hmac
       default_tgs_enctypes = rc4-hmac
       ALFRESCO.ORG = {
          kdc =
          admin_server =
       [domain_realm] = ALFRESCO.ORG = ALFRESCO.ORG

      Note: Specify the realm in uppercase.

      The Kerberos ini file for Linux is /etc/krb5.conf.

    2. Set up the Java login configuration file.

      For JBoss, open the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file.

      In the <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.2"> section, add the following:

       <security-domain name="alfresco" cache-type="default">  
                 <login-module code="" flag="sufficient"/>  

      Add the following security-domain sections:

       <security-domain name="AlfrescoHTTP" cache-type="default">
       			<login-module code="" flag="required">
       			   <module-option name="debug" value="true"/>
       			   <module-option name="storeKey" value="true"/>
       			   <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
       			   <module-option name="doNotPrompt" value="true"/>
       			   <module-option name="isInitiator" value="false"/>
       			   <module-option name="keyTab" value="C:/etc/http<host>.keytab"/>
       			   <module-option name="principal" value="HTTP/<host>.<domain>"/>

      For other environments, in the Java security folder (for example, C:\Alfresco\java\lib\security), create a file named java.login.config with entries as shown below.

       Alfresco {
       other {
    3. Enable the login configuration file by adding the following line to the main Java security configuration file, usually at java\lib\security\

    4. If the Process Services server is not part of the Active Directory domain, ensure that its clock is kept in sync with the domain controller’s, for example, by configuring the domain controller as an NTP server.

  3. To complete Kerberos SSO enablement, perform the following configuration steps after completing the actions described in step 1 and step 2 above:

    Note: Use the same server as that used in part 2 of Kereberos SSO configuration to carry out these steps.

    1. Open the <InstallLocation>/tomcat/lib/ file.

      Note: You will need to create this file if it does not already exist.

    2. Specify the configuration settings listed in the table below.

    Property name Description
    kerberos.authentication.enabled A switch for activating functionality for Kerberos SSO authentication. This applies to both the APS user interface and the REST API. The default value is FALSE.
    kerberos.authentication.principal The Service Principal Name (SPN). For example, HTTP/alfresco.test.activiti.local.
    kerberos.authentication.keytab The file system path to the key table file. For example, C:/alfresco/alfrescohttp.keytab.
    kerberos.authentication.krb5.conf The file system path to the local server. For example, C:/Windows/krb5.ini.
    kerberos.allow.ldap.authentication.fallback Determines whether to allow login for unsupported client browsers using LDAP credentials. The default value is FALSE.
    kerberos.allow.database.authentication.fallback Determines whether to allow login for unsupported client browsers using database credentials. The default value is FALSE.
    kerberos.allow.samAccountName.authentication Authentication of the user id using the short form (for example username instead of The default value is FALSE.
    security.authentication.use-externalid A setting that enables the use of Kerberos authentication. The default value is FALSE.

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