
Install Transform Service

This release provides two main options for deployment:

  • Distribution zip - The Transform Service zip can be applied when installing Alfresco Content Services using the distribution zip. For an overview of components, see the first picture on this page.
  • Containerized deployment(Docker or Kubernetes). The Transform Service is also deployed as part of the Content Services containerized deployment using Docker images that are referenced from Helm charts. These charts are a deployment template that can be used as the basis for your specific deployment needs. For an overview of components, see the second picture on this page.

Note: Deployment of Transform Service with Content Services on AWS, such as Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), is recommended only for customers with a good knowledge of Content Services, and strong competencies in AWS and containerized deployment.


There are a number of software requirements for installing the Transform Service.

The Transform Service is only deployed by default as part of Content Services for containerized deployments.

However, this is not the case if you’re installing Content Services using the distribution zip. See Supported platforms for more information.

Containerized deployments

The images downloaded directly from Docker Hub, or are for a limited trial of the Enterprise version of Content Services that goes into read-only mode after 2 days. For a longer (30-day) trial, get the Alfresco Content Services Download Trial.

Note: A account is needed to pull the Docker images that are needed for the Transform Service:


The Transform Core Engine (T-Engine) Docker Image is also used by Alfresco Content Services Community Edition, so it is available in Docker Hub:

  • alfresco/alfresco-transform-core-aio

Software requirements (Helm)

To use the Content Services deployment (including the Transform Service), you need to install the following software:

  • AWS CLI - the command line interface for Amazon Web Services.
  • Kubectl - the command line tool for Kubernetes.
  • Helm - the tool for installing and managing Kubernetes applications.
    • There are Helm charts that allow you to deploy Content Services with Transform Service in a Kubernetes cluster, for example, on AWS.

See Install with Helm charts for more details.

Software requirements (Docker)

This is recommended for evaluations only (i.e. test and development environments).

  • Docker (latest stable version)
    • This allows you to run Docker images and docker-compose on a single computer.
  • Docker Compose
    • Docker Compose is included as part of some Docker installers. If it’s not part of your installation, then install it separately after you’ve installed Docker.

Note: Check the prerequisites for your operating system, both for Docker and Docker Compose.

See Install with Docker Compose for more details.

Non-containerized deployment

Before installing Transform Service from the distribution ZIP file, install Alfresco Content Services using distribution ZIP. This will also install the ActiveMQ message broker, which is used by the Transform Service.

In a non-containerized environment you need to install the following software before installing Transform Service:

You can install the third-party software used by the Transform Service independently.

Install LibreOffice

With the Transform Service, you can transform a document from one format to another, for example, a text file to a PDF file. To access these transformation facilities, you must install LibreOffice.

  1. Browse to the LibreOffice download site: LibreOffice download site
  2. Download the latest (stable) version of LibreOffice for your platform.
  3. When prompted, specify a download destination.
  4. Browse to the location of your downloaded file, and install the application.
  5. Change the installation directory to:
    • (Windows) c:\Alfresco\LibreOffice
    • (Linux) /opt/alfresco/LibreOffice If you’re installing LibreOffice on Linux, you also need a number of libraries to be installed. See Install Linux libraries for more.
Install Linux libraries

Use this information to install Linux libraries manually on supported Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, SUSE and Red Hat.

LibreOffice requires the following libraries to be installed on your system:

  • libfontconfig
  • libICE
  • libSM
  • libXrender
  • libXext
  • libXinerama
  • libcups
  • libGLU
  • libcairo2
  • libgl1-mesa-glx

If the required libraries are missing, you’ll get a warning message. You can install them using your preferred package manager from the command line. Note that the file names for the Linux libraries may vary by distribution.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS, you can run:

cd <libre-install-dir>/LibreOffice_*.*.*.*_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/
sudo yum localinstall *rpm

For Ubuntu:

cd <libre-install-dir>/LibreOffice_*.*.*.*_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/
sudo dpkg -i *deb

If LibreOffice doesn’t start up normally with Transform Service, test it manually, for example, by running this startup script:

start ex. {installdir}/libreoffice/scripts/ start
status ex. {installdir}/libreoffice/scripts/ status

If you receive errors that indicate that a library is missing, work with your system administrator to add the missing library or its equivalent from your configured repositories.

Install ImageMagick

To enable image manipulation in Transform Service, you must install and configure ImageMagick. Transform Service uses ImageMagick to manipulate images for previewing.

  1. Check if ImageMagick is already installed on your system. Use the ImageMagick convert command to check that you have the right software installed on your machine. This command is usually located in /usr/bin: install Image.
  2. If the ImageMagick software isn’t available on your system, download and install the appropriate package for your platform. To download ImageMagick, browse to ImageMagick download website.

    Note: In next steps, you’ll make changes to the Content Services configuration files to enable the manually installed ImageMagick application. These steps can only be performed after Content Services has been installed.

The following table lists example of how to set the paths to different things when starting Transform Core AIO later on:

Property Description
img.root Windows: img.root=C:\\ImageMagick
Linux: img.root=/ImageMagick

Note: Don’t include a slash (/) at the end of the path, i.e. /ImageMagick/.
img.dyn Windows: img.dyn=${img.root}\\lib
Linux: img.dyn=${img.root}/lib
img.exe Windows: img.exe=${img.root}\\convert.exe
Linux: img.exe=${img.root}/bin/convert
img.coders Windows: img.coders=${img.root}\\modules\\coders
Linux: img.coders=${img.root}/modules/coders
img.config Windows: img.config=${img.root}\\config
Linux: img.config=${img.root}/config
img.url Windows: img.url=${img.root}\\url
Linux: img.url=${img.root}/url

Note: Test that you’re able to convert a PDF using the command: convert filename.pdf[0] filename.png

Install alfresco-pdf-renderer

Transform Service uses alfresco-pdf-renderer for creating document thumbnails and previews. Use this information to install alfresco-pdf-renderer on your system.

Note: The alfresco-pdf-renderer executable file is platform-specific. You can download the binaries from our Nexus repository.

  • For Windows:
    • Download alfresco-pdf-renderer-1.1-win64.tgz.
    • Browse to the location of your saved file and extract the archive to a location of your choice.
    • Note down the exe path: <alfresco-pdf-renderer_installation_dir>/alfresco-pdf-renderer.
  • For Linux:
    • Download alfresco-pdf-renderer-1.1-linux.tgz.
    • Browse to the location of your saved file and extract the archive to a location of your choice.
    • Note down the exe path: <alfresco-pdf-renderer_installation_dir>/alfresco-pdf-renderer.

Install ExifTool

Transform Service uses the ExifTool for metadata extraction. It is used by Apache Tika for extracting image metadata if the auto-detect parser is enabled, which automatically figures out what kind of content you have, then calls the appropriate parser for you.

Download version 12.25 of the ExifTool from Alfresco Nexus Server

See this ExifTool page for installation instructions.

The steps to install are:

  • Download exiftool
  • Unzip exiftool
  • ExifTool needs to then be installed globally

Example installation based on a downloaded image-exiftool-12.25.tgz file:

Create a new directory named exiftool under your Alfresco installation, such as /usr/local/acs74 directory.

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/acs74/exiftool

Extract ~/Downloads/image-exiftool-12.25.tgz and copy the contents of ~/Downloads/Image-ExifTool-12.25 into the /usr/local/acs74/exiftool/ directory:

$ sudo tar -xvf ~/Downloads/image-exiftool-12.25.tgz --directory ~/Downloads/
$ sudo cp -R ~/Downloads/Image-ExifTool-12.25/* /usr/local/acs74/exiftool/

Export the exiftool directory to the PATH variable:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/acs74/exiftool

Update the file permissions for /usr/local/acs74/exiftool directory:

$ sudo chgrp -R Alfresco /usr/local/acs74/exiftool
$ sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/local/acs74/exiftool

Install with Helm charts

Use this information to deploy Content Services (including the Transform Service) using Helm charts by running a Kubernetes cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS). These charts are a deployment template which can be used as the basis for your specific deployment needs.

The Helm charts are provided as a reference that can be used to build deployments in AWS. If you’re a System administrator, ensure that data persistence, backups, log storage, and other system-level functions have been configured to meet your needs.

You’ll need your account credentials to access the Docker images. If you don’t already have these credentials, contact Alfresco Support.

Here is a summary of the steps required:

  1. Set up your Kubernetes cluster on AWS.
  2. Install the Kubernetes Dashboard to manage your Kubernetes cluster.
  3. Set up Content Services on the Kubernetes cluster, including creating file storage.
  4. To access the images in, you’ll need to generate a pull secret and apply it to your cluster.
  5. Deploy Content Services.

    Note: Remember to pass the name of the secret as an extra --set argument in the helm install command.

  6. Check the status of your deployment.

See the Alfresco/acs-deployment GitHub project documentation for the prerequisites and detailed setup:

Install with Docker Compose

Use this information to quickly start up Content Services (including Transform Service) using Docker Compose. Due to the limited capabilities of Docker Compose, this deployment method is only recommended for development and test environments.

To check which branch tag corresponds to a specific Content Services release, review the released versions in GitHub. Choose a version from the left column that corresponds to the required Content Services version you want to deploy.

Note: Check the prerequisites for your operating system, both for Docker and Docker Compose, using the links provided.

  1. Download one of the Docker Compose files from the acs-deployment repository, and navigate to the folder where the file is saved.

    Alternatively, if you want to contribute to the open source code, you can use one of the options provided in the Code dropdown of the main repository page. These options are Clone the repository, Open with GitHub Desktop, or Download ZIP to save a copy of the code. For example, if you want to see the latest release code for Content Services 23.x, then select tag v8.0.0.

    Note: Make sure that exposed ports are open on your host computer. Check the docker-compose.yml file to determine the exposed ports - refer to the host:container port definitions. You’ll see they include 5432, 8080, 8083 and others.

  2. Log in to using your credentials:

     docker login

    You’ll need your account credentials to access the Docker images. If you don’t already have these credentials, contact Alfresco Support.

  3. (OPTIONAL) Make sure the Docker Compose file uses the following versions of Transform Router, Transform Core AIO T-Engine, and Shared file store:

      mem_limit: 512m
        JAVA_OPTS: " -XX:MinRAMPercentage=50 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80"
        ACTIVEMQ_URL: "nio://activemq:61616"
        CORE_AIO_URL: "http://transform-core-aio:8090"
        FILE_STORE_URL: "http://shared-file-store:8099/alfresco/api/-default-/private/sfs/versions/1/file"
        - "8095:8095"
        - activemq
      image: alfresco/alfresco-transform-core-aio:5.1.0
      mem_limit: 1536m
        JAVA_OPTS: " -XX:MinRAMPercentage=50 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80"
        ACTIVEMQ_URL: "nio://activemq:61616"
        FILE_STORE_URL: "http://shared-file-store:8099/alfresco/api/-default-/private/sfs/versions/1/file"
        - "8090:8090"
        - activemq
      mem_limit: 512m
        JAVA_OPTS: " -XX:MinRAMPercentage=50 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80"
        scheduler.content.age.millis: 86400000
        scheduler.cleanup.interval: 86400000
        - "8099:8099"
        - shared-file-store-volume:/tmp/Alfresco/sfs
  4. Deploy Content Services, including the repository, Share, Postgres database, Search Services, and Transform Service:

     docker-compose up

    This downloads the images, fetches all the dependencies, creates each container, and then starts the system:

     Creating network "docker-compose_default" with the default driver
     Creating docker-compose-digital-workspace-1 ... done
     Creating docker-compose-solr6-1             ... done
     Creating docker-compose-shared-file-store-1 ... done
     Creating docker-compose-sync-service-1      ... done
     Creating docker-compose-alfresco-1          ... done
     Creating docker-compose-control-center-1    ... done
     Creating docker-compose-share-1             ... done
     Creating docker-compose-postgres-1          ... done
     Creating docker-compose-activemq-1          ... done
     Creating docker-compose-proxy-1              ... done
     Creating docker-compose-transform-router-1   ... done
     Creating docker-compose-transform-core-aio-1 ... done
     Attaching to docker-compose-digital-workspace-1, docker-compose-shared-file-store-1, docker-compose-alfresco-1, ...

    As an alternative, you can also start the containers in the background by running docker-compose up -d.

  5. Wait for the logs to show messages:

     docker-compose-alfresco-1 | ... INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] [main] Alfresco license: Creating time limited trial license
     docker-compose-alfresco-1 | ... WARN  [repo.usage.RepoUsageMonitor] [main] The Alfresco Content Services license will expire in 2 days.
     docker-compose-alfresco-1 | ... INFO ... Starting 'Transformers' subsystem, ID: [Transformers, default]
     docker-compose-alfresco-1 | ... INFO ... Startup of 'Transformers' subsystem, ID: [Transformers, default] complete

    If you encounter errors whilst the system is starting up:

    • Stop the session (by using CONTROL+C).
    • Remove the container using --rmi all. This option also removes the images created by docker-compose up, and the images used by any service. You can use this, for example, if any containers fail and you need to remove them.
    • Try allocating more memory resources, as advised in docker-compose.yml. For example, in Docker, change the memory setting in Preferences (or Settings) > Advanced > Memory, to at least 8GB. Make sure you restart Docker and wait for the process to finish before continuing.
    • Go back to step 5 in the initial Docker Compose instructions to start the deployment again.

    Note: You’ll need a machine with at least 13GB of memory to distribute among the Docker containers.

  6. Open your browser and check everything starts up correctly:

    Service Endpoint
    Administration and REST APIs http://localhost:8080/alfresco
    Share http://localhost:8080/share
    Digital Workspace http://localhost:8080/workspace
    Search Services administration (see this page for info on how to login) http://localhost:8083/solr
    Transform Router configuration http://localhost:8095/transform/config
    ActiveMQ Admin Web Console http://localhost:8161/admin
  7. Log in as the admin user. Enter the default administrator password admin.

You can use a number of commands to check that the system started correctly, see below.

See the Alfresco/acs-deployment GitHub project documentation for the prerequisites and detailed setup.

Check system start up

Use this information to verify that the system started correctly, and to clean up the deployment.

  1. Open a new terminal window.

  2. Change directory to the docker-compose folder that you created in the deployment steps.

  3. Verify that all the services started correctly.

    1. List the images and additional details:

       docker-compose images

      You should see a list of the services defined in your docker-compose.yaml file:

       Container                             Repository                                     Tag                        Image Id         Size
       docker-compose-activemq-1             alfresco/alfresco-activemq                     5.18-jre17-rockylinux8   8d025606b35f        686MB
       docker-compose-alfresco-1      23.2.1                   c50a76324708        1.15GB
       docker-compose-control-center-1       8.4.1                    9f7f1ce0ba60        43.2MB
       docker-compose-digital-workspace-1    4.4.1                    bb6bda03b42e        47.5MB
       docker-compose-postgres-1             postgres                                       14.4                     fb7289787ade        355MB
       docker-compose-proxy-1                alfresco/alfresco-acs-nginx                    3.4.2                    f9c4519b7920        23.4MB
       docker-compose-share-1                      23.2.1                   f4063f4d7a62        715MB
       docker-compose-shared-file-store-1    4.1.0                    ac8ce4ddeeb7        567MB
       docker-compose-solr6-1                             be4b827d934a        835MB
       docker-compose-sync-service-1                  4.0.1                    cb8e65443e11        719MB
       docker-compose-transform-core-aio-1   alfresco/alfresco-transform-core-aio           5.1.0                    448b02b47f7d        1.67GB
       docker-compose-transform-router-1     4.1.0                    bcdf3867f26c        598MB

      Note: The Docker images listed above are based on an updated Docker Compose file, using the code snippet from step 3 in the initial Docker Compose instructions.

    2. List the running containers:

       docker-compose ps

      You should see a list of the services defined in the docker-compose.yaml file.

    3. View the log files for each service <service-name>, or container <container-name>:

       docker-compose logs <service-name>
       docker container logs `<container-name>`

      For example, to check the logs for Share, run any of the following commands:

       docker-compose logs share
       docker container logs docker-compose-share-1

      You can add an optional parameter --tail=25 before <container-name> to display the last 25 lines of the logs for the selected container.

       docker container logs --tail=25 docker-compose-share-1

      Check for a success message:

       Successfully retrieved license information from Alfresco.

    Once you’ve tested the services, you can clean up the deployment by stopping the running services.

  4. Stop the session by using CONTROL+C in the same window as the running services:

     ^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
     Stopping docker-compose-transform-core-aio-1 ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-transform-router-1   ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-proxy-1              ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-sync-service-1       ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-shared-file-store-1  ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-postgres-1           ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-activemq-1           ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-control-center-1     ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-share-1              ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-solr6-1              ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-alfresco-1           ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-digital-workspace-1  ... done
  5. Alternatively, you can open a new terminal window, change directory to the docker-compose folder, and run:

     docker-compose down

    This stops the running services, as shown in the previous example, and removes them from memory:

     Stopping docker-compose-transform-core-aio-1 ... done
     Stopping docker-compose-digital-workspace-1  ... done
     Removing docker-compose-transform-core-aio-1 ... done
     Removing docker-compose-digital-workspace-1  ... done
     Removing network docker-compose_default
  6. You can use a few more commands to explore the services when they’re running. Change directory to docker-compose before running these:

    1. Stop all the running containers:

       docker-compose stop
    2. Restart the containers (after using the stop command):

       docker-compose restart
    3. Starts the containers that were started with docker-compose up:

       docker-compose start
    4. Stop all running containers, and remove them and the network:

       docker-compose down [--rmi all]

      The --rmi all option also removes the images created by docker-compose up, and the images used by any service. You can use this, for example, if any containers fail and you need to remove them.

See the Docker documentation for more on getting started with Docker and using Docker.

Install with zip

Use these instructions to install the Transform Service using the distribution zip and connect it to an instance of Alfresco Content Services.

The Transform Service distribution zip file includes all the files required to provide the transformation and metadata extraction capabilities. Ensure that you’ve installed the prerequisites before continuing.

  1. Browse to Hyland Community and download

  2. Extract the zip file into a system directory; for example, <installLocation>/.

    In this directory you’ll see the following content including three runnable JAR files:

    • alfresco-shared-file-store-controller-4.1.x.jar
    • alfresco-transform-core-aio-boot-5.1.x.jar
    • alfresco-transform-router-4.1.x.jar
    • IPTC Content Model
      • Needs to be bootstrapped into Alfresco Content Services for IPTC Metadata extraction to work, unless you are using Alfresco Content Services version 7.1.0+. See Supported platforms for more information.
  3. Start Active MQ.

    For example, run the following command from the ActiveMQ installation directory:

     bin/activemq start

    For more information on installing and configuring ActiveMQ, see Configure ActiveMQ.

    Check the output to ensure that it starts successfully.

    Make a note of the TCP URL, with example format tcp://server:port, where server is the host name of the server where ActiveMQ is installed. This is used in later steps.

    Content Services uses ActiveMQ for message queuing with various products, including the Transform Service.

  4. Start the Shared File Store (SFS) controller:

     java -DfileStorePath="/path/to/your/AlfrescoFileStore" \
          -Dscheduler.contract.path="/path/to/tempdir/scheduler.json" \
          -jar alfresco-shared-file-store-controller-4.1.x.jar

    Check the output to ensure that it starts successfully.

    By default, files are stored in fileStorePath=/tmp/Alfresco. This can be modified using the fileStorePath parameter as shown in the above example.

    The SFS allows components such as the repository, and the Transform Service to share a common place to store and retrieve files, for example, to enable transforms from an input source file to an output target file.

    Note: Adding the scheduler contract path property to SFS startup is only required if running Windows.

  5. Start the all-in-one Transform Core Engine Spring Boot app:

     java -DPDFRENDERER_EXE="<alfresco-pdf-renderer_installation_dir>/alfresco-pdf-renderer" \
          -DLIBREOFFICE_HOME="<libreoffice_installation_dir>" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_ROOT="<imagemagick_installation_dir>" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_DYN="<imagemagick_installation_dir>/lib" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_EXE="<imagemagick_installation_dir>/bin/convert" \
          -DACTIVEMQ_URL="failover:(tcp://<server>:61616)?timeout=3000" \
          -DFILE_STORE_URL="http://<server>:8099/alfresco/api/-default-/private/sfs/versions/1/file" \
          -jar alfresco-transform-core-aio-boot-5.1.x.jar

    Note: LibreOffice, ImageMagick and Alfresco PDF Renderer binaries needs to be installed on the server where the all-in-one core T-Engine is setup. See the Prerequisites for more details. You may need to change the paths depending on your operating system.

    For example:

     java -DPDFRENDERER_EXE="/usr/local/acs74/alfresco-pdf-renderer/alfresco-pdf-renderer" \
          -DLIBREOFFICE_HOME="/usr/local/acs74/libreoffice" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_ROOT="/usr/local/acs74/imagemagick" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_DYN="/usr/local/acs74/imagemagick" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_EXE="/usr/local/acs74/imagemagick/convert" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_CODERS="/usr/local/acs74/imagemagick/modules-Q16HDRI/coders" \
          -DIMAGEMAGICK_CONFIG="/usr/local/acs74/imagemagick/config-Q16HDRI" \
          -DACTIVEMQ_URL="failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?timeout=3000" \
          -DFILE_STORE_URL="http://localhost:8099/alfresco/api/-default-/private/sfs/versions/1/file" \
          -jar /usr/local/acs74/bin/alfresco-transform-core-aio-boot-5.1.0.jar

    Check the output to ensure that it starts successfully.

    The all-in-one core T-Engine combines the five T-Engines (i.e. LibreOffice, ImageMagick, Alfresco PDF Renderer, Tika, and Misc) into one single engine. All functionality that’s available in the five T-Engines is available in the all-in-one core T-Engine. The command-line options provide the paths to the installation locations and the URL of the messaging broker.

  6. Start the Transform Router Spring Boot app:

     java -DCORE_AIO_QUEUE="org.alfresco.transform.engine.aio.acs" \
          -DCORE_AIO_URL="http://localhost:8090" \
          -DACTIVEMQ_URL="failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?timeout=3000" \
          -DFILE_STORE_URL="http://localhost:8099/alfresco/api/-default-/private/sfs/versions/1/file" \
          -jar alfresco-transform-router-4.1.x.jar

    Check the output to ensure that it starts successfully.

    The Transform Router allows simple (single-step) and pipeline (multi-step) transforms that are passed to the Transform Engines. The command-line options provide the router with the required data for T-Engines, queuing, and file-store URL.

  7. Set the following properties in the <TOMCAT_HOME>/shared/classes/ file:

     # ActiveMQ properties:$MQUSER$MQPASS
     # Shared File Store properties:
     # Transform Router properties:
     transform.service.url=http://<Transform Service host>:8095/
     # Transform Core properties:
     localTransform.core-aio.url=http://<Transform Service host>:8090/

    This overrides the default properties provided by Content Services.

    Note: Any changes to require you to restart Alfresco Content Services to apply the updates. See the Content Services documentation Using for more information.

  8. Check that the configuration is set up correctly for your environment.

  9. Restart Alfresco Content Services.

  10. Ensure that the environment is up and running:

    1. Check the logs for Content Services startup.

    2. Monitor ActiveMQ by accessing the Web Console, e.g. http://localhost:8161/admin/.

    3. Temporarily enable TransformDebug in the repository if you want to see detailed debug log entries.

    4. Navigate to Digital Workspace or Share, and upload a file (such as a .jpg, .png, .docx etc.).

    5. Check the logs to see the metadata and work performed for the uploaded file. These should be available in the Spring Boot apps:

      • alfresco-transform-router
      • alfresco-transform-core-aio

Files should also be available in the specified path for the alfresco-shared-file-store. However, these files will only temporarily appear in the Shared File Store until explicitly deleted by the repository and/or expired and cleaned up.

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