
Configure Content Connector for AWS S3

The Content Connector for AWS S3 is configured using properties set in the file.

Default settings

These are the configuration properties that are applied when you install the S3 Connector:

# Default S3 content store subsystem

If you need to override them for your environment, check the available settings in the configuration guides or properties reference.

Basic configuration properties

  1. Open the <classpathRoot>/ file.

    If you plan to use IAM roles instead of AWS access and secret keys, ensure you have configured AWS Identity and Access Management correctly before continuing from step 4.

    If you have existing content in a local contentstore (i.e. where Alfresco Content Services is deployed on-premises) and you’d like to transition to using AWS S3 as the only content store, ensure you include the property described in Configuring S3 Connector on-premises before continuing.

  2. Add the connector.s3.accessKey property, for example:


    The access key is required to identify the AWS account and can be obtained from the AWS Management Console. See AWS Credentials for access details.

  3. Add the connector.s3.secretKey property, for example:


    The secret key is required to identify the AWS account and can be obtained from the AWS Management Console. See AWS Credentials for access details.

  4. Add the connector.s3.bucketName property, for example:


    The bucket name must be unique among all AWS users globally. If the bucket does not already exist, it will be created, but the name must not have already been taken by another user. If the bucket has an error, it will be reported in the alfresco.log file. See S3 bucket restrictions for more information on bucket naming.

  5. Add the connector.s3.bucketRegion property as specified in the AWS service endpoints page.

    The value is taken from the Code column. For example, for Region Name Europe (Frankfurt):


    Note: If you use a region other than the US East (N. Virginia) endpoint (previously named US Standard) to create a bucket, connector.s3.bucketRegion is a mandatory field. Use the AWS service endpoints for guidance on the correct value.

  6. Set the type of content store subsystem, for example:

    This sets the active content store subsystem to S3 only, as opposed to the default subsystem, S3OnPrem, which sets an aggregating content store: S3 and file system.

    Note: This setup is recommended for a new clean installation of Alfresco Content Services and the S3 Connector.

    Optional configuration properties

  7. If you plan to use the AWS KMS service to manage encryption, you’ll need to change the default s3.encryption setting.

    See Configuring AWS Key Management Service for more encryption options.

  8. Set where the cached content is stored, and how much cache size you need.

    The cached content location (and default value) is dir.cachedcontent=${dir.root}/cachedcontent. See CachingContentStore properties for more information on the caching content store.

    Note: The size of the local caching content store can be configured as necessary to limit its use to a maximum overall size or by files with a maximum file size. For example:

    # Maximum disk usage for the cache in MB 
    # Maximum size of files which can be stored in the cache in MB (zero implies no limit) 

    The S3 Connector supports multipart uploads where files larger than 20MB are split. The file upload is attempted and retried, in case there are issues, up to a specific limit.

  9. Set the number of days that Amazon S3 should keep the files which are incomplete or aborted uploads, before marking them for deletion:


    Note: If lifecycle configuration on the bucket is not required, then set the value to 0:


    See Multipart upload overview for more details.

  10. If you want to apply a tag to your content when it’s written into the S3 bucket, you can add the connector.s3.tagName and connector.s3.tagValue properties.

    See Properties reference for more details.

    Note: Use the AWS documentation Object key and metadata for naming guidelines, as the properties must respect the same restrictions as if they were added via the AWS Management Console.

  11. Starting from version 3.1, the S3 Connector has the deleted content store disabled by default, since this feature is already present in Amazon’s S3 service. For details on how to re-enable it, see S3 Connector deleted content store.

  12. Save the file.

    You are now ready to start Alfresco Content Services.

Properties for backwards compatibility

You may need to configure a number of optional properties for the S3 Connector 4.0 to ensure backwards compatibility with S3 Connector 1.x and behavior.

  • dir.contentstore

    The dir.contentstore property provides backwards compatibility with S3 Connector 1.x.

    S3 Connector 1.x

    S3 Connector 1.x doesn’t create S3 object IDs (or paths) that are ideal for high-scale S3 read and write request rates. To help achieve this, dir.contentstore should be ignored except for backwards compatibility reads of existing content stored in Alfresco Content Services.

    When using S3 Connector 1.x the format of the S3 path is:


    When s3.flatRoot=true the s3 path format is:


    S3 Connector 2.0

    Starting from S3 Connector 2.0 dir.contentstore is ignored except for backwards compatibility reads.

    When flatRoot=true the s3 path format is:


    When flatRoot=false the s3 path format is:


    Note: The behavior of existing properties s3.flatRoot and dir.contentstore.deleted is maintained. You can apply the S3 Connector v2.0 to an existing installation where S3 Connector v1.x was previously used without affecting the running of the system. This means existing paths remain as they are, and new paths are generated based on your configuration.

  • s3.useTenantDomainInPath

    Added in S3 Connector v2.0. When the property value is set to true the tenant domain is added to the S3 path. This was the default behavior in S3 Connector v1.x. The change in the default property value is required to achieve an optimal path for high throughput reads and writes where:


    You can apply S3 Connector 2.0 to an existing installation where S3 Connector 1.x was previously used without affect to the running of the system. This means that existing paths remain as they are, and new paths are generated based on your configuration.

    Example 1:

    When s3.useTenantDomainInPath=false and s3.flatRoot=true the s3 path format is:


    Example 2:

    When s3.useTenantDomainInPath=false and s3.flatRoot=false the s3 path format is:


On-premises configuration

Use this information to configure the S3 Connector for an on-premises installation of Alfresco Content Services.

For on-premises customers, AWS S3 is often a more cost effective method to store your content, paying just for what you need and does not require you to budget up front for growth capacity.

The S3 Connector is supported as the default content store for Alfresco Content Services. When installed on-premises, existing content will remain accessible from your existing content store(s), and all new content is written to the S3 content store.

The following diagram shows a simple representation of how an on-premises (on-prem) deployment of Alfresco Content Services using the S3 Connector can interact with AWS S3.


Installation and configuration

You can install and configure Alfresco Content Services and the S3 Connector on-premises using the default configuration. Follow the steps in Installing the S3 Connector, and the basic configuration steps in Configuring the S3 Connector.

Note: If you have existing content in a local content store, and you’d like to take advantage of the features provided by the S3 Connector, add the following property to


As an existing customer using the default Encrypted content store configuration, the environment uses:

  • AES256 encryption for new content
  • Content decryption on reads from the existing on-premises files

Best practice

In order to connect an on-premises instance of Alfresco Content Services to AWS S3, it’s recommended that you use the default credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). This ensures that the secretKey and accessKey aren’t exposed beyond what’s absolutely necessary. Here’s an example credentials file:


Difference between running in AWS and running outside AWS

The following table highlights the capabilities that are supported depending on your deployment scenario.

Deployment IAM KMS
New deployment (on-prem) Supported via AWS API keys only Supported
New deployment (in AWS) Supported via Instance Profile Supported
Existing deployment (on-prem) Supported via AWS API keys only Supported
Existing deployment (in AWS) Supported via Instance Profile Supported

Configuring AWS Storage Classes

Use this information to configure S3 Connector for infrequent access to objects stored in AWS S3.

Objects in AWS S3 can be stored under several storage classes during an object’s lifetime, such as Standard and Standard - Infrequent Access (Standard-IA).

  • Standard

    This is the default storage class for objects uploaded to AWS S3, and should be used for frequently accessed data.

  • Standard-IA

    Content should be changed to Standard-IA, or S3 IA, when it’s less frequently used. For example, this may be useful for archiving or storing old data that is less likely to be accessed, as this may reduce storage costs. See Amazon S3 Storage Classes and Amazon S3 Pricing for more.

The transition of content from S3 to S3 IA is configured through the AWS console. You can change an object’s storage class either manually or by adding a lifecycle policy for an S3 bucket. See Creating a Lifecycle Policy for more.

You can use S3 storage class analysis to fine tune the lifecycle rules according to your storage access patterns, so that the right data is transitioned to Standard-IA storage class. See Amazon S3 Storage Class Analysis for more.

Conditions for changing storage class to Standard-IA

Before transitioning objects to Standard-IA, consider the following limitations:

  • The minimum retention period required before an object can be changed to Standard-IA is 30 days.
  • The minimum object size is 128KB.

Note: When using the S3 Connector, new versions of a document are stored using the Standard storage class by default.

Important: The S3 Connector doesn’t support transitioning to the Glacier storage class.

Here are some example scenarios to help you consider if using storage classes is right for your environment:

  1. Collaboration: On an S3 bucket with frequently used content as part of any current work.
    • Create a lifecycle rule for content older than 365 days to be moved to Standard-IA, as part of the aging process.
  2. Document Archiving: On an S3 bucket with content that’s known to be archival content.
    • Create a lifecycle rule for content older than 30 days to be moved to Standard-IA.

The following diagram shows a simple representation of how Alfresco Content Services and the S3 Connector interact with AWS S3, when using the default Standard storage class and transitioning content to Standard-IA (S3 IA).


Configuring AWS Identity and Access Management

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to securely control access to AWS services and resources for your users. Using IAM, you can create and manage AWS users and groups, and use permissions to allow and deny their access to AWS resources. The S3 Connector uses AWS IAM’s roles to ensure fine-grained control over access to the content stored in the S3 bucket.

In order to use IAM roles, instead of AWS secret and access keys, a new policy must be created that will be used by the IAM role. Policies are used to grant permissions to groups. If there isn’t a policy already in place for S3 access, a new policy must be created.

  1. Create a new policy.

    You’ll need to add the following IAM policy for the S3 Connector to work properly.

    1. Go to the AWS Console and open the IAM console.

    2. Select Policies from the menu and click Create policy.

    3. Switch to the JSON tab to create the policy using JSON syntax.

    4. Copy the following content, and replace the bucket name with your bucket name:

      1. If an S3 bucket already exists, add:

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YourBucket/*"
      2. If no S3 bucket exists, then add the following action:

      3. If lifecycle configuration on the bucket is not required, then see step (8) in Configuring the S3 Connector.

    Follow the steps from the AWS site to Create a New Policy for additional guidance.

  2. Here are additional configuration options that you can apply to the bucket. These IAM policies grant additional permissions to the IAM user.

    To configure and view the encryption of a bucket:


    To enable object tagging support (available from S3 Connector version 3.1):


    To access information from various metrics:


    To access to the bucket lifecycle policy:


    This allows the user to set an Infrequent Access (IA) storage class lifecycle rule on the bucket.

    See the AWS site for more documentation on IAM roles:

  3. Use the policy simulator to test the new IAM policy.

    Follow the steps from the AWS site to Test IAM Policies.

  4. Create a new role. You can attach up to 10 policies to each role.

    Follow the steps from the AWS site to Create IAM Roles.

    If an Amazon EC2 configuration is already in place, the new policy that you created is attached to the existing role used on the EC2 instance. Follow the steps from the AWS site to Manage IAM Roles.

  5. Attach the role to the EC2 instance where Alfresco Content Services is running.

    Note that one single role can be applied to an EC2 instance.

  6. Edit to remove the connector.s3.accessKey and connector.s3.secretKey properties.

    By removing these properties, the IAM role that’s attached to the EC2 instance takes over the responsibility of accessing the S3 bucket.

    You are now ready to start Alfresco Content Services.

Configuring AWS Key Management Service

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your content.

The primary resources in AWS KMS are customer master keys (CMKs). These are either customer-managed or AWS-managed. You can use either type of CMK to protect data encryption keys (or data keys) which are then used to encrypt or decrypt content stored by Alfresco Content Services in AWS S3. CMKs never leave AWS KMS unencrypted, but data keys can.

For more details, see AWS KMS Concepts and How Envelope Encryption Works with Supported AWS Services.

To learn more about how AWS KMS uses cryptography and secures master keys, see the AWS Key Management Service Cryptographic Details whitepaper.

The S3 Connector provides the following encryption options:

Property setting Description
connector.s3.encryption Setting connector.s3.encryption=none means content stored in S3 is unencrypted. Note: Storing your content unencrypted isn’t recommended.
connector.s3.encryption=aes256 The content store is encrypted using AWS managed encryption.
connector.s3.encryption=kms The content store is encrypted using AWS KMS managed encryption.

Note: If the connector.s3.encryption property is missing, then the content store is AES256 encrypted by AWS-managed encryption.

For more information about each of these encryption options, see the Encryption overview.

You can configure AWS KMS by adding the relevant properties to the global properties file.

  1. Edit to set the server-encryption algorithm to KMS:


    If you plan to use the AWS-managed default master key then continue from step 4.

  2. To use a customer master key, either create a new KMS key using the AWS steps, or use a CMK by importing your existing key material.

  3. Edit and set the value of connector.s3.awsKmsKeyId property to the key alias (see example) or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key created.


    You can leave the property empty in order to use the default master key attached to your account.

  4. You are now ready to start Alfresco Content Services.

Encryption overview

Alfresco supports server-side encryption for content stored in AWS S3. There are several encryption types that you can configure to use with S3 Connector. These include AWS Managed Encryption, and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Encryption.

Note: S3 doesn’t work with the Alfresco Content Encryption module. When using the S3 Connector we recommend using AWS KMS.

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Encryption

The AWS name is Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS Managed Keys (SSE-KMS).

SSE-KMS is similar to SSE-S3, but with some additional benefits plus additional charges for using this service. There are separate permissions for the use of an envelope key (that is, a key that protects your data’s encryption key) that provides added protection against unauthorized access to your content in S3. SSE-KMS also provides an audit trail of when your key was used and by whom. You also have the option to create and manage encryption keys yourself, or use a default key that is unique to you, the service you’re using, and the region you’re working in.

For more information, see Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS-Managed Keys (SSE-KMS).

Customer-Provided Key Encryption

The AWS name is Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C). This type of key allows you to protect your data at rest, setting your own encryption keys.

This option isn’t supported by the S3 Connector.

For more information, see Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Encryption Keys (SSE-C).

AWS Managed Encryption

This is the default encryption mechanism for the S3 Connector. The AWS name is S3-Managed Encryption Keys (SSE-S3).

Amazon S3 encrypts each object with a unique key. As an additional safeguard, it encrypts the key itself with a master key that it regularly rotates. Amazon S3 server-side encryption uses one of the strongest block ciphers available, 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), to encrypt data.

For more information, see Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3-Managed Encryption Keys (SSE-S3).


Storing your content unencrypted isn’t recommended.

Multipart upload overview

The S3 Connector supports multipart uploads where files larger than 20MB are split.

The multipart upload enables you to upload large files in parts, and is triggered when you upload a file larger than 20 MB. Amazon S3 stores these parts, but it creates the file from the parts only after you upload all of them and send a successful request to complete the multipart upload. Upon receiving the complete multipart upload request, AWS S3 constructs the file from the uploaded parts and you can then access the file just as you would any other file in your bucket.

Abort incomplete multipart upload

If you don’t send the complete multipart upload request successfully, AWS S3 will not assemble the parts and will not create any file. So the parts remain in S3. As best practice, we recommend you configure a lifecycle rule. See Aborting Incomplete Multipart Uploads Using a Bucket Lifecycle Policy for more details.

We create the bucket and a global lifecycle rule to enforce the abort and deletion of incomplete uploads automatically only if the bucket name configured in the global properties file doesn’t exist in S3. In this case, you can configure the number of days that S3 should keep the files before marking it for deletion. The default setting is 1 day:


When a file reaches the end of its lifetime, S3 queues it for removal and removes it asynchronously. There may be a delay between the expiration date and the date when S3 removes a file.

See AWS Multipart Upload Overview for more details.

Content store subsystems

Starting from version 3.1, the S3 Connector provides out-of-the-box content store repository subsystems. Older versions of the S3 Connector hard-wired the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) content store directly into Alfresco Content Services.

The repository subsystem approach allows a more flexible use of the S3 content store, even in conjunction with existing content stores. A subsystem can be started, stopped, and configured independently, and it has its own isolated Spring application context and configuration. The S3 subsystems belong to the ContentStore category, and have types S3 or S3OnPrem.

See the Alfresco Content Services documentation on Subsystems for more.

S3OnPrem content store subsystem

This defines an aggregating content store with S3 as the primary content store and the file system as the secondary store.

This configuration is similar to what’s used in previous S3 Connector versions (i.e. 2.x - 3.0) and is set as the default content store.

S3 content store subsystem

This defines a pure S3 content store, which uses S3 as the only storage mechanism for Alfresco Content Services.

This content store is recommended for a clean Alfresco Content Services and S3 Connector installation, or an upgrade of an installation that’s never used the file system.

Using an S3 content store subsystem

The default subsystem that’s enabled on installation is S3OnPrem. This ensures that the new AMP version is compatible with a previous installation. You can change the subsystem used by overwriting the global variable, for example:

Important: We don’t recommend switching to a pure S3 content store from S3OnPrem, if binaries have already been saved on the file system.

Customizing the subsystem properties

You can manage subsystems by using a JMX client under MBeans > Alfresco > Configuration > ContentStore > managed. Here, you can change all the properties defined for the subsystem, and restart the subsystem.

Another way to extend a subsystem is to add a *-context.xml and a properties file in the extension path for that subsystem:


For example, the common bean s3ClientConfiguration, used to set AWS SDK client configurations, can be overwritten in a subsystem extension:

<!-- Client configuration options such as proxy settings, user agent string, max retry attempts, etc. -->
    <bean id="s3ClientConfiguration" class="com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration">
        <!-- Sets the retry policy upon failed requests -->
        <property name="retryPolicy" ref="s3RetryPolicy"/>
        <!-- Sets whether throttled retries should be used -->
        <property name="useThrottleRetries" value="true"/>
        <property name="requestTimeout" value="${connector.s3.httpRequestTimeout}"/>

Important: In Alfresco Content Services 7.0 and S3 Connector 4.0, changing the current content store subsystem using the JMX client isn’t supported. There’s a limitation in Alfresco Content Services which only allows switching between the embedded content stores.

See next section about enabling deleted content store.

Enable deleted content store

The deleted content store support in Alfresco Content Services moves the deleted content (e.g. folders and files) to a dedicated location, contentstore.deleted (defined by the dir.s3.contentstore.deleted property). System administrators can schedule a job to delete the binaries from this location.

Deleted content store support provided by the repository vs. managed by S3 capabilities

Starting with version 3.1, the S3 Connector has the deleted content store disabled by default, since this feature is already present in Amazon’s S3 service.

However, you can enable the Alfresco Content Services deleted content store, if required. Just add a context file, such as enable-deleted-content-store-context.xml, in the extension directory:


You can find a sample file in `alfresco-s3-connector-4.0.x.amp’:

  • enable-deleted-content-store-context.xml.sample in config/alfresco/extension

This creates a proxy bean to the deleted content store defined in the subsystem. By doing this, the repository knows about it when the subsystem is started.

<bean id="deletedContentStore" class="">
    <property name="sourceApplicationContextFactory">
        <ref bean="${}" />
    <property name="sourceBeanName">
    <property name="interfaces">

Using multiple buckets

Starting from version 3.1, the S3 Connector contains an S3 multiple buckets sample. If enabled, this adds S3MultipleBuckets as a third alternative for the S3 content store subsystems.

Note: If you intend on configuring multiple buckets using the S3 Connector you will be unable to also use the Glacier Connector because it does not support using multiple buckets.

Review the prerequisites in S3 Connector content store subsystems which introduces the S3 content store subsystems. The out-of-the-box S3 subsystems have two possible types: S3 and S3OnPrem.


The S3 multiple buckets sample is a new content store subsystem that’s based on the StoreSelectorContentStore. The Store selector has two stores (instances of the S3 content store):

  • store1.s3ContentStore as the default
  • store2.s3ContentStore as the second one

The sample files are found in alfresco-s3-connector-4.0.x.amp:

  • s3-multiple-buckets-context.xml.sample in config/alfresco/extension
  • s3-mb-contentstore-context.xml.sample and are in config/alfresco/extension/subsystems/ContentStore/S3MultipleBuckets/S3MultipleBuckets

The s3-multiple-buckets-context.xml.sample file

This file provides a new Spring child Application Context based on the *.xml files and *.properties files in


The s3-mb-contentstore-context.xml.sample file

The subsystem configuration file is split into the following sections to make it easier to extend:

  • Deleted content store
  • Common configuration
  • Stores
  • Store selector
  • Caching content store

Deleted content store

<bean id="deletedContentStore" class="org.alfresco.integrations.connector.DeletedS3ContentStore"
    <property name="contentRoot" value="${dir.s3.contentstore.deleted}" />
    <property name="serviceAdapter" ref="store1.s3Adapter" />
    <property name="nodeService" ref="nodeService" />
    <property name="useContentRootInPath" value="${s3.useContentRootInPath}"/>
    <property name="objNameSuffix" value="${connector.s3.deleted.objectNameSuffix}" />
    <property name="objNamePrefix" value="${connector.s3.deleted.objectNamePrefix}" />
    <property name="storeProtocol" value="${connector.s3.storeProtocol}"/>
    <!-- if true put all files into tenant root folder ! -->
    <property name="flatRoot" value="${s3.flatRoot}" />

Note: If you re-enable the soft deletion provided by the repository, all deleted files will go to /dir.s3.contentstore.deleted from the bucket of the first store (e.g. connector.s3.bucketName).

Common configuration

This configuration is shared by the two stores.

<!-- [Start] Common configuration - could be duplicated for each store if needed -->

<bean id="s3RetryPolicy" class="com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy">
    <constructor-arg ref="s3RetryCondition"/>
        <util:constant static-field="com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY"/>
    <constructor-arg value="${connector.s3.maxErrorRetries}"/>
    <constructor-arg value="false" />

<!-- Client configuration options such as proxy settings, user agent string, max retry attempts, etc. -->
<bean id="s3ClientConfiguration" class="com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration">
    <!-- Sets the retry policy upon failed requests. -->
    <property name="retryPolicy" ref="s3RetryPolicy"/>
    <!-- Sets whether throttled retries should be used -->
    <property name="useThrottleRetries" value="true"/>
    <property name="requestTimeout" value="${connector.s3.httpRequestTimeout}" />

<!-- [End] Common configuration -->

For more information on how to change this, see Advanced customization for S3MultipleBuckets subsystem


<!-- [Start] Store 1 -->

<bean id="store1.s3Adapter" class="org.alfresco.integrations.connector.AmazonS3ServiceAdapter" init-method="init">
    <property name="accessKey" value="${connector.s3.accessKey}" />
    <property name="secretKey" value="${connector.s3.secretKey}" />
    <property name="bucketName" value="${connector.s3.bucketName}" />
    <property name="bucketRegion" value="${connector.s3.bucketRegion}" />
    <property name="encryption" value="${connector.s3.encryption}" />
    <property name="abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays" value="${connector.s3.abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays}" />
    <property name="autoLowerCaseBucketName" value="${s3.autoLowerCaseBucketName}" />
    <property name="awsKmsKeyId" value="${connector.s3.awsKmsKeyId}" />
    <property name="endpoint" value="${connector.s3.endpoint}" />
    <property name="clientConfiguration" ref="s3ClientConfiguration"/>
    <property name="tagName" value="${connector.s3.tagName}" />
    <property name="tagValue" value="${connector.s3.tagValue}" />

<bean id="store1.s3ContentStore" class="org.alfresco.integrations.connector.TenantS3ContentStore" depends-on="store1.s3Adapter">
    <property name="useTenantDomainInPath" value="${s3.useTenantDomainInPath}" />
    <property name="contentRoot" value="${dir.s3.contentstore}" />
    <property name="serviceAdapter" ref="store1.s3Adapter"/>
    <property name="nodeService" ref="nodeService" />
    <property name="defaultRootDir" value="${dir.s3.contentstore}" />

    <!-- Force the contentStore to use the prefix, otherwise the files would end up in the root of bucket -->
    <property name="useContentRootInPath" value="${s3.useContentRootInPath}"/>
    <property name="objNameSuffix" value="${connector.s3.objectNameSuffix}" />
    <property name="objNamePrefix" value="${connector.s3.objectNamePrefix}" />
    <property name="storeProtocol" value="${connector.s3.storeProtocol}"/>
    <!-- if true put all files into tenant root folder ! -->
    <property name="flatRoot" value="${s3.flatRoot}" />

<!-- [End] Store 1 -->

Store selector

<!-- [Start] Store Selector -->

<!-- Override the selector to add in the S3Connector stores -->
<bean id="storeSelectorContentStore" parent="storeSelectorContentStoreBase">
    <property name="defaultStoreName">
    <property name="storesByName">
            <entry key="default">
                <ref bean="store1.s3ContentStore"/>
            <entry key="s3ContentStore2">
                <ref bean="store2.s3ContentStore"/>

<!-- Overwrite the store constraint with a no op constraint for now-->
<bean id="storeSelectorContentStore.constraint" class="org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.constraint.NoOpConstraint" init-method="initialize" >
    <property name="shortName">
    <property name="registry">
        <ref bean="cm:constraintRegistry" />

<!-- [End] Store Selector -->

Caching content store

The caching content store is defined over the content store selector so that we have one cache for all stores and makes the sample easier to extend when adding more stores.

<bean id="cachingContentStore"
<property name="backingStore" ref="storeSelectorContentStore"/>
<property name="cache" ref="contentCache"/>
<property name="cacheOnInbound" value="true"/>
<property name="quota" ref="standardQuotaManager"/>

<bean id="contentStoresToClean" class="java.util.ArrayList" >
            <ref bean="cachingContentStore"/>

This provides the subsystem properties where the S3MultipleBuckets subsystem declares default values for all the properties it requires.

See the Alfresco Content Services documentation on Subsystem properties for more info.

Deleted content store support provided by the repository vs. managed by S3 capabilities

See S3 Connector deleted content store for more info.

Adding a new S3 store to the S3MultipleBuckets subsystem

These steps describe how to add a new S3 store starting from the S3MultipleBuckets subsystem sample.

  1. Locate the file s3-mb-contentstore-context.xml in folder:

  2. Duplicate the Store 2 section, and replace store2. with store3.

    <bean id="store2.s3Adapter" class="org.alfresco.integrations.connector.AmazonS3ServiceAdapter" init-method="init">
        <property name="accessKey" value="${connector.s3.store2.accessKey}" />
        <property name="secretKey" value="${connector.s3.store2.secretKey}" />
        <property name="bucketName" value="${connector.s3.store2.bucketName}" />
        <property name="bucketRegion" value="${connector.s3.store2.bucketRegion}" />
        <property name="encryption" value="${connector.s3.store2.encryption}" />
        <property name="abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays" value="${connector.s3.store2.abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays}" />
        <property name="autoLowerCaseBucketName" value="${s3.store2.autoLowerCaseBucketName}" />
        <property name="awsKmsKeyId" value="${connector.s3.store2.awsKmsKeyId}" />
        <property name="endpoint" value="${connector.s3.store2.endpoint}" />
        <property name="clientConfiguration" ref="s3ClientConfiguration"/>
        <property name="tagName" value="${connector.s3.store2.tagName}" />
        <property name="tagValue" value="${connector.s3.store2.tagValue}" />
    <bean id="store2.s3ContentStore" class="org.alfresco.integrations.connector.TenantS3ContentStore" depends-on="store2.s3Adapter">
        <property name="useTenantDomainInPath" value="${s3.store2.useTenantDomainInPath}" />
        <property name="contentRoot" value="${dir.s3.contentstore}" />
        <property name="serviceAdapter" ref="store2.s3Adapter"/>
        <property name="nodeService" ref="nodeService" />
        <property name="defaultRootDir" value="${dir.s3.contentstore}" />
        <!-- Force the contentStore to use the prefix, otherwise the files would end up in the root of bucket -->
        <property name="useContentRootInPath" value="${s3.store2.useContentRootInPath}"/>
        <property name="objNameSuffix" value="${connector.s3.store2.objectNameSuffix}" />
        <property name="objNamePrefix" value="${connector.s3.store2.objectNamePrefix}" />
        <property name="storeProtocol" value="${connector.s3.store2.storeProtocol}"/>
        <!-- if true put all files into tenant root folder ! -->
        <property name="flatRoot" value="${s3.flatRoot}" />
  3. Add the new store to the Store Selector Content Store.

    For example:

    <entry key="s3ContentStore3">
        <ref bean="store3.s3ContentStore"/>
  4. Locate the file in folder:

  5. Duplicate the Store 2 section, and replace the content as described in the sub-steps below:

    1. Replace connector.s3.store2 with connector.s3.store3.

    2. Replace s3.store2 with s3.store3.

Advanced customization for the S3MultipleBuckets subsystem

These steps describe how to enhance the S3MultipleBuckets subsystem sample by adding specific configuration for each S3 store.

By default, the Common configuration section in s3-mb-contentstore-context.xml defines the client configuration and retry policy shared by all stores. You can duplicate this section in case you need a specific configuration for one of the stores.

  1. Locate the file s3-mb-contentstore-context.xml, for example:

  2. Duplicate the Common configuration section:

    <bean id="s3RetryPolicy" class="com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy">
        <constructor-arg ref="s3RetryCondition"/>
            <util:constant static-field="com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY"/>
        <constructor-arg value="${connector.s3.maxErrorRetries}"/>
        <constructor-arg value="false" />
    <!-- Client configuration options such as proxy settings, user agent string, max retry attempts, etc. -->
    <bean id="s3ClientConfiguration" class="com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration">
        <!-- Sets the retry policy upon failed requests. -->
        <property name="retryPolicy" ref="s3RetryPolicy"/>
        <!-- Sets whether throttled retries should be used -->
        <property name="useThrottleRetries" value="true"/>
        <property name="requestTimeout" value="${connector.s3.store2.httpRequestTimeout}" />
  3. Add a specific store prefix (e.g. store2.) to the bean names and properties.

    For example:

    <bean id="store2.s3RetryPolicy" class="com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy">
        <constructor-arg ref="s3RetryCondition"/>
            <util:constant static-field="com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY"/>
        <constructor-arg value="${connector.s3.store2.maxErrorRetries}"/>
        <constructor-arg value="false" />
    <!-- Client configuration options such as proxy settings, user agent string, max retry attempts, etc. -->
    <bean id="store2.s3ClientConfiguration" class="com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration">
        <!-- Sets the retry policy upon failed requests. -->
        <property name="retryPolicy" ref="store2.s3RetryPolicy"/>
        <!-- Sets whether throttled retries should be used -->
        <property name="useThrottleRetries" value="true"/>
        <property name="requestTimeout" value="${connector.s3.store2.httpRequestTimeout}" />
  4. Update the s3ClientConfiguration in store2.s3Adapter.

    For example:

    <property name="clientConfiguration" ref="store2.s3ClientConfiguration"/>

Properties reference

The S3 Connector provides a number of properties on installation and for customizing your configuration.

This section describes what’s changed in the properties configuration:

  • New properties
  • New properties that supersede older properties
  • Properties deprecated in S3 Connector 3.1

New properties

Here is a list of properties that have been added in S3 Connector 4.0.

  • connector.s3.deletionTagInsteadOfDelete

    Default value: false.

    When set to true, the content won’t be deleted but tagged instead. This property also requires the deletionTagName and deletionTagValue properties to be populated, otherwise an error will appear when an object deletion is performed. This property allows you to tag content that needs to be deleted when there are no delete permissions, so the content can be found and deleted later. It also allows you to define your own custom lifecycle policies based on tags.

  • connector.s3.deletionTagName

    Blank by default.

    This property defines a tag value to apply to the content that needs to be deleted. When the content is tagged it won’t be deleted. This property also requires the deletionTagValue property to be populated and the deletionTagInsteadOfDelete property to be set to true.

    Note: The name of the deletion tag needs to be carefully chosen to ensure it is not used anywhere else. If actual content is tagged with deletionTagName there is a risk that content will be removed in error. Note: Use the AWS documentation Object key and metadata for your naming guidelines because the properties must respect the same restrictions as if they were added via the AWS Management Console.

  • connector.s3.deletionTagValue

    Blank by default.

    This property defines a tag value to apply to the content that needs to be deleted. When the content is tagged it won’t be deleted. This property also requires the deletionTagName property to be populated and the deletionTagInsteadOfDelete property to be set to true.

New properties that supersede older properties

To help align the configuration properties across the Alfresco connectors (in particular between the S3 Connector and the Azure Connector), a number of new properties have been introduced, with the final purpose of replacing their older equivalents in time.

New property Defaults to old property
connector.s3.maxErrorRetries ${s3.maxErrorRetries}
connector.s3.httpRequestTimeout ${s3.httpRequestTimeout}
connector.s3.abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays ${s3.abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays}
connector.s3.bucketName ${s3.bucketName}
connector.s3.bucketRegion ${s3.bucketLocation}
connector.s3.endpoint ${s3.endpoint}
connector.s3.accessKey ${s3.accessKey}
connector.s3.secretKey ${s3.secretKey}
connector.s3.encryption ${s3.encryption}
connector.s3.awsKmsKeyId ${s3.awsKmsKeyId}

Note: The new configuration properties default to the equivalent older properties (i.e. properties without the “connector.*” prefix). This ensures that upgrades of the S3 Connector will not require configuration updates. However, it is recommended that you use the newer properties.

Until now, the S3 Connector would override and use dir.contentstore and dir.contentstore.deleted properties defined in the file in Alfresco Content Services (for fileContentStore and deletedContentStore).

Starting from version 3.1, the S3 Connector provides out-of-the-box content store subsystems. The subsystem approach allows a more flexible use of the S3 content store, even in conjunction with existing content stores.

Important: In this case, we should not override the properties mentioned in the deprecated and superseded sections with S3 specific values. Instead, new properties have been introduced to be used only by the S3 Connector:

  • dir.s3.contentstore - defaults to contentstore

  • dir.s3.contentstore.deleted - defaults to contentstore.deleted

  • dir.s3.contentstore

    Directory name used within the S3 bucket for the contentstore. The default is contentstore.

  • dir.s3.contentstore.deleted

    Directory name used within the S3 bucket for the deleted contentstore. The default is contentstore.deleted.

  • connector.s3.bucketName

    The bucket name must be unique among all AWS users globally. If the bucket does not already exist, it will be created, but the name must not have already been taken by another user. If the bucket has an error, it will be reported in the alfresco.log file.

  • connector.s3.bucketRegion

    The location where the new S3 bucket should be created if it doesn’t exist.

    For a list of available AWS Regions, see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference. The default region is US East (N. Virginia) - i.e. us-east-1.

  • connector.s3.endpoint

    This is blank by default, but it can be used to add a custom endpoint, for example

  • connector.s3.maxErrorRetries

    The maximum number of attempts to retry reads or writes to the S3 bucket in case of failed transfers. The default is 3.

    This configuration uses throttling retries. See Retry Throttling for more details.

  • connector.s3.abortIncompleteMultipartUploadDays

    The minimum number of days that AWS S3 should keep the incomplete multipart upload parts before marking them for deletion. If the value is 0 then the abort is disabled. The default is 1.

    If the bucket (identified by the value of connector.s3.bucketName) doesn’t already exist, then we create the bucket and a global lifecycle rule to enforce the abort and deletion of incomplete uploads after the specified number of days. When an object reaches the end of its lifetime, Amazon S3 queues it for removal and removes it asynchronously.

    Note: There may be a delay between the expiration date and the date on which AWS S3 removes an object.

  • connector.s3.encryption

    Encryption to be applied for content stored in AWS S3. Two options are supported for managing encryption keys: AES256 and KMS. The default value on installation is AES256.

  • connector.s3.awsKmsKeyId

    Indicates the key alias or ARN to be used for KMS encryption.

    For more details see create a key using KMS key material origin or by importing key material in AWS Key Management Service.

    If no value is provided, the default master key attached to your account is used. See Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS-Managed Keys (SSE-KMS).

  • connector.s3.accessKey

    Required to identify the AWS account and can be obtained from the AWS Management Console. See AWS Credentials for access details. This property is not required if you plan to use IAM roles.

  • connector.s3.secretKey

    Required to identify the AWS account and can be obtained from the AWS Management Console. See AWS Credentials for access details. This property is not required if you plan to use IAM roles.

Properties deprecated in S3 Connector 3.1

The following properties were deprecated in S3 Connector 3.1, and should no longer be used as they’ll be removed in a future release.

  • s3.useContentRootInPath

    The default is false. When set to true, Alfresco Content Services won’t start, and you’ll see an error:

      The V1 storage protocol s3:// has been deprecated since version 2.0 of this connector 
      and has been removed. This version no longer supports  s3.useContentRootInPath
      parameter being set to true. If you need to partition the objects in your bucket, we 
      recommend either using tags or the new connector.s3.objectNamePrefix option.

    Check Replicating s3.useContentRootInPath behavior for details of how to replicate the old behavior of the s3.useContentRootInPath option through new configuration properties.

  • s3.useTenantDomainInPath

    Defines whether the tenant name is used in the S3 path. The default is false. When set to either true or false, you’ll see a warning specifying that multi-tenancy is no longer supported:

      Multi-tenancy is no longer supported

    In spite of the warning, the behavior of the S3 Connector hasn’t changed in relation to this property. However, only content store beans of type org.alfresco.integrations.connector.TenantS3ContentStore actually contain logic that can interpret this property. (In the S3 Connector default Spring configuration, there’s currently only one such bean: tenantS3ContentStore).

  • s3.autoLowerCaseBucketName

    The default is false. When set to either true or false, you’ll see a warning:

      The property s3.autoLowerCaseBucketName is no longer supported

    In spite of the warning, the S3 Connector behavior hasn’t changed yet.

  • s3.flatRoot

    Defines whether all content items should be stored in the same single directory in the bucket, otherwise the standard date-based hierarchy is used. The default is true. When set to false, you’ll see a warning:

      The property flatRoot is no longer supported, is highly discouraged, and will be 
      removed with the next release.

    In spite of the warning, the configuration is still evaluated and followed (i.e. no behavior changes yet).

Properties behavior changes

The newly added configuration options and code changes in S3 Connector 3.1 are backwards compatible with older content created or uploaded by older versions of the S3 Connector. Regardless of the old contentURL and S3 object path, the existing content should still be readable by the new S3 Connector.


Deprecated properties and old behavior

s3.useContentRootInPath dir.contentstore Alfresco ContentURL (DB) S3 path
false contentstore s3v2://{uuid}.bin {uuid}.bin
true contentstore s3://{uuid}.bin contentstore/{uuid}.bin

New properties and behavior

connector.s3.objectNamePrefix connector.s3.objectNameSuffix connector.s3.storeProtocol Alfresco ContentURL (DB) S3 path
”” (i.e. blank) ”” (i.e. blank) s3v2 s3v2://{uuid}.bin {uuid}.bin
”” (i.e. blank) .bar s3v2 s3v2://{uuid}.bin {uuid}
foo/ .bar s3v2 s3v2://{uuid}.bin foo/{uuid}
foo/ .bar s3blue s3blue://{uuid}.bin foo/{uuid}

Replicating s3.useContentRootInPath behavior

The default configuration in the new S3 Connector has the connector.s3.objectNamePrefix as blank. This is compatible with old deployments that had s3.useContentRootInPath as false, resulting in no contentroot/prefix directory in the S3 path.

For compatibility with old deployments (where s3.useContentRootInPath was true), the connector.s3.objectNamePrefix property should be configured with the ${dir.s3.contentstore} value. This inherits the value from the dir.s3.contentstore property, and ensures that:

  1. Old content is still readable, as it currently is, without moving/renaming it in S3.
  2. New content is created in the same old dir.s3.contentstore directory as before the S3 upgrade.


Deprecated properties and old behavior

dir.contentstore.deleted Alfresco ContentURL (DB S3 path
contentstore.deleted s3://{uuid}.bin contentstore.deleted/{uuid}.bin

New properties and behavior

connector.s3.deleted.objectNamePrefix connector.s3.deleted.objectNameSuffix connector.s3.storeProtocol Alfresco ContentURL (DB) S3 path
”” (i.e. blank) ”” (i.e. blank) s3v2 s3v2://{uuid}.bin {uuid}.bin
foo/ .bar s3v2 s3v2://{uuid}.bin foo/{uuid}
foo/ .bar s3red s3red://{uuid}.bin foo/{uuid}
contentstore.deleted .bar s3v2 s3v2://{uuid}.bin contentstore.deleted/{uuid}

To ensure backwards compatibility for the DeletedS3ContentStore, the default configuration sets the connector.s3.deleted.objectNamePrefix property value to inherit the ${dir.s3.contentstore.deleted} property value. This matches the default Spring Configuration, which assumes that the content root should always be used in the S3 path for the DeletedS3ContentStore. It also ensures that content created by older S3 Connector versions is still compatible with the current implementation.

Other properties that affect the Content URLs

Currently, the two other properties that can still affect the Alfresco Content URLs and the S3 paths are s3.useTenantDomainInPath and s3.flatRoot.


  • connector.s3.objectNamePrefix=foo/
  • connector.s3.storeProtocol=s3v2

we have the following situations:

s3.useTenantDomainInPath s3.flatRoot Alfresco ContentURL (DB) S3 path
false true s3v2://{uuid}.bin foo/{uuid}
true true s3v2://{tenant}/{uuid}.bin foo/{tenant}/{uuid}
false false s3v2://{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}/{uuid}.bin foo/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}/{uuid}
true false s3v2://{tenant}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}/{uuid}.bin foo/{tenant}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}/{uuid}

The s3.flatRoot property is currently evaluated by all types of S3 Content Stores (including the DeletedS3ContentStore).

The s3.useTenantDomainInPath is only evaluated by instances/beans of type TenantS3ContentStore (S3ContentStore subclass). The S3ContentStore configured in the default S3 Connector Spring configuration is of type TenantS3ContentStore, and supports this property (although the property itself is configured as false by default).

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