Alfresco Search and Insight Engine


In addition to default SOLR Core Admin API actions, Alfresco SOLR provides several actions that can be executed via HTTP requests that specify an action parameter, with additional action specific arguments provided as additional parameters.

The Base URL for every action is:


Note: <action> is the name of the action to be invoked.

By default, responses are expressed in XML but if you add the URL parameter wt=json the response will be in JSON.

Every action response includes a responseHeader with the execution time and the status of the request.

    "responseHeader": {
      "QTime": 1,
      "status": 0

Note: When the status is 0, the request has been executed successfully. You do need to review all additional nodes in the response to check they also executed successfully. When the status isn’t 0, the server logs contain an internal error raised by the request.

Synchronous Actions

The execution of the action is performed as part of the request handling. An action.status value is included in the response that indicates if the action has been performed successfully or not. If the action fails, an additional errorMessage value is included in the response.

Generic success response:

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 1,
    "status": 0
  "action": {
    "status": "success"

Generic error response:

   "responseHeader": {
      "QTime": 1,
      "status": 0
  "action": {
    "errorMessage": "Core alfresco has NOT been created as storeRef param is required",
    "status": "error"

Actions for Cores

The following actions are for SOLR Core operations.

newCore and its alias newindex

To create a new SOLR core.

  • (coreName)

    The name of the core you want to create.

  • (storeRef)

    The name of the SOLR Core store. For example workspace://SpaceStore, archive://SpaceStore.

Optional URL parameters can be added to the URL.

  • shardIds

    A string that includes a list of ShardIds that are separated with a comma.

  • numShards

    The number of shards to be created.

  • template

    The name of the SOLR template used to create the core (rerank, norerank).

  • replicationFactor

    The number of core replicas.

  • nodeInstance

    Number of the node instance.

  • numNodes

    Number of nodes.

newDefaultIndex and its alias newdefaultcore

To create a new core in SOLR with default settings.

  • (coreName)

    The name of the core you want to create.

Optional URL parameters can be added to the URL.

  • storeRef

    The name of the SOLR core store. For example workspace://SpaceStore, archive://SpaceStore.

  • template

    The name of the SOLR template used to create the core (rerank, norerank).

updateCore and its alias updateindex

To reload an existing core in Solr.

  • (coreName)

    The name of the core you want to update.


Enable check flag on a SOLR core or on every SOLR core.


Optional URL parameters can be added to the URL.

  • coreName

    The name of the core you want to create.

Master/Slave differences of the admin endpoints

The table shows the differences of the admin endpoints.

Action Master Slave
check Returns an empty response from Solr (only the response header) without an error message. Same as master.
nodereport* Full node report response is returned. Minimal node report response including a warning message that alerts you about the slave nature of the receiver (i.e. “This response comes from a slave core and it contains minimal information”).
aclreport* Full acl report response is returned. A response with a warning message that will alert you that the action is not available on slave nodes.
txreport Full Tx report response is returned. A response with a warning message that will alert you that the action is not available on slave nodes.
acltxreport* Full response is returned. A response with a warning message that will alert you that the action is not available on slave nodes.
rangecheck Full RangeCheck response (only if the core is using DBID_RANGE routing). A response with a warning message that will alert you that the action is not available on slave nodes.
expand Full Expand response (only if the core is using DBID_RANGE routing). A response with a warning message that will alert you that the action is not available on slave nodes.
report Full core report. A response with a warning message that will alert you that the action is not available on slave nodes.
purge, reindex, retry, index, fix Action correctly executed. No action taken. Empty response returned.
summary* Master/Standalone node summary. Slave node summary (minimal, compared with master).
new core/new index No difference between master and slave. No difference between master and slave.
updatecore/updateindex No difference between master and slave. No difference between master and slave.
updateshared No difference between master and slave. No difference between master and slave.
removecore No difference between master and slave. No difference between master and slave.
newdefaultindex/newdefaultcore No difference between master and slave. No difference between master and slave.
log4j No difference between master and slave. No difference between master and slave.

Note: * If the core or coreName parameter is missing the response will return the report for each registered core.

Actions for Shards

The following actions are for SOLR shard operations.


To get a detailed report including storage and sizing for the shards configured with the Shard_DB_ID_RANGE method.

Note: If SOLR is not using this configuration, the node expand is set to -1 in the response.

  • (coreName)

    The name of the core you want to check.

Sample successful response:

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 1,
    "status": 0
  "action": {
    "status": "success"
  "start": 0,
  "end": 10000,
  "nodeCount": 1000,
  "minDbid": 1,
  "maxDbid": 5000,
  "density": 50,
  "expand": 10000,
  "expanded": false


Use this to expand the range for a shard configured with the DB_ID_RANGE method when more than 75% of your space has been used. The configuration does not persist in the file. If the expansion has not been applied, the node expand is set to -1 in the response.

  • (coreName)

    The name of the core you want to expand.

  • (add)

    The count of the DB ID numbers to be added to the range.

Sample successful response:

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 1,
    "status": 0
  "action": {
    "status": "success"
  "expand": 10000

Actions for Reloading Resources

The following actions are for reloading property files in memory for SOLR Cores.


To update memory loading from the file for each core.



To update memory loading from the file for each core.


Asynchronous Actions

The following actions are performed as part of a maintenance step in Tracker scheduled jobs. The value of action.status is always set to scheduled and the details of the action are logged with INFO level in classes org.alfresco.solr.tracker.MetadataTracker and org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AclTracker.

Sample scheduled Response:

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 1,
    "status": 0
  "action": {
    "status": "scheduled"


Add a nodeid, txid, acltxid, or aclid to be purged from a SOLR core or from every SOLR core on the next maintenance operation performed by MetadataTracker and AclTracker.


The optional URL parameters that can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core to be purged.

  • txid

    The number of the transaction to purge.

  • acltxid

    The number of the ACL transaction to purge.

  • nodeId

    The number of the node to purge.

  • aclid

    The number of the ACL to purge.


Add a nodeid, txid, acltxid, or aclid or SOLR query to be reindexed on a SOLR core or on every SOLR core on the next maintenance operation performed by the MetadataTracker and AclTracker. SOLR documents are removed and then indexed in this section.


The optional URL parameters that can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core to be rendexed.

  • txid

    The number of the transaction to reindex.

  • acltxid

    The number of the ACL transaction to reindex.

  • nodeId

    The number of the node to reindex.

  • aclid

    The number of the ACL to purge.

  • query

    The SOLR query to reindex the results, for example cm:name:A*.


Reindex every node marked as error in a core or in every core. Error mode Ids are included in the response for every core.


The optional URL parameter that can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core to be retried.

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 1,
    "status": 0
  "action": {
    "status": "scheduled",
    "alfresco": [1, 2]


Find transactions and ACLs missing or duplicated in the cores and add them to be reindexed on the next maintenance operation performed by MetadataTracker and AclTracker transactions. ACLs to be reindexed are included in the response.


The optional URL parameters that can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core to be fixed.

Sample scheduled response

    "responseHeader": {
      "QTime": 1,
      "status": 0
  "action": {
    "alfresco": {
      "status": "scheduled",
      "txToReindex": {
        "txInIndexNotInDb": {
          "192": 282  <- Tx 192 is associated to 282 nodes (they will be deleted)
          "827": 99   <- Tx 827 is associated to 99 nodes (they will be deleted)
        "duplicatedTx": {
          "992": 8  <- Tx 992 is associated to 8 nodes (they will be deleted)
          "127": 82   <- Tx 127 is associated to 82 nodes (they will be deleted)
        "missingTx": {
          "888": 84  <- Tx 888 is associated to 84 nodes (they will be added/replaced in the index)
          "929": 12   <- Tx 929 is associated to 12 nodes (they will be added/replaced in the index)
      "aclChangeSetToReindex": {
        // Provides the same subsection as txToReindex,
        // ACLTXID -> ACLs counts instead of TXID -> DBID
    "archive": {

Generic Reports

The following actions return the requested report for a core including nodes, transactions, and ACLs.


Get a detailed report for a specific core or for every core. The API accepts filtering based on commitTime, txid, and acltxid.


Optional URL parameters can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core used to get the report.

  • fromTime

    The time from transaction commit to filtering the report results.

  • toTime

    The time to transaction commit to filtering the report results.

  • fromTx

    From transaction Id to filtering report results.

  • toTx

    To transaction Id time to filter report results.

  • toCalTx

    To ACL tranasction Id to filter transaction Id time to filter report results.

Sample response

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 2834,
    "status": 0
  "report": {
    "alfresco": {
      "Node count with FTSStatus Dirty": 0,
      "Last indexed change set commit time": 1580999915335,
      "Count of acl transactions in the index but not the DB": 0,
      "Index node count": 1783,
      "Last TX id before holes": -1,
      "Index unindexed count": 0,
      "Count of duplicate unindexed docs in the index": 0,
      "Index error count": 0,
      "Count of duplicated acl transactions in the index": 0,
      "Node count with FTSStatus Clean": 495,
      "Count of missing acl transactions from the Index": 0,
      "Last indexed transaction commit date": "2020-02-06T14:38:35",
      "DB transaction count": 557,
      "Last indexed change set commit date": "2020-02-06T14:38:35",
      "Count of missing transactions from the Index": 0,
      "Count of duplicate nodes in the index": 0,
      "Count of duplicated transactions in the index": 0,
      "Index unique acl transaction count": 223,
      "Index transaction count": 555,
      "DB acl transaction count": 225,
      "Last indexed transaction commit time": 1580999915357,
      "Index acl transaction count": 223,
      "Count of transactions in the index but not the DB": 0,
      "Alfresco version": "5.0.0",
      "Last changeset id before holes": -1,
      "Count of duplicate error docs in the index": 0,
      "Node count with FTSStatus New": 0,
      "Index unique transaction count": 555

The report action compares the database with the index and generates an overall status report with the following details:

  • DB transaction count: the transaction count on the database.
  • DB acl transaction count: the ACL transaction count on the database.
  • Count of duplicated transactions in the index: the number of transactions that appear more than once in the index. The value of this property should be zero. If it isn’t zero there is an issue with the index.
  • Count of duplicated acl transactions in the index: the number of ACL transactions that appear more than once in the index. The value of this property should be zero. If it isn’t zero there is an issue with the index.
  • Count of transactions in the index but not the database: the number of transactions in the index but not in the database. This count includes empty transactions that have been purged from the database. The value of this property should be zero. If it isn’t zero there is an issue with the index.
  • Count of acl transactions in the index but not the DB: the number of ACL transactions in the index but not in the database. The value of this property should be zero. If it isn’t zero there is an issue with the index.

    Note: Empty ACL transactions are not purged from the database.

  • Count of missing transactions from the Index: the number of transactions in the database but not in the index. The value of this index should be zero when the index is up-to-date.
  • Count of missing acl transactions from the Index: the number of ACL transactions in the database but not in the index. The value of this property should be zero when the index is up-to-date.
  • Index transaction count: the number of transactions in the index.
  • Index acl transaction count: the number of ACL transactions in the index.
  • Index unique transaction count: the number of unique transactions in the index.
  • Index unique acl transaction count: the number of unique ACL transactions in the index.
  • Index leaf count: the number of docs and folders in the index.
  • Count of duplicate leaves in the index: the number of duplicate docs or folders in the index. The value of this property should be zero. If it isn’t zero there is an issue with the index.
  • Last index commit time: the time stamp for the last transaction added to the index. It also indicates that transactions after this time stamp have not yet been indexed.
  • Last Index commit date: the time stamp set as a date for the last transaction added to the index. It also indicates that transactions after this date have not yet been indexed.
  • Last TX id before holes: indicates that transactions after this ID will be checked again to make sure they have not been missed. This is computed from the index at start up time. By default, it is set an hour after the last commit time found in the index. Solr tracking, by default, goes back an hour from the current time to check that no transactions have been missed.
  • First duplicate: indicates if there are duplicate transactions in the index. It returns the ID of the first duplicate transaction.
  • First duplicate acl tx: indicates if there are duplicate ACL transactions in the index. It returns the ID of the first duplicate ACL transaction.
  • First transaction in the index but not the DB: if the related count is > 0, it returns the ID of the first offender.
  • First acl transaction in the index but not the DB: if the related count is > 0, it returns the ID of the first offender.
  • First transaction missing from the Index: if the related count is > 0, it returns the ID of the first offender.
  • irst acl transaction missing from the Index: if the related count is > 0, it returns the ID of the first offender.
  • First duplicate leaf in the index: if the related count is > 0, it returns the ID of the first offender.


Get a detailed report for a core for every core including information related to handlers and trackers.


Optional URL parameters can be added:

  • detail

    When true provides statistics per tracking thread.

  • hist

    When true provides a histogram of the times taken for tracking operations for each tracking thread.

  • values

    When true adds reports for the last 50 values recorded for each tracking operation for each thread.

    Note: This parameter is boolean and when false returns 0 values for each tracking operation for each thread.

  • reset

    When true resets all tracking statistics.

Sample response

          "Id for last Change Set in index":226,
          "MetadataTracker Active":false,
          "Alfresco Transactions in Index":555,
          "Date for last TX on server":"2020-02-06T14:41:59.950Z",
        "Last Index Change Set Commit Time":1580999915335,
        "Model sync times (ms)":{
        "ContentTracker Active":false,
        "Alfresco Error Nodes in Index":0,
        "Acl index time (ms)":{
        "Alfresco States in Index":2,
        "Doc Transformation time (ms)":{
        "Approx content indexing time remaining":"0.095 Seconds",
        "Approx change sets remaining":1,
        "Approx transactions remaining":2,
        "Last Index TX Commit Date":"2020-02-06T14:38:35.357Z",
        "TX Duration":"P0YT3M24.593S",
            "searcherName":"Searcher@b4ba711[alfresco] main",

6.0):C3268/355:delGen=1) Uninverting(_7(6.6.0):C1)

maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)",
            "Per node B":2689,
            "Node index time (ms)":{
            "Change Set Lag":"204 s",
            "Alfresco Unindexed Nodes":0,
            "Id for last TX in index":885,
            "Approx change set indexing time remaining":"0.005 Seconds",
              "Node count with FTSStatus Dirty":0,
              "Node count with FTSStatus Clean":495,
              "Node count with FTSStatus New":0
            "Date for last Change Set on server":"2020-02-06T14:41:59.890Z",
            "Total Searcher Cache (GB)":0,
            "Timestamp for last TX on server":1581000119950,
            "Last Index TX Commit Time":1580999915357,
            "Timestamp for last Change Set on server":1581000119890,
            "Number of Searchers":1,
            "AclTracker Active":false,
                "searcherName":"Searcher@b4ba711[alfresco] main",
6.0):C3268/355:delGen=1) Uninverting(_7(6.6.0):C1)
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)",
         "ModelTracker Active":false,
         "Alfresco Acl Transactions in Index":223,
         "Last Index Change Set Commit Date":"2020-02-06T14:38:35.335Z",
           "Approx transaction indexing time remaining":"0.047 Seconds",
           "Id for last Change Set on server":227,
           "TX Lag":"204 s",
           "Alfresco Acls in Index":706,
           "Change Set Duration":"P0YT3M24.555S",
           "Id for last TX on server":887,
           "Alfresco Nodes in Index":1783,
           "On disk (GB)":"0.004466"

The summary action provides the status of the tracking index and reports the progress of each tracking thread and generates a report with the following details:

  • Active: the tracker for the core active.
  • Last Index Commit Time: the time stamp for the last transaction that was indexed.
  • Last Index Commit Date: indicates the time stamp as a date for the last transaction that was indexed.

    Note: Changes made after this time are not yet in the index.

  • Lag: the difference in seconds between the last transaction time stamp on the server and the time stamp for the last transaction that was indexed.
  • Duration: the time lag as an XML duration.
  • Approx transactions remaining: the approximate number of transactions to index in order to bring the index up-to-date. It is calculated by using the last transaction ID on the server minus the last transaction ID indexed. It includes all the missing and empty transactions.
  • Approx transaction indexing time remaining: it is based on approx transactions remaining, the average number of nodes per transaction and the average time to index a node (how long the index will take to be up-to-date). The estimate is seconds, minutes, hours and days.
  • Model sync times (ms): summary statistics for the model sync time. It supports additional information with &detail=true, &hist=true and &value=true.
  • Acl index time (ms): summary statistics for ACL index time. It supports additional information with &detail=true, &hist=true and &value=true.
  • Node index time (ms): summary statistics for node index time. It supports additional information with &detail=true, &hist=true and &value=true.
  • Acl tx index time (ms): summary statistics for ACL transaction index time. It supports additional information with &detail=true, &hist=true and &value=true.
  • Tx index time (ms): summary statistics for transaction index time. It specifies the estimated time required to bring the index up-to-date.
  • Docs/Tx: summary statistics for the number of documents per transaction. It supports additional information with &detail=true, &hist=true and &value=true.
  • Doc Transformation time (ms): summary statistics for document transformation time. It supports additional information with &detail=true, &hist=true and &value=true.

Specific Reports

The following actions return the requested report for a node, transaction, and an ACL.


Get a report from a nodeId with the associated txId and the indexing status.

  • (nodeid)

    The Id of the node to get the report.

Optional URL parameters can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core used to get the report.

Sample response.

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 110,
    "status": 0
  "report": {
    "alfresco": {
      "Node DBID": 200,
      "DB TX status": "UPDATED",
      "DB TX": 6,
      "Indexed Node Doc Count": 0
    "archive": {
      "Node DBID": 200,
      "DB TX status": "UPDATED",
      "DB TX": 6,
      "Indexed Node Doc Count": 0


Get a report from an aclId with the count of documents associated with the ACL.

  • (aclid)

    The Id of the ACL to get the report.

Optional URL parameters can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core used to get the report.

Sample response.

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 31,
    "status": 0
  "report": {
    "alfresco": {
      "Acl doc in index": 1,
      "Acl Id": 1
    "archive": {
        "Acl doc in index": 1,
        "Acl Id": 1


Get a report from a txId with detailed information related to the transaction.

  • (txid)

    The Id of the transaction to get the report.

Optional URL parameters can be added:

  • core

    The name of the core used to get the report.

Sample response.

  "responseHeader": {
    "QTime": 162,
  "status": 0
  "report": {"alfresco": {
    "txDbNodeCount": 0,
    "nodes": {},
    "TXID": 1,
    "transaction": {
        "Node count with FTSStatus Dirty": 0,
        "Last indexed change set commit time": 1581004383258,
        "Count of acl transactions in the index but not the DB": 0,
        "Index node count": 1837,
        "Last TX id before holes": -1,
        "Index unindexed count": 0,
        "Count of duplicate unindexed docs in the index": 0,
        "Index error count": 0,
        "Count of duplicated acl transactions in the index": 0,
        "Node count with FTSStatus Clean": 501,
        "Count of missing acl transactions from the Index": 0,
        "Last indexed transaction commit date": "2020-02-06T15:53:03",
        "DB transaction count": 1,
        "Last indexed change set commit date": "2020-02-06T15:53:03",
        "Count of missing transactions from the Index": 0,
        "Count of duplicate nodes in the index": 0,
        "Count of duplicated transactions in the index": 0,
        "Index unique acl transaction count": 235,
        "Index transaction count": 568,
        "DB acl transaction count": 0,
        "Last indexed transaction commit time": 1581004383280,
        "Index acl transaction count": 235,
        "Count of transactions in the index but not the DB": 0,
        "Alfresco version": "5.0.0",
        "Last changeset id before holes": -1,
        "Count of duplicate error docs in the index": 0,
        "Node count with FTSStatus New": 0,
        "Index unique transaction count": 568


Get a report from a aclTxId with detailed information related to nodes indexed for an ACL inside a transaction.

  • acltxid

    The Id of the ACL transaction to get the report.

Optional URL parameters can be added:


The name of the core to get the report.

Sample response.

    "responseHeader": {
      "QTime": 296,
        "status": 0
    "report": {
      "alfresco": {
         "nodes": {
            "ACLID 1": {
                "Acl doc in index": null,
                "Acl Id": 1
            "ACLID 2": {
                "Acl doc in index": null,
                "Acl Id": 2
          "aclTxDbAclCount": 2,
          "TXID": 1,
          "transaction": {
            "Node count with FTSStatus Dirty": 0,
            "Last indexed change set commit time": 1581004503216,
            "Count of acl transactions in the index but not the DB": 0,
            "Index node count": 1846,
            "Last TX id before holes": -1,
            "Index unindexed count": 0,
            "Count of duplicate unindexed docs in the index": 0,
            "Index error count": 0,
            "Count of duplicated acl transactions in the index": 0,
            "Node count with FTSStatus Clean": 502,
            "Count of missing acl transactions from the Index": 0,
            "Last indexed transaction commit date": "2020-02-06T15:55:03",
            "DB transaction count": 0,
            "Last indexed change set commit date": "2020-02-06T15:55:03",
            "Count of missing transactions from the Index": 0,
            "Count of duplicate nodes in the index": 0,
            "Count of duplicated transactions in the index": 0,
            "Index unique acl transaction count": 237,
            "Index transaction count": 571,
            "DB acl transaction count": 1,
            "Last indexed transaction commit time": 1581004503241,
            "Index acl transaction count": 237,
            "Count of transactions in the index but not the DB": 0,
            "Alfresco version": "5.0.0",
            "Last changeset id before holes": -1,
            "Count of duplicate error docs in the index": 0,
            "Node count with FTSStatus New": 0,
            "Index unique transaction count": 571

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