Alfresco Search and Insight Engine


This page lists the configuration properties for a Solr core and the Solr index’s full text search.

Solr core configuration properties

The configuration file is the property configuration file for a Solr core. There’s one file in each core’s configuration directory. Use this information to understand the properties of this file, their description, and the default value.

Property Description
alfresco.aclBatchSize This property is used for batch fetching updates during tracking, for example 10.
alfresco.baseUrl This property configures the base URL to Alfresco Content Services web project, for example /alfresco. If you need to change the baseUrl value, see [Deploy with a different context path]/content-services/6.1/config/repository/#deploy-with-a-different-context-path).
alfresco.batch.count This property indicates the number of updates that should be made to this core before a commit is executed, for example 1000.
alfresco.cascade.tracker.enabled Index fields required for path-based queries. Disabling support for path queries (i.e. setting this to false) can speed up indexing in sharded systems, for example true. NOTE: Updating this property will result in path-based fields not being populated. Consequently it should not be changed after the initial startup of the server.
alfresco.changeSetAclsBatchSize This property is used for batch fetching updates during tracking, for example 100.
alfresco.corePoolSize This property specifies the pool size for multi-threaded tracking. It is used for indexing nodes, for example 3.
alfresco.cron This property specifies the cron expression that instructs Solr how often to track Alfresco Content Services and index new or updated content. The default value indicates that Solr tracks every 15 seconds i.e. 0/15 * * * * ? *.
alfresco.doPermissionChecks This property allows users to see the document name or properties on a search result, for example true.
alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.location This property specifies the CLIENT keystore location reference. If the keystore is file-based, the location can reference any path in the file system of the node where the keystore is located, for example ssl.repo.client.keystore.
alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore. passwordFileLocation This property specifies the location of the file containing the password that is used to access the CLIENT keystore, also the default that is used to store keys within the keystore, for example
alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.provider This property specifies the Java provider that implements the type attribute (for example, JCEKS type). The provider can be left unspecified and the first provider that implements the keystore type specified is used.
alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.type This property specifies the CLIENT keystore type, for example JCEKS.
alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.location This property specifies the CLIENT truststore location reference. If the truststore is file-based, the location can reference any path in the file system of the node where the truststore is located, for example ssl.repo.client.truststore.
alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore. passwordFileLocation This property specifies the location of the file containing the password that is used to access the CLIENT truststore, also the default that is used to store keys within the truststore, for example
alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.provider This property specifies the Java provider that implements the type attribute (for example, JCEKS type). The provider can be left unspecified and the first provider that implements the truststore type specified is used.
alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.type This property specifies the CLIENT truststore type, for example JCEKS.
alfresco.hole.retention Each track will revisit all transactions from the timestamp of the last in the index, less this value, to fill in any transactions that might have been missed, for example 3600000. This property specifies the host name for the instance that Solr should track and index, for example localhost.
alfresco.index.transformContent If this property is set to false, the index tracker will not transform any content and only the metadata will be indexed, for example false.
alfresco.keepAliveTime This property specifies the time (in seconds) to keep non-core idle threads in the pool, for example 120.
alfresco.lag When Solr tracking starts, it aims to get up to date to the current time (in seconds), less this lag, for example 1000.
alfresco.maxHostConnections This property is used for HTTP client configuration, for example 40.
alfresco.maximumPoolSize This property specifies the maximum pool size for multi-threaded tracking, for example -1.
alfresco.maxTotalConnections This property is used for HTTP client configuration, for example 40.
alfresco.metadata.ignore.datatype.0 This property configures the metadata pulling control, for example cm:person.
alfresco.metadata.ignore.datatype.1 This property configures the metadata pulling control, for example app:configurations.
alfresco.metadata.skipDescendantDocsForSpecificTypes This property reduces the overhead caused by reindexing sites, for example false.
alfresco.port This property specifies the HTTP port for the instance that Solr should track and index, for example 8080.
alfresco.port.ssl This property specifies the HTTPS port for the instance that Solr should track and index, for example 8443.
alfresco.secureComms This property instructs Solr if it should talk over HTTP or HTTPS. Set to none if a plain HTTP connection should be used, for example https.
alfresco.socketTimeout This property specifies the amount of time Solr tracker will take to notice if the Alfresco Content Services web app shuts down first, if Alfresco Content Services and Solr are running on the same web application, for example 60000.
alfresco.stores This property specifies the repository store that this core should index, for example workspace://SpacesStore.
alfresco.threadDaemon This property sets whether the threads run as daemon threads or not. If set to false, shut down is blocked else it is left unblocked, for example true.
alfresco.threadPriority This property specifies the priority that all threads must have on the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 has the lowest priority and 10 has the highest priority, for example 5.
alfresco.topTermSpanRewriteLimit Term expansion is used to convert wildcard * matches into a finite disjunction - e.g. “cat*” -> “cat OR category OR catalogue OR … caterpillar”. This property controls the number of terms in this disjunction, which are chosen from the index with preference given to more popular terms. If you increase the value too much you may not have good performance and if you decrease the value too much you may not receive any results. How you are affected by variations in the limit will depend on your installation, for example 1000.
alfresco.transactionDocsBatchSize This property is used for batch fetching updates during tracking, for example 100.
alfresco.version This property specifies the Alfresco Content Services version installed, for example 6.2.
alfresco.workQueueSize This property specifies the maximum number of queued work instances to keep before blocking against further adds, for example -1.
data.dir.root This property specifies the top level directory path for the indexes managed by Solr, for example /alfresco-insight-engine/solrhome This property specifies the directory relative to data.dir.root where the data for this core is stored, for example workspace/SpacesStore
enable.alfresco.tracking This property instructs Solr if it should index Alfresco Content Services content in the associated repository store or not, for example true.
max.field.length This property specifies the maximum number of tokens to include for each field. By default, all tokens are added, for example 2147483647.
solr.authorityCache.autowarmCount This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 0.
solr.authorityCache.initialSize This property configures the caches used in authority filter generation, for example 64.
solr.authorityCache.size This property configures the caches used in authority filter generation, for example 64.
solr.deniedCache.autowarmCount This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 0.
solr.deniedCache.initialSize This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 1024.
solr.deniedCache.size This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 4096.
solr.documentCache.autowarmCount This property configures the number of document objects to pre-populate from the old cache, for example 0.
solr.documentCache.initialSize This property configures the Solr document cache, for example 64.
solr.documentCache.size This property configures the Solr document cache, for example 64.
solr.filterCache.autowarmCount This property configures the number of entries to pre-populate from the old cache, for example 128.
solr.filterCache.initialSize This property specifies the initial capacity (number of entries) of the Solr filter cache. You may want to increase the value if you have many users, groups, and tenants, for example 64.
solr.filterCache.size This property specifies the maximum number of entries in the Solr filter cache. You may want to increase the value if you have many users, groups, and tenants, for example 64.
solr.initial.transaction.range When checking the consistency of the repository and index, the first transaction is compared in both the repository and index repositories. In order to receive that initial transaction from the database a range of between 0-2000 for transaction id should be used. This parameter can be used when the initial transaction id is greater than 2000, for example 0-2000.
solr.maxBooleanClauses This property specifies the number of Boolean clauses in a query. It can affect range or wildcard queries that expand to big Boolean queries, for example 10000.
solr.nodeBatchSize This property configures the batch fetch, for example 10.
solr.ownerCache.autowarmCount This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 0.
solr.ownerCache.initialSize This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 1024.
solr.ownerCache.size This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 4096.
solr.pathCache.autowarmCount This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 128.
solr.pathCache.initialSize This property configures the cache used for PATH query parts, for example 64.
solr.pathCache.size This property configures the cache used for PATH query parts, for example 64.
solr.queryResultCache.autowarmCount This property configures the number of search results to pre-populate from the old cache, for example 0.
solr.queryResultCache.initialSize Increase the value of this property to cache more query results, for example 1024.
solr.queryResultCache.size This property configures the number of query results. Increase the value to cache more query results, for example 1024.
solr.queryResultMaxDocsCached Set this property to a higher value if you expect to page through most results, for example 2000.
solr.queryResultWindowSize This property rounds-up a request number to the nearest multiple of the setting, thereby storing a range or window of documents to be quickly available, for example 200.
solr.readerCache.autowarmCount This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 0.
solr.readerCache.initialSize This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 1024.
solr.readerCache.size This property configures the Solr result cache, for example 4096.
solr.request.content.compress This property when set to true will compress the content that is sent back from the repository during system communication, for example false.

Full text search configuration properties

The Solr index’s full text search properties influence the behavior of Solr indexes.

The main index and deltas all use the same configuration. The data dictionary settings for properties determine how individual properties are indexed.

If you wish to change the default value of a property, add the relevant property to the TOMCAT_HOME>/shared/classes/ file and then make the changes.

Solr index properties

Property Description The host name where the Solr instance is located
solr.port=8080 The port number on which the Solr instance is running
solr.port.ssl=8443 The port number on which the Solr SSL support is running.
solr.solrUser=solr The Solr user name
solr.solrPassword=solr The Solr password
solr.secureComms=https The HTTPS connection
solr.solrConnectTimeout=5000 The Solr connection timeouts in ms
solr.solrPingCronExpression=0 0/5 * * * ? * The cron expression defining how often the Solr Admin client (used by JMX) pings Solr if it goes away

Data dictionary options

The indexing behavior for each property can be set in the content model. By default the index is eventually consistent with the created content and properties are tokenized when indexed. For more information on how to configure indexing for properties in the content model, view the Content Services documentation.

Indexing options

If you want archive or zip files to be unzipped and the files included in the index, set the following property:


The default setting is false.

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