Alfresco Collaboration Connector for Microsoft 365

Install the Microsoft 365 Connector

The Microsoft 365 Connector can be installed using Docker Compose or a distribution zip.


There are a number of software requirements for installing the Microsoft 365 Connector:

Alfresco requirements

  • Alfresco Content Services 6.2.2 or later.
  • Alfresco Digital Workspace 2.0.0 or later.

See the Supported Platforms for more information.

Microsoft 365 requirements

In order to use the Microsoft 365 Connector, you will need a Microsoft 365 Business, Enterprise or Government subscription plan.

Note: Personal subscription plans are not supported.

It is also required to register a single-page application (SPA) in your organizations Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Register a single-page application (SPA)

A single-page application needs to be registered in your Microsoft Azure Active Directory to complete the installation and configuration of the Microsoft 365 Connector.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Azure Portal as an administrator for your organization.

  2. Select the Azure Active Directory service, followed by App registrations from the side menu and choose to create a New Registration.

  3. Enter a display name. This will be the user facing display name for the application and will be visible in each user’s OneDrive under the Apps folder.

    Note: Do not add spaces at the start of the name, otherwise the integration will fail.

  4. Select Accounts in this organizational directory only.

  5. Select Single-page application SPA under the Redirect URI heading and add a redirect URI using your Content Services HTTPS endpoint, for example https://<appservername>.

  6. Click Register.

    Once you have completed these steps your app registration will have an Application (client) ID and a Directory (tenant) ID assigned to it.

    Note: These IDs are required when installing and configuring the Digital Workspace.

    Azure ID screenshot

  7. Select API permissions from the left menu and click Add a permission and then select Microsoft Graph.

  8. Select Delegated permissions and search for Files.ReadWrite.All in the Select permissions search box.

  9. Expand Files and select Files.ReadWrite.All and then click Add permissions.

  10. Select Grant admin consent for <your-app-name>.

Install with zip

The Microsoft 365 connector zip file includes all the files required to install the connector.

  1. Browse to the Hyland Community, download and extract the contents:

    • onedrive-springboot-2.x.x.jar
    • alfresco-ooi-content-model.xml
  2. Start the Microsoft 365 connector spring boot app:

     java -Dalfresco.base-url=https://<my-alfresco-url> -jar onedrive-springboot-2.x.x.jar

    Where the base-url is the base URL of the Content Services installation in the format <protocol><domain><port>. For example,

  3. Log into Alfresco Share as an administrator and place the alfresco-ooi-content-model.xml into the Data Dictionary/Models folder. Click Edit Properties on the file and check the Model Active box.

  4. Expose the Microsoft 365 connector service to your proxy, for example using NGINX:

     location /ooi-service/ {
             proxy_pass http://ooi-service:9095;
             # If using an external proxy / load balancer (for initial redirect if no trailing slash)
             absolute_redirect off;  
  5. Configure the Digital Workspace using its app.config.json file and set the following properties:

    Property Description
    microsoftOnline Required. Enable the Microsoft 365 connector plugin by setting the value to true.
    msonline.msHost Required. The full URL of the Microsoft 365 Connector service, for example https://<app-server-name>/ooi-service/api/-default-/private/office-integration/versions/1/edit-sessions/, where <app-server-name> is the external web address.
    msonline.msClientId Required. The Application (client) ID produced when registering a single-page application in your organization’s Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
    msonline.msAuthority Required. The Directory (tenant) ID produced when registering a single-page application in your organization’s Microsoft Azure Active Directory appended to the Microsoft Online portal address, for example
    msonline.msRedirectUri Required. The URL of the Digital Workspace to redirect to.

    An example of the app.config.json is:

         "plugins": {
             "microsoftOnline": "true"
         "msOnline": {
             "msHost": "https://<appservername>/ooi-service/api/-default-/private/office-integration/versions/1/edit-sessions/",
             "msClientId": "6548946f3-f7a1-588a-9e68-d595b7b4ul99",
             "msAuthority": "",
             "msRedirectUri": "https://<appservername>"
  6. Save the app.config.json and restart all services.

Install using Docker Compose

Installations using Docker Compose should only be used for development and test environments. To run the Microsoft 365 Connector using Docker Compose, you can either utilize the Alfresco Content Services download trial or use an existing installation of Content Services.

Note: To access the Docker images for the Microsoft 365 Connector, access to is required. Alfresco customers can request credentials by logging a ticket with Alfresco Support.

  1. Download the Content Services download trial docker-compose.yml following the initial steps.

  2. Edit the docker-compose.yml to include the settings for the Microsoft 365 Connector image and update the settings for the Digital Workspace to include the environment variables to run the 365 Connector:

         mem_limit: 768m
             JAVA_OPTS: "
               -Xms256m -Xmx512m
             - 9095:9095
         mem_limit: 128m
             BASE_PATH: ./
             APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_OOI_URL: https://<appservername>/ooi-service/api/-default-/private/office-integration/versions/1/edit-sessions/
             APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_CLIENTID: <client-id-guid-from-azure-app-registration>
             APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_REDIRECT: https://<appservername>
    Variable Description
    APP_CONFIG_PLUGIN_MICROSOFT_ONLINE Required. Enable the Microsoft 365 connector plugin by setting the value to 'true'.
    APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_OOI_URL Required. The full URL of the Microsoft 365 Connector service, for example https://<app-server-name>/ooi-service/api/-default-/private/office-integration/versions/1/edit-sessions/, where <app-server-name> is the external web address.
    APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_CLIENTID Required. The Application (client) ID produced when registering a single-page application in your organization’s Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
    APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_AUTHORITY Required. The Directory (tenant) ID produced when registering a single-page application in your organization’s Microsoft Azure Active Directory appended to the Microsoft Online portal address, for example
    APP_CONFIG_MICROSOFT_ONLINE_REDIRECT Required. The URL of the Digital Workspace to redirect to.
  3. Expose the Microsoft 365 Connector service to override the default NGINX proxy configuration in the docker-compose.yml file:


         image: alfresco/alfresco-acs-nginx:3.3.0
         mem_limit: 128m
             - alfresco
             - digital-workspace
             - control-center
             - "8080:8080"
             - digital-workspace
             - alfresco
             - share
             - control-center


         image: nginx:stable-alpine
         mem_limit: 256m
             - alfresco
             - digital-workspace
             - control-center
             - "8080:8080"
             - digital-workspace
             - alfresco
             - share
             - control-center
             - ooi-service
           - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  4. If you want to add an additional location, add the following to your local copy of the nginx.conf:

     location /ooi-service/ {
                 proxy_pass http://ooi-service:9095;
                 # If using an external proxy / load balancer (for initial redirect if no trailing slash)
                 absolute_redirect off;
  5. Make the folder containing the docker-compose.yml your working directory.

  6. Sign into docker login

  7. Run the command docker-compose up to start the Docker containers.

  8. Browse to the Hyland Community, download and extract the contents.

  9. Log into the Digital Workspace as an administrator and place the alfresco-ooi-content-model.xml into the Data Dictionary/Models folder. View the details of the file, select the Edit option and check the Model Active box.

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