Alfresco Content Connector for Salesforce

Configure Salesforce Connector

This page describes how to configure the Salesforce Connector for use with Single Sign On (SSO).

Here, you’ll use the Identity Service with Salesforce and Alfresco Content Services. There are two parts to this configuration - first configure SSO for the Salesforce Connector, and then configure your Salesforce domain to use the Identity Service as SSO.

SSO prerequisites

Before you begin ensure you’ve installed the following - see the Supported platforms page for specific versions:

There are two parts to this configuration: configure SSO between Content Services and the Salesforce Connector and configure SSO for Salesforce

Configure SSO in Alfresco products

To configure Single Sign On (SSO) between Content Services and the Salesforce Connector, you must add your Identity Service URL to JAVA_OPTS, and also configure your X-Frame-Options and Content Security Policy in the Identity Service.

Ensure you have the prerequisites installed and configured first.

  1. Stop Alfresco Content Services.

  2. Set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsfdc.config.trustedOrigins=<Identity Service URL> in:

    For Linux based users: <TOMCAT_HOME>/bin/

    For Microsoft Windows users: <TOMCAT_HOME>/bin/catalina.bat

  3. Navigate to your Identity Service and log in as an Administrator.

  4. Log in to the Administration Console.

  5. Select the Alfresco realm from the drop list on the top left.

  6. Go to Realm Settings > Security Defenses tab.

  7. Add ALLOW-FROM <Your Salesforce URL> to the X-Frame-Options field.

  8. Add frame-src 'self' <Your Salesforce URL> to the Content-Security-Policy field.

    Note: <Your Salesforce URL> can take two different forms:

    • For the Classic view, the URL will take the form
    • For the Lightning view, the URL will take the form

Configure SSO for Salesforce

To configure Single Sign On (SSO) for use with Salesforce you must create a new authentication provider in Salesforce, create a Salesforce domain, configure a Custom Logout URL for Salesforce, and update the Apex Code.

Ensure you have the prerequisites installed and configured first, and have also configured SSO in Alfresco products.

  1. To create an authentication provider, navigate to Salesforce and log in as an Administrator.

  2. Go to Setup Tab > Identity > Auth. Providers and click New.

  3. Select OpenID Connect from the Provider Type drop down list.

    The table represents the fields on the Auth. Provider Edit window.

    Auth. Provider create fields Value/Description
    Provider Type OpenID Connect
    Name Enter a name for the authentication service.
    URL Suffix Automatically filled in based on the name you enter.
    Consumer Key To find this key go to Identity Service > Alfresco Realm > Clients and the client ID you have configured for Alfresco Content Services. The key is usually alfresco.
    Consumer Secret 1. Go to the Identity Service > Alfresco Realm > Realm Settings > Keys Tab.
    2. Click Public key next to the algorithm that has one.
    3. Copy and paste the key.
    Authorize Endpoint URL 1. Go to the Identity Service > Alfresco Realm > Realm Settings.
    2. Click the link in the Endpoints field.
    3. Copy and paste the JSON output into a reader to make it more readable.
    4. Find the value for authorization_endpoint.
    5. Copy and paste the value.

    Note: Keep the JSON file because it will be used to find other URLs for other fields.
    Token Endpoint URL 1. Find the value for token_endpoint in the JSON file.
    2. Copy and paste the value.
    User Info Endpoint URL 1. Find the value for userinfo_endpoint in the JSON file.
    2. Copy and paste the value.
    Token Issuer 1. Find the value for issuer in the JSON file.
    2. Copy and paste the value.
    Default Scopes OpenID email

    Note: See Use the Scope URL Parameter for more on the use of OpenID.
    Send access token in header Selected
    Send client credentials in header Not Selected
    Include Consumer Secret in API Responses Selected
    Custom Error URL Leave Empty
    Custom Logout URL Leave Empty

    Note: The Custom Logout URL will be configured later on in the configuration steps.
    Registration Handler Select an existing Registration Handler for your provider or click Automatically create a registration handler template.

    Note: Creating a template will require modification by your Salesforce team for it to work for your use case and provider.
    Execute Registration As Select an Admin user.
    Portal None
    Icon URL Optional. Enter a URL where an image can be found.
  4. Enter your information in the fields and click Save.

  5. To create your domain go back to Setup Tab > Company Settings > My Domain.

  6. Enter the name of the domain you want to use and click Check Availability.

  7. Click Register Domain if it’s available.

    You will see a notice that tells you the domain is registering. This process may take 60 minutes.

  8. Once the domain is registered you can test it. Use the Login button to log in and test the domain.

  9. Click Deploy to Users to deploy your domain.

  10. Click Edit under the Authentication Configuration heading.

  11. Select the Auth. Provider service you have created under the Authentication Service heading and click Save.

  12. To add your Custom Logout URL copy your domain name as it appears next to Your domain name is.

  13. Go back to Setup Tab > Identity > Auth. Providers and edit the authentication provider you created earlier.

  14. Paste your domain URL into the Custom Logout URL field.

  15. Navigate to the JSON file you used earlier and find the value of end_session_endpoint and also paste it into the Custom Logout URL field.

  16. Add ?redirect_uri= between your domain URL and the end_session_endpoint value and click Save.

    It should take the form of end_session_endpoint?redirect_uri=<Your domain>.

Customize Registration Handler

Configuring the registration handler should be completed by someone with an understanding of Apex, Salesforce SSO, and your identity provider. Below is a sample approach for a simplified implementation using the default template. This should not be used for production as it may not meet your specific needs. We encourage testing to validate that your registration handler is configured correctly. This is not a definitive guide on how to customize the registration handler.

  1. To update the Apex code, in the newly created Auth. Providers window click the link next to Registration Handler to open the Apex classes window.

  2. Click Edit and change the generate Global Class name to something more meaningful to you such as IdentityServiceRegistrationHandler.

    The generated name will be something like AutocreatedRegHandler1624989012775.

  3. Comment out all references to the method canCreateUser(Auth.UserData data).

    If the method references are not commented out, you will not be able to log in through your provider because a new user will not be created. The method is false by default.

  4. In the createUser method, change the value of the string to be the email domain as specified in your identity provider within the section where a standard user object is instantiated. To do this within the Apex code:

    • Find u.username = data.username + '' and add your domain instead.
    • If your providers username is formated as an email address, change the line to be u.username = data.username.

Note: In the example above, a new Salesforce user is created at login through your provider. If you are attempting to match an existing Salesforce user, the same createUser method is called, but the Registration Handlers Apex code should be updated to use some combination of identifiable values from your provider to query Salesforce to find user values to identify, and return an existing user instead of attempting to create a new user.

Note: You can configure the Apex code in lots of different ways to suit your organization. See the Salesforce documentation for more information:

Configure a Salesforce Community

To configure access to Salesforce Community you must add the internal Salesforce users to the GROUP_SALESFORCE_MODERATORS group in Alfresco Content Services. Internal Salesforce users added to this group will be allowed to share content externally to Community Members. Users not added to this group will not be granted access to share content externally.

Note: Support for Salesforce Community is only available when using Alfresco Cloud (PaaS).

  1. Log in to Alfresco Content Services as an administrator and click Admin Tools.

  2. Click Groups under Users and Groups.

  3. Select Show System Groups on the top right.

  4. Click Browse and select GROUP_SALESFORCE_MODERATORS.

  5. Click the Add User icon.

    You are presented with the Add User window.

  6. Search for the administrator user you want to add.

  7. Click the Add button next to the user.

You will see the user you have added will appear in the middle column.

Add trustedOrigin configuration for Salesforce Communities

Add the sfdc.config.trustedOrigins property to allow the connector to be displayed within a Salesforce Community page, for example, This property accepts multiple values, where each value is separated by the pipe character, |, for example,|

  1. Stop Alfresco Content Services.

  2. Set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsfdc.config.trustedOrigins=<Community domain name> in:

    For Linux based users: <TOMCAT_HOME>/bin/

    For Microsoft Windows users: <TOMCAT_HOME>/bin/catalina.bat


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