Alfresco Search and Insight Engine

SQL commands

Below is a list of the supported and unsupported SQL commands available to use when writing queries against your Solr datastore.

Supported SQL commands

Note: If an SQL command is not listed it is not supported.

Select Statements

The basic syntax of the SQL select statement is as follows:

Select DBID, cm_creator as creator, `cm_content.size`  as `size` from alfresco where `cm_content.size` > 1000 order by  `cm_content.size` desc limit 100


The only table that can be specified is the alfresco table. The alfresco table contains the documents and fields that have been indexed within the Alfresco Indexing Server’s main Alfresco index.


Standard fields

Alfresco has a set of standard fields, which can be referred to by name in the SQL field list. The DBID field in the example SELECT statement above is an example of a standard field.


Fields from Content Models

Fields from Alfresco’s out of-the-box content models, as well as fields from custom content models can be referred to using the content model property qname, as in AFTS and the CMIS query language. The cm_creator field in the example SQL statement refers to the creator field in the out-of-the-box cm content model. Fields that have a unique local name over all prefixes do not need to use the prefix.

Note: Use “_” to separate the prefix and the locale name as “:” would have to be escaped.

Escaping Fields

Fields that include reserved words or special characters will need to be escaped using the back tick character. The cm_content.size field in the example SQL statement is an example of back tick escaping. The only non-word character that can be used without escaping is the underscore “_”. We use Apache Calcite which has a list of reserved words that also need to be escaped, see You are most likely to hit reserved keywords picking aliases for fields.

Select Queries

A curated set of fields are returned by default when * is used as the field list. Any field in the curated list of fields can be used in the SQL predicate and order by clause of a select * query.

The curated set of fields that are returned with select * queries include:

  • cm_name
  • cm_created
  • cm_creator
  • cm_modified
  • cm_modifier
  • cm_owner
  • TYPE
  • LID
  • DBID
  • cm_title
  • cm_description
  • cm_content.size
  • cm_content.mimetype
  • cm_content.encoding
  • cm_content.locale
  • cm_lockOwner
  • SITE
  • PATH

If you are using a custom model you can specify the extra fields to appear in a select * query. You must add them to alfresco-insight-engine/solrhome/conf/ and they can take the form of either of the following formats:

Note: The field list is case insensitive.

#Custom Model
solr.sql.alfresco.fieldnames=finance:amount, finance:emp,expense:recorded_at


#Custom Model
solr.sql.alfresco.fieldnames=finance_amount, finance_emp,expense_recorded_at

Select * will also return any fields that appear in the predicates for the query, in the following format:

Note: The predicates are case insensitive.

select * from alfresco where finance_amount > 0 and expense_recorded_at <= 'NOW/DAY'

This query will also return the fields finance_amount and expense_recorded_at in addition to the curated set of fields.

Field Aliases

SQL field aliases are supported in the field list. Field aliases that contain special characters or reserved words need to be escaped with the back tick.

Note: You can’t use the WHERE, ORDER BY or HAVING clauses with field aliases.

To display the Aliases correctly use the following format:

select sum(`cm:content.size`) as StorageUsed from alfresco

If using Apache Zeppelin please note that aliases are only supported for the aggregate fields (count, sum, min, max, avg) and are ignored for non aggregate fields. For example, the following format would not display the field alias in Apache Zeppelin:

select `cm:content.size` as StorageUsed from alfresco


Alfresco’s SQL predicate is designed to take advantage of the rich search capabilities available in the Alfresco Search Services.

Predicates on Text Fields

The basic predicate on a text field performs a phrase search. Below is the syntax of a basic predicate on a text field. It will search for the phrase ‘hello world’ in the cm_content field.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where (cm_content = ‘hello world’)  

To gain full control of the search predicate for a specific field you can wrap the predicate in parenthesis and enter the query using Alfresco full text search syntax. For example to search for (hello OR world) in the cm_content field the following search predicate can be used:

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content = ‘(hello OR world)’

Predicates on String Identifier Fields

Predicates on string identifier fields will perform an exact match on the field. Below is an example of a SQL statement that will perform an exact match on the LID field:

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where LID = ‘value’

Note: Most fields from the content models will perform full text search matches unless the property is defined as tokenised false in the model. This may not be what you expect.

Predicates on Numeric Fields

The predicate on numeric fields can perform =, >=, <= and Alfresco Solr range queries.

Below is an examples using the =, >=, <= range operators.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size = 2000
select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size >= 2000
select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size <= 2000
select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where `cm_content.size` ='[* TO 2000>'

Below are examples of Alfresco Solr range queries:

Selects all cm_content.size below 2000, with inclusive ranges. The square brackets are inclusive ranges.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size ='[* TO 2000]'

Selects all cm_content.size below 2000, with an exclusive top range. < and > are exclusive ranges.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size ='[* TO 2000>'

Selects all cm_content.size above 2000, with inclusive ranges.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size ='[2000 TO *]'

Selects all cm_content.size above 2000, with an exclusive bottom range.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size ='<2000 TO *]'

Selects all cm_content.size above 100 and below 2000, exclusively.

select cm_name, `cm_content.size` from alfresco where cm_content.size ='<100 TO 2000>'

Nested Boolean Predicates

SQL predicates can be combined with Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT and nested with parenthesis.

SITE = ‘MySite’ AND `cm_content.mimetype` = 'text/plain'

SQL IN Operator

The SQL IN operator can be used in the predicate for both numeric and string fields.

SQL NOT IN Operator

The SQL NOT IN operator can be used in the predicate for both numeric and string fields.

Order By

SQL SELECT statements can contain an ORDER BY clause with one or more order by fields. String identifiers and numeric fields can be specific in the ORDER BY clause.

Below is an example of an ORDER BY on a numeric field:

select cm_creator, cm_name, exif_manufacturer, audio_trackNumber from alfresco order by audio_trackNumber asc


SQL SELECT statements can contain a LIMIT clause. If no limit is specified a default limit of 1000 is set.

Note: Caution should be used when increasing the default limit as performance and memory consumption increase as the limit increases.


The basic syntax for SELECT DISTINCT is as follows:

select distinct cm_name from alfresco where cm_content = 'world' order by cm_name asc

SELECT DISTINCT queries can also have multiple fields and multiple order by fields.

Aggregations Without GROUP BY

SQL aggregations without a GROUP BY clause return a single result tuple with the aggregation results. See below for an example:

select count(*) as count, avg(`cm_content.size`) as content_size from alfresco where cm_owner = 'xyz'

Aggregate Result Tuple

If a field alias is specified for an aggregate function then the field alias will appear in the result tuple. If field aliases are not used then the field name for the aggregate functions will appear as follows: EXPR$1, EXPR$2. These values refer to the function expression by the order they appear in the field list, starting from 1. For example the first function that appears in the query will be named EXPR$1 in the result tuples.

Aggregations With GROUP BY

SQL aggregations with a GROUP BY clause are also supported and take the following form:

select `cm_content.mimetype`, count(*) as total_count from alfresco group by `cm_content.mimetype` having count(*) < 4 order by count(*) asc

Aggregate functions

Alfresco SQL supports the following aggregation functions:

  • count(*)
  • sum(numeric_field)
  • avg(numeric_field)
  • min(numeric_field)
  • max(numeric_field)

Aggregation fields

Any numeric field can be used within the aggregations sum, avg, min, and max. As with the basic SELECT statements fields defined by content models can be referenced using the content model prefix. Fields that are reserved words or contain special characters need to be escaped with the back tick character.

Group By Fields

One or more fields can be specified as group by fields. Fields that are designated as facetable in a content model will provide the best aggregation results.

Note: Group by is supported for text fields when the content model has the following setting for the text field.

  • LOV whole or partial match
  • unique match: partial, many

It’s not supported when the text field is either freetext or none.

Aggregate Result Tuples

If a field alias is specified for an aggregate function then the field alias will appear in the result tuple. If field aliases are not used then the field name for the aggregate functions will appear as follows: EXPR$1, EXPR$2. These values refer to the function expression by the order they appear in the query, starting from 1. For example the first function that appears in the query will be named EXPR$1 in the result tuples.

Order By (GROUP BY)

One or more fields may be used in the ORDER BY clause. The ORDER BY can include both fields from the field list and the result of the COUNT function. ORDER BY for other aggregate functions is not yet supported. Field aliases cannot be used in the ORDER BY clause. When referring to an aggregate function in the ORDER BY clause the function call as it appears in the field list should be used.

Note: Order by is supported for text fields when the content model has the following setting for the text field.

  • LOV whole or partial match
  • unique match: partial, many

It’s not supported when the text field is either freetext or none.


The HAVING clause is supported for aggregation functions only. Boolean logic and nested HAVING clauses are supported. The following comparison operations are supported in the HAVING clause: =, >=, <=, !=.

Note: Support is limited for the HAVING clause in Search and Insight Engine 1.1.

Limit (GROUP BY)

A LIMIT clause can be used to limit the number of aggregations results. If no LIMIT clause is provided a default limit of 1000 is applied.

Time Series Aggregations

There is specific support for SQL time series reporting through the use of virtual time dimensions. The following section describes how virtual time dimensions are used.

Virtual Time Dimensions

Search and Insight Engine automatically creates virtual time dimensions for every datetime field stored in the Alfresco Search Service. The three virtual time dimensions supported are: _day, _month, _year. To use the virtual time dimensions append the virtual time dimension to any datetime field and use it in the GROUP BY clause. Below is an example where the _day dimension is appended to the cm_created datetime field. The query creates a daily time series report using the cm_created_day virtual time dimension.

select cm_created_day, count(*) as total from alfresco where cm_created >= 'NOW/DAY' group by cm_created_day

Datetime Predicates

A datetime predicate can be used in the WHERE clause to control the datetime range of the time series report. This is a datetime predicate on the cm_created field. Its important to note that the virtual time dimension field is only used in the field list and GROUP BY clause. The predicate is applied to the non-virtual datetime field in the index. This example uses a date math expression to specify a lower boundary for the time series report and is a datetime predicate on the cm_created field.

where cm_created >= 'NOW/DAY'

Unbounded Time Series Reports

Note: The sections below describe how to set lower and upper boundaries using both fixed date and date math predicates.

If no datetime predicate is supplied, the following default lower and upper boundaries for the different time dimensions are used:


  • lower: current day minus 1 month
  • upper: current full day


  • lower: current month minus 24 months
  • upper: current full month


  • lower: current year minus 5 years
  • upper: current full year

Fixed Datetime Predicates

Fixed datetime predicates are formatted according to a subset of ISO 8601. They require the full precision to be expressed in the statement, see the example below:

select cm_created_day, count(*) from alfresco where cm_created >= '2010-02-01T01:01:01Z' and cm_created <= '2010-02-14T23:59:59Z' group by cm_created_day

Date Math Predicates

Search and Insight Engine also supports a rich set of date math expressions. The example below uses a time series aggregation using date math predicates. The NOW clause signifies the current point in time with milli-second precision. The NOW/MONTH clause rounds the current point in time down to the current MONTH, i.e. The -6MONTHS subtracts 6 months from the current month. See the Solr date math guide for more details on date math syntax.

select cm_created_month, count(*) from alfresco where cm_created >= 'NOW/MONTH-6MONTHS' and cm_created <= 'NOW' group by cm_created_month

Autofilled Date/Time Ranges

Time series aggregation queries return an aggregation value for all date/time values that fall within the range. Date/time values that do not have data present within the range still appear in the result set with aggregation values of 0.

Single Dimension Group By

Time series aggregations that group by virtual time dimensions are currently limited to using a single group by field.

Order By (Datetime)

By default time series aggregation results are sorted in datetime ascending order. An order by clause can be used to change the direction of the datetime sort or sort by the result of the COUNT function. ORDER BY for other aggregate functions is not yet supported.

Having (Datetime)

A HAVING clause can be used to filter time series aggregations results.

Unsupported SQL commands

Search and Insight Engine supports a subset of SQL. Below is a list of commonly used SQL commands that are not currently supported:


  • Count (Field)
  • DBID Range Queries
  • HAVING : Can only be applied to aggregate functions.
  • IS NULL To exclude not null values use: <where fieldName != '*'> e.g. <where cm_modified != ‘*’>
  • IS NOT NULL : To exclude null values use: <where fieldName = '*'> for non numeric fields. e.g. <where cm_modified = ‘*’>
  • JOIN
  • LIKE
  • Multivalued fields
  • String, Math Operators

Search using conjunctions

Single terms, phrases, and so on can be combined using “AND” in upper, lower, or mixed case.

big AND yellow AND banana
TEXT:big and TEXT:yellow and TEXT:banana

These queries search for nodes that contain the terms “big”, “yellow”, and “banana” in any content.

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