
Configure Sync Service

Use this information to configure Sync Service.

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Required properties

The out-of-the-box Sync Service provides an SSL key but it’s recommended that you use your own SSL key.

To configure the Sync Service, update the server.applicationConnectors.http.keyStore* properties in the sync/service-sync/config.yml file.

The following table lists the Sync Service properties:

Property Description
repo.scheme Required. Specifies the repository URL scheme. The default value is http.
repo.hostname Required. Specifies the repository hostname. The default value is localhost. Required. Specifies the ActiveMQ broker hostname. Required. Specifies the ActiveMQ broker port.
sql.db.url Required. Specifies the sync database URL.
sql.db.username Required. Specifies the sync database username.
sql.db.password Required. Specifies the sync database password.

Optional properties

You can modify the installation, depending on your requirements, using the following optional properties in the <installLocation>/service-sync/config.yml file:

Property Description Specifies the maximum size of the event consumer thread pool. Increase this to provide more threads for event consumption. Specifies the initial size of the event consumer thread pool. Depending on the load it will increase up to maxConsumers. Specifies the event lag the synchronization service events health check will tolerate before displaying a warning (default is 5000ms).
sync.authentication.basicAuthUrl Specifies the standard repository authentication URL that the synchronization service uses to authenticate sync requests.
sync.authentication.cache.expiryMs Specifies the expiry time (in ms) of the synchronization service authentication cache. Setting this higher than the default client polling time (5 minutes) should ensure that sync requests do not need to re-authenticate with the repository very often, at the cost of more memory use.
sync.cleanup.keepPeriod Specifies the length of time events are retained before being deleted (default is 28 days). Specifies a cron expression used by Quartz to trigger the jobs that delete old node events, namely events that are older than a configured number of days/hours/minutes (see property The default value is 0 0 * ? * * (every hour). For more information about the cron expression, see the CronTrigger tutorial. Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for event cleanup. Specifies the batch size for event cleanup. Specifies the maximum number of events that will be deleted once the cleaning job is triggered.
sync.cleanup.authEvents.schedulerExpression Specifies a cron expression used by Quartz to trigger the jobs that delete old authority events. These are events that don’t apply to a specific node, such as events generated when a group is deleted. The default value is 0 0 */4 ? * *(every 4 hours).
sync.cleanup.txns.schedulerExpression Specifies a cron expression used by Quartz to trigger the jobs that delete old transaction entries. The default value is 0 0 0-7 ? * * (every hour between 00:00 and 7:00).
logging.level Specifies the synchronization service logging level. Specifies the maximum number of redelivery attempts allowed to be performed by Apache Camel before the message is exhausted and is moved to the dead letter queue. 0 disables redelivery, and -1 attempts redelivery forever until it succeeds. Note: This is an Apache Camel redelivery attempt, not ActiveMQ. ActiveMQ will try to redeliver the message based on the jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries property which is appended to the For example, if the Sync Service is terminated in the middle of a repository transaction, the Apache Camel redelivery configuration will have no effect. Also, Apache Camel will not redeliver the message if an exception of type DoNotRetryException occurs. Specifies the ActiveMQ connector URL. Set the value to specify your ActiveMQ location, and connection protocol. Optionally, you can override the default ActiveMQ options, such as maximumRedeliveries (default value is 6).
sync.metrics.reporter.graphite.address IP/hostname of the Graphite server where the Sync Service metrics will be sent
sync.metrics.reporter.graphite.enabled Sets whether sending metrics to Graphite is enabled or not.
sync.metrics.reporter.graphite.pollingInterval The amount of time between polls (in seconds). After every <pollingInterval> Graphite will receive a new batch of metrics from the Sync Service.
sync.metrics.reporter.graphite.prefix Prefix used to prepend Sync Service metrics with.
sync.metrics.reporter.graphite.port Port of the Carbon receiver. Carbon is one of the components of Graphite, and is responsible for receiving metrics over the network and writing them to disk using a storage backend.

Overriding ActiveMQ default properties via

Example: jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries

This property specifies the maximum number of times a message will be redelivered by ActiveMQ before it is considered a poisoned pill and returned to the broker, so it can go to a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).

  • 0 is used to disable redelivery
  • -1 is used for unlimited redeliveries

The property can be appended to It’s recommended that you set it to the value, so that when the Sync Service is terminated in the middle of a repository transaction, the message goes back to the broker queue rather than the dead letter queue. By doing this, when the Sync Service comes back online, the broker sends the message again.

For example:


Note: This redelivery is performed by ActiveMQ, not Apache Camel (i.e To put this into perspective, consider a scenario where a message can’t be acknowledged because of a DB exception. First, Apache Camel attempts to redeliver the message up to the maximum configured value. If it doesn’t succeed, the message goes back to the broker, and Apache Camel resets its redelivery counter. Then, the broker attempts to redeliver the message based on its configured value (jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries), if each time the message is sent and not acknowledged; Apache Camel again attempts to redeliver up to the maximum configured value. After all the redelivery attempts performed by Camel and ActiveMQ, the message is sent to the Dead Letter Queue.

SAML configuration

Alfresco Desktop Sync users can authenticate through a SAML identity provider.

The following prerequisites are required:

  • Alfresco Content Services 6.2 or later
  • Identity Service 1.1 or later
  • Alfresco Desktop Sync for Mac or Windows 1.4 or later

Alfresco Sync Service 3.3 supplies the default configuration set in the file directly to the Desktop Sync clients as users start the initial login.

See Setting up Desktop Sync (Windows) and Setting up Desktop Sync (Mac) for further details.

The Identity Service may be configured with multiple applications. If an application is created for Alfresco Desktop Sync, then specific configuration properties must be included in the sync/service-sync/config.yml file.

Property Description
identity-service.auth-server-url The base URL of the Identity Service. Example setting:
identity-service.realm The realm name configured in the Identity Service for Alfresco applications. Example setting: alfresco
identity-service.resource The OAuth2 Client ID set up in the Identity Service for Alfresco Desktop Sync. Each application has a Client ID that’s used to identify the application. The client needs to exist underneath the realm set for identity-service.realm. Example setting: desktop-sync
identity-service.credentials.secret  The secret key for this client if the access type isn’t set to public.

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