
Configure Governance Services

Use the information on this page to configure Governance Services.

Alfresco global properties settings

Use this information to understand the properties related to the Governance Services.

Properties for the Governance Services are listed in the <configRoot>/classes/alfresco/module/org_alfresco_module_rm/ file.

For example:

rm.dispositionlifecycletrigger.cronexpression=0 0/5 * * * ?

Note: These settings supplement any settings in the <classpathRoot>/ file. If a property appears in both files, the Governance Services property overrides the <classpathRoot>/ value.

Any property that is false by default, is not shown in the file.

A full listing of the properties and their values is shown in this table:

Setting Meaning
audit.enabled Enable/disable auditing. Default is true.
audit.rm.enabled Enable/disable Governance Services auditing. Default is true.
audit.rm.runas Set the user that the audit log runs under. Default is system. Alfresco doesn’t audit events triggered by the system; for example, cron jobs. Set this value to admin for these jobs if you want them to be captured in the audit log.

Alternatively, create a user, provide the correct permissions and configure the jobs to run as that user.
audit.rm.viewLog.maxSize=100 The log can be viewed from Share or directly via the Audit log web script. By default the log does not exceed 100 entries. If the maximum size of the log is not configured in the alfresco-global-properties file then it will default to 100. If you include the size parameter in the request it will only be applied if it is less than or equal to the maximum size allowed, or it will be ignored.
cache.writersSharedCache.cluster.type Extended permission service cache: type of cluster used. Default is fully-distributed.
cache.writersSharedCache.maxItems Extended permission service cache: maximum number of items (node references) that are stored in the writer caches. Default is 10000.
imap.server.attachments.extraction.enabled Enable/disable IMAP server attachments. Default is false. Auto-complete suggestions: maximum number of date suggestions to provide. Default is 5.
rm.autocompletesuggestion.maxsuggestions.node Auto-complete suggestions: maximum number of node suggestions to provide. Default is 5.
rm.autocompletesuggestion.maxsuggestions.path Auto-complete suggestions: maximum number of path suggestions to provide. Default is 5.
rm.autocompletesuggestion.minfragmentsize Auto-complete suggestions: Minimum size of fragment to trigger a search. Default is 2.
rm.autocompletesuggestion.nodeParameterSuggester.aspectsAndTypes Auto-complete suggestions: Comma-separated list of types and aspects used by the node parameter autocomplete suggester. Default is rma:record,cm:content.
rm.completerecord.mandatorypropertiescheck.enabled This setting is used to ensure completion of records. When it is set to true, Governance Services will only complete a record if all the mandatory properties have a value. When it is set to false you can complete a record with mandatory properties missing.

Note: This setting should be set to false when using Governance Services with Outlook Integration.
rm.content.cleaner This setting is used in conjunction with rm.content.cleansing.enabled=true. Default is contentCleanser.522022M.

When content is sent for deletion, it is cleansed using the default 5220.22-M algorithm. The content is then destroyed, and the node is deleted (if ghosting is not enabled).

If you add a custom content cleaner bean, this can be specified using this property.
rm.content.cleansing.enabled Set whether content can be deleted immediately (data cleansing). This applies to deleted (destroyed) classified records and classified documents.

The default setting of false allows deleted (destroyed) files to be restored (from the Trashcan if they are documents, or by using a recovery tool, if they are records).

This approach is only effective for installations with a single magnetic disk. In other situations, such as RAID or SSD, hardware techniques or process ensure that the content is non-recoverable.
rm.dispositionlifecycletrigger.cronexpression Disposition lifecycle trigger cron job expression. Default is 0 0/5 * * * ?.
rm.ghosting.enabled Enable/disable ghosting of records, when a record is deleted. Default is true.
rm.notification.role Specify which role receives notifications; for example, when notifications when vital records are due for review. Default is RecordsManager.

A background job executes by default every 15 minutes to search for vital records that are due for review, and sends a notification. The template for the email notification is editable, and is stored in the Governance Services section of the Data Dictionary. Set which groups can perform Governance Services actions; for example, Declare as Record. Default is false.

If this is set to true, only members of the RECORD_CONTRIBUTORS group can perform these actions.
rm.rule.runasadmin Require admin rights/ normal rights to run rules. Default is true. Set whether a version is automatically created when the type of a document is changed. Default is false.

Customizing the end of the financial year

You can set the end date of the financial year and the end of the financial quarter.

Important: If you make adjustments to your financial year as per the instructions below, it is important you carry out the same procedure on your new installation every time you upgrade to a new version of Governance Services.

  1. Navigate to the <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/alfresco-repository-xxx.jar file in your installation.

  2. Copy the alfresco-repository-xxx.jar to <temp-dir>/ and extract the contents

  3. From the extracted ZIP file copy alfresco/period-type-context.xml to <TOMCAT_HOME>/shared/classes/alfresco/extension.

  4. Rename the file to custom-period-type-context.xml.

  5. Change all the value properties to suit the dates of your financial year.

    For example, the following would customize your system to start the financial year in October.

     <bean id="" class="org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.types.period.EndOfFinancialMonth" >
        <property name="startDayOfMonth">
        <property name="startMonth">
     <bean id="" class="org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.types.period.EndOfFinancialQuarter" >
        <property name="startDayOfMonth">
        <property name="startMonth">
     <bean id="" class="org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.types.period.EndOfFinancialYear" >
        <property name="startDayOfMonth">
        <property name="startMonth">
  6. Restart the server.

  7. (Optional) If you change your financial periods this does not update any previously set calculated schedules and you will need to edit all retention schedules to ensure the new period start date is used. See Editing a retention schedule.

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