
Process Services ReST API

Process Services comes with a ReST API. The ReST API exposes the generic Process Engine operations. It also includes a dedicated set of ReST API endpoints for features specific to Process Services.

Important: An internal ReST API also exists that is used as ReST endpoints by the JavaScript user interface. Do NOT use this API as the ReST API URLs might modify the product to use unsupported features. In addition, the internal ReST API uses a different authentication mechanism tailored towards web browser use.

Enabling CORS

Solutions that use Process Services REST APIs may be in a different domain or port. This is known as Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

By default, CORS is not allowed to provide a high level of security. This can be alleviated by using web proxies which consolidate different domains and ports or by enabling CORS in Process Services configuration. For more information, see Configuring CORS.

ReST API Authorization

The REST API uses authorization rules to determine a user’s access control for a process instance or task.

You can use any of the following methods for REST API user authentication:

If you are using basic authentication, you must set all requests with the Authorization header.

If you are using OAuth 2 to authenticate users for SSO, see OAuth 2 SSO for more information.

If you choose to use Impersonation, you can impersonate a user with an Admin account to authenticate and set a different user for authorization. To enable this, add the activiti-user and activiti-user-value-type request headers to the REST API. Where, activiti-user should be set to the required user account identifier and activiti-user-value-type to the user account identifier type. The header activiti-user-value-type can be one of the following values:

  • userIdType: User’s database ID
  • userEmailType: User’s Email address
  • userExternalIdType: User’s ID in an external authentication service such as LDAP or Active Directory

For example, in the external-form-example Web application, an Admin account is used for authentication and a different user account to implement authorization.

Note: You must have an Admin role to be able to add the above request headers. In addition, the users should have already been added to Process Services manually, or by synchronization with LDAP or Active Directory.

OAuth 2 SSO overview

The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables an application to access protected resources on behalf of a user without storing a password.

OAuth 2.0 defines four roles:

  • Resource owner: Specifies the user who authorizes an application to access their account or protected resources (REST APIs).
  • Resource server: Specifies the server hosting the protected resources (REST APIs). In this case, it is Process Services.
  • Client: Specifies your build application that makes protected resource (REST APIs) requests on behalf of the resource owner. Before it may do so, it must be authorized by the resource owner.
  • Authorization server: Specifies the server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating against Ping Identity, Azure Identity Services, or Site Minder.

OAuth 2 SSO support in Process Services introduces a new set of components that allow developers to leverage the Alfresco REST APIs using OAuth 2 authorization.


The addition of OAuth 2 in Process Services is the first step towards a single standards-authorization and identity services across the Alfresco Digital Business Platform. Using OAuth you can have:

  • a standard-based authorization infrastructure to integrate applications and solutions using Process Services REST APIs with other enterprise applications which use OAuth.

  • configurable integration with OAuth authorization servers that can issue OAuth 2 tokens, such as Ping Identity, Azure Identity Services, or Site Minder, with support for custom and JWT tokens.
  • a unified OAuth 2 stack to facilitate OAuth 2 SSO for ADF and other applications across both Process Services and Alfresco Content Services.

OAuth 2 SSO features

Use this information to understand the features of OAuth 2 SSO for Process Services.

OAuth 2 introduces the following new features:

  • A built-in OAuth 2 client delivered as a part of the Process Services. The client can request and handle OAuth 2 tokens from the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Servers.
  • The Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization Server - a fully functioning lightweight micro service that simplifies development, testing, and deployment of REST based applications using OAuth 2 for authorization.
  • A special OAuth 2 gateway to Alfresco Content Services that allows use of OAuth 2 authorization to Alfresco Content Services.

Note: OAuth 2 SSO does not eliminate the issues of different identity systems and requires user synchronization with the Process Services user database.

Installing OAuth 2 SSO for Process Services

Use this information to install OAuth 2 SSO for Process Services.

Installing OAuth 2 module:

The OAuth 2 module is an integrated library of the Process Services. It Is automatically installed as part of the activiti-app web application.

Installing Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server

The Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server is available as a java web archive (WAR) available to Process Services via Alfresco’s maven repository.

Configuring OAuth 2 for the Process Services

To configure OAuth 2, you need to register your application with an OAuth 2 Authorization server and then configure the OAuth 2 client using the file.

Registering with an OAuth 2 Authorization server

When using an OAuth 2 server, you need to register your application with the authorization server.

This will vary from server to server but the server will invariably provide:

  • a client Id to identify your application. This is often a part of the URLs provided by the server.
  • the client secret that must be kept secret.
  • an authorization URL to use in your application.

All these components are used in configuring the OAuth 2 client. For more information, see Configuring the OAuth 2 client below.

You may use an OAuth 2 Authorization server of your choice but for applications involving Alfresco Content Services, it is recommended that you use the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server. To know more about installing and configuring the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server, see Configuring the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server.

Note that OAuth 2 is an authorization system and not an identity management system. Although it eliminates the need for custom applications to login via the REST API, it still requires all users to have a profile in Process Services with a user name that matches the user name of the OAuth 2 Authorization server. However, there is no need for the passwords to match. Passwords are only useful if you want to allow users to log in to the standard Alfresco Content Services application.

You can use LDAP sync or the Alfresco Content Services Security Extensions to have a single identity service for both the Alfresco Content Services profiles and the OAuth 2 Authorization server.

Configuring the OAuth 2 client

To use the OAuth 2 client from your REST applications, you first need to configure it using the information obtained by the OAuth 2 authorization server.

To configure the OAuth 2 client, add the following properties to the file:

Property Description
security.oauth2.authentication.enabled Enables or disables the OAuth 2 client. To enable the OAuth 2 client, set this property to true. To disable it, set this property to false.
security.oauth2.client.clientId Specifies the credentials used by the Process Services OAuth 2 client to communicate with the OAuth 2 Authorization server.
security.oauth2.client.clientSecret Specifies the credentials used by the Process Services OAuth 2 client to communicate with the OAuth 2 Authorization server.
security.oauth2.client.checkToken Configures the OAuth 2 Authorization to be used. It contains the authorization URL obtained from the Authorization server.
security.oauth2.basicAuth.enabled Enables or disables basic authentication when OAuth 2 is configured. The default value is false.

Using the OAuth 2 module

After successfully configuring the Process Services OAuth 2 module, you can develop, test, and deploy the applications using the Process Services REST APIs and OAuth 2.

As a developer, you can integrate the OAuth 2 flow, which starts with getting the authorization token. For browser, mobile, and other UI-based applications, this will usually be done using a login UI interface provided by the service to the user. For communication purpose, the server-side applications will use the client secret.

OAuth 2 caters for four authorization scenarios called grant types. These are:

  • Authorization Code for applications running on a web server, browser, or mobile app.
  • Password for logging in with a user name and password.
  • Client credentials for application access by confidential clients.
  • Implicit that has been superseded by the Authorization Code scenario with a no secret code.

As a developer, you can choose the scenario that best suits your use case and the specific problem you are trying to solve. This will be a direct call between your code and the authorization server.

After obtaining the token, you integrate it and use it as a part of calling the Process Services REST APIs. This is done by adding the token as an Authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer <token>

For example, to call the rest API for the app-version, either use:

GET /activiti-app/api/enterprise/app-version HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearerd1c7dc0b-b1e1-4039-923e-55199473bd5b

or use:

$  curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer d1c7dc0b-b1e1-4039-923e-55199473bd5b"

When a REST request is made using the OAuth 2 header, Process Services acts as the Resource Server of the OAuth 2 specification. Using the OAuth 2 module Process Services attempts to validate the token against the OAuth 2 Authorization server. This is done using the URL specified in the security.oauth2.client.checkToken property of the file.

Here’s an example of the HTTP call made by Process Services OAuth 2 module to validate the token:

POST /introspect HTTP/1.1
Host: ${security.oauth2.client.checkToken}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW <- base 64 encoding ${security.oauth2.client.clientId}:${security.oauth2.client.clientSecret}


The Authorization server responds with a JSON object as specified in the Introspection Response of the OAuth 2 specification. One of the properties of the object is the user name, which matches the user name found in the user database of Process Services. This allows the process service to identify which registered user is the one associated to the REST request.

Spring security is used to call the OAuth 2 server and validate the token. Token validation is an area that has been standardised recently. For more information, see OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection. Commercial OAuth 2 servers or services may not be yet compliant with the standard. For more information, see

For non-standard validation approaches, you may use apiSecurityOverride of the security extensibility provided by Process Services and override the class using @Component(value = "ActivitiOauth2RequestHeaderService").

Configuring the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server

You can configure the Alfresco OAuth 2.0 Authorization server using the file.

You can provide the file in the following locations:

  • A /config subdirectory of the current directory
  • The current directory
  • A classpath /config package
  • The classpath root

The server loads the properties from the file in order of precedence. The properties defined in locations higher in the list override those defined in lower locations.

The properties file contains the following properties

Property Description Default Value
Server.port Specifies the port on which the Authorization server runs. 9191
zuul.routes.ecm.url Specifies the end-point URL for Alfresco Cloud Services installation to use. http://localhost:8080
zuul.routes.bpm.url Specifies the end-point URL for Process Services installation to use. http://localhost:9999
zuul.routes.ecm.path Specifies the default path for ECM requests. For example, http://localhost:9191/ecm/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/people. /ecm
zuul.routes.bpm.path Specifies the default path for the BPM requests. For example, http://localhost:9191/bpm/activiti-app/api/enterprise/app-version. /bpm
authentication.oauth.jwt Enables or disables the use of JWT tokens. Set it to true to instruct the server to use JWT tokens. Set it to false to configure the server to use the proprietary Alfresco token. false
authentication.oauth.corsFilter Enable (true) or disable (false) CORS requests. false
authentication.oauth.ecm Enables (true) or disable (false) authentication against Alfresco Content Services. true
authentication.oauth.bpm Enables (true) or disable (false) authentication against Process Services. true
authentication.oauth.tokenValidityInSeconds Specifies the token lifetime or the lifetime in seconds of the access token. 604800

Running the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server

You can run the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server as a Java executable from the command line.

java -jar alfresco-oauth2-<version>.war

The server provides a health check point to use:

$ curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://localhost:9191/management/health

Here’s the sample response:


Using the Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server

The Alfresco OAuth 2 Authorization server can be used as part of the OAuth 2 flows. The server needs to be used in conjunction with the LDAP sync for users from the Alfresco Content Services LDAP directory.

Use this information to know how the different scenarios are supported.

Authorization code grant type

The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens. It is optimized for confidential clients, such as server side application. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner’s user-agent (typically, a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the Authorization server.

Authorization Request:

Here’s an example of the authorization request:

curl  -XPOST -vu alfrescoapp:secret 'http://localhost:9191/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=alfrescoapp&state=xyz&


Parameter Description
response_type Required. This value must be set to **code**.
client_id Required. Specifies the client identifier.
redirect_uri Required. Specifies the redirection endpoint after authentication.
state Optional. Specifies an opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback sent for preventing cross-site request forgery.

Your OAuth 2 module initiates the flow by directing the resource owner’s user-agent to the authorization endpoint.


The Authorization server authenticates the resource owner.


The Authorization server establishes whether the resource owner grants or denies the client’s access request.


Assuming the resource owner grants access, the authorization server redirects the user-agent back to the client using the redirection URI provided earlier.


Here’s an example of the authorization response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location:


Parameter Description
code Required. Specifies the authorization code generated by the authorization server. The authorization code MUST expire shortly after it is issued to mitigate the risk of leaks. A maximum authorization code lifetime of 10 minute is RECOMMENDED. The client MUST NOT use the authorization code more than once.
state Required. Specifies if this parameter was present in the client authorization request. It specifies the exact value received from the client.

Access Token Request:

The client makes a request to the token endpoint in order to get the access_token:

curl  -XPOST -vu alfrescoapp:secret


Parameter Description
grant_type Required. This value must be set to **authorization_code**.
code Required. Specifies the authorization code received from the Authorization server.
redirect_uri Required. Specifies the redirection endpoint after authentication.
client_id Required. Specifies if the client is not authenticating with the Authorization server.


Here’s an example of response:


Implicit grant type

The implicit grant type ( ) is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI. These clients are typically implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript clients or mobile applications. This flow is recommended when storing client id and client secret is not recommended

Authorization request:

Here’s an example of the authorization request:

curl  -XPOST -vu alfrescoapp:secret 'http://localhost:9191//authorize?response_type=token&


Parameter Description
response_type Required. This value MUST be set to token.
client_id Required. Specifies the client identifier.
redirect_uri Optional. Specifies the redirection endpoint after authentication.
scope Optional. Specifies if the client is not authenticating with the Authorization server.
state Required. Specifies an opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback sent for preventing cross-site request forgery.


If the resource owner grants access request, the Authorization server issues an access token and delivers it to the client. The following response is sent:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location:


Parameter Description
access_token Required. Specifies the access token issued by the Authorization server.
token_type Required. Specifies the type of token.
expires_in Recommended. Specifies the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
scope Optional. Specifies if the client is not authenticating with the Authorization server.
state Recommended. Specifies an opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback sent for preventing cross-site request forgery.

Resource owner password credentials grant type

The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged application.

Access Token Request:

Here’s an example of the access token request:

curl  -XPOST -vu alfrescoapp:secret 


Parameter Description
grant_type Required. This value MUST be set to password.
username Required. Specifies the resource owner username.
password Required. Specifies the resource owner password.
scope Optional. Specifies if the client is not authenticating with the Authorization server.


Here’s an example response:

   "scope":"read write"

Fetching access_token by submitting refresh_token


Here’s an example request:

curl  -XPOST -vu alfrescoapp:secret


Parameter Description
grant_type Required. This value Value MUST be set to refresh_token.
refresh_token Required. Specifies the refresh token issued to the client.


Here’s an example response:

      "scope":"read write"

Access secure resource


curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"


Secure Hello!

Client credentials

The client credentials grant type is not currently implemented.

External Token

As defined in the OAuth 2 specification, it is possible to define custom grant. You can override the generation of the token using the grant_type, external_auth. Additionally, you can submit the token and the refresh token. This grant type can be used in the scenario where the OAuth server is already present and you want to use the proxy part of this server.

Set the following properties:

authentication.oauth.client.accessTokenUri= http://AUTH_SERVER/oauth/token
authentication.oauth.client.clientId=  YOUR_CLIENT
authentication.oauth.client.clientSecret= YOUR_SECRET

Access Token Request:

Here’s an example access token request:

curl -XPOST -vu alfrescoapp:secret 


Parameter Description
grant_type Required. This value MUST be set to external_token.
username Required. Specifies the resource owner username.
password Required. Specifies the resource owner password.
scope Optional. Specifies if the client is not authenticating with the Authorization server.


     "scope":"read write"

Using the ReST API Explorer

Process Services comes with a built-in REST API Explorer. This lets you discover and test the REST APIs of a locally running Process Services instance.

The REST API Explorer is based on the OpenAPI (Swagger) initiative and provides an interface for the REST API. You can browse the available API endpoints and test operations available within a particular API group.

Access the REST API Explorer at this link: http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/api-explorer.html.

There is also a public REST API Explorer.

This screenshot shows what the REST API Explorer looks like:


Click on a link to view the available operations for a particular group of APIs.

For example, to explore the operations on a specific entity, Admin Tenants: Manage Tenants API, just click on it:


Click on an operation to test it against the locally running Process Services instance.


When you click Try it out!, you’ll see the following response:


RAML support

Process Services provides a RAML file that works with popular REST API development tools.

The RAML file complements the REST API Explorer, providing a best-in-class enterprise tooling for APIs.

RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) is a language to describe RESTful APIs. The language is YAML-based with a json format available, and it provides the constructs to describe RESTful or practically-RESTful APIs. Practically-RESTful APIs are those that do not comply with the all constraints of REST.

The language aims to promote reuse, discovery and pattern-sharing, as well as merit-based emergence of patterns. Tooling for RAML varies from modeling to software life cycle management and API description conversion. For more information about RAML, see

Process Services provides a description of all enterprise REST APIs using RAML and in json format. The description follows RAML 0.8 but can easily be converted to the recent RAML 1.0 standard by using tools like Apimatic.

You can access the RAML description of all Enterprise REST APIs in Process Services using the following URL:

http(s)://<Process Services host>:port/activiti-app/raml/activiti.raml

This URL returns the entire RAML description of the enterprise APIs.

Using the RAML file for Process Services

The Process Services RAML file can be used with tools supporting RAML to integrate it in API life cycle of enterprise systems.

Mulesoft provides a free RAML IDE called API Workbench. This is a plugin for the free editor, Atom, that can be used to view the Process Services RAML file. For information on how to download and setup the Atom plugin, see

In addition, Mulesoft provides a web-based RAML API designer that can be used to combine Process Services REST APIs in RAML-based API and system design. See

For a full list of tools that can use RAML throughout the entire application development life cycle see

Process Services ReST API

The REST API exposes data and operations that are specific to Process Services.

In contrast to the Process Engine REST API, the Process Services REST API can be called using any user. The following sections describe the supported REST API endpoints.

Server Information

To retrieve information about the Process Services version, use the following command:

GET api/enterprise/app-version


   "edition": "Alfresco Activiti Enterprise BPM Suite",
   "majorVersion": "1",
   "revisionVersion": "0",
   "minorVersion": "2",
   "type": "bpmSuite",


This operation returns account information for the current user. This is useful to get the name, email, the groups that the user is part of, the user picture, and so on.

GET api/enterprise/profile


     "tenantId": 1,
     "firstName": "John",
     "password": null,
     "type": "enterprise",
     "company": null,
     "externalId": null,
     "capabilities": null,
     "tenantPictureId": null,
     "created": "2015-01-08T13:22:36.198+0000",
     "pictureId": null,
     "latestSyncTimeStamp": null,
     "tenantName": "test",
     "lastName": "Doe",
     "id": 1000,
     "lastUpdate": "2015-01-08T13:34:22.273+0000",
     "email": "",
     "status": "active",
     "fullname": "John Doe",
     "groups": [
               "capabilities": null,
               "name": "analytics-users",
               "tenantId": 1,
               "users": null,
               "id": 1,
               "groups": null,
               "externalId": null,
               "status": "active",
               "lastSyncTimeStamp": null,
               "type": 0,
               "parentGroupId": null
               "capabilities": null,
               "name": "Engineering",
               "tenantId": 1,
               "users": null,
               "id": 2000,
               "groups": null,
               "externalId": null,
               "status": "active",
               "lastSyncTimeStamp": null,
               "type": 1,
               "parentGroupId": null
               "capabilities": null,
               "name": "Marketing",
               "tenantId": 1,
               "users": null,
               "id": 2001,
               "groups": null,
               "externalId": null,
               "status": "active",
               "lastSyncTimeStamp": null,
               "type": 1,
               "parentGroupId": null

To update user information (first name, last name or email):

POST api/enterprise/profile

The body of the request should resemble the following text:

    "firstName" : "John",
    "lastName" : "Doe",
    "email" : "",
    "company" : "Alfresco"

To get the user picture, use following REST call:

GET api/enterprise/profile-picture

To change this picture, do an HTTP POST to the same URL, with the picture as multipart file in the body.

Finally, to change the password:

POST api/enterprise/profile-password

with a json body that looks like

    "oldPassword" : "12345",
    "newPassword" : "6789"

Runtime Apps

When a user logs into Process Services, the landing page is displayed containing all the apps that the user is allowed to see and use.

The corresponding REST API request to get this information is:

GET api/enterprise/runtime-app-definitions


     "size": 3,
     "total": 3,
     "data": [
               "deploymentId": "26",
               "name": "HR processes",
               "icon": "glyphicon-cloud",
               "description": null,
               "theme": "theme-6",
               "modelId": 4,
               "id": 1
               "deploymentId": "2501",
               "name": "Sales onboarding",
               "icon": "glyphicon-asterisk",
               "description": "",
               "theme": "theme-1",
               "modelId": 1002,
               "id": 1000
               "deploymentId": "5001",
               "name": "Engineering app",
               "icon": "glyphicon-asterisk",
               "description": "",
               "theme": "theme-1",
               "modelId": 2001,
               "id": 2000
     "start": 0

The id and modelId property of the apps are important here, as they are used in various operations described below.

App Definitions List

When a user logs into Process Services, the landing page is displayed containing all the apps that the user is allowed to see and use.

The corresponding REST API request to get this information is:

GET api/enterprise/runtime-app-definitions


     "size": 3,
     "total": 3,
     "data": [
               "deploymentId": "26",
               "name": "HR processes",
               "icon": "glyphicon-cloud",
               "description": null,
               "theme": "theme-6",
               "modelId": 4,
               "id": 1
               "deploymentId": "2501",
               "name": "Sales onboarding",
               "icon": "glyphicon-asterisk",
               "description": "",
               "theme": "theme-1",
               "modelId": 1002,
               "id": 1000
               "deploymentId": "5001",
               "name": "Engineering app",
               "icon": "glyphicon-asterisk",
               "description": "",
               "theme": "theme-1",
               "modelId": 2001,
               "id": 2000
     "start": 0

The id and modelId property of the apps are important here, as they are used in various operations described below.

App Import And Export

It is possible to export app definitions and import them again. From the REST API point of view, this is useful to bootstrap an environment (for users or continuous integration).

To export an app definition, you need the modelId from a runtime app or the id of an app definition model, and call:

GET api/enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/export

This will return a zip file containing the app definition model and all related models (process definitions and forms).

To import an app again, post the zip file as multipart file to:

POST api/enterprise/app-definitions/import

To import an app to an existing app definition to create a new version instead of importing a new app definition, post the zip file as multipart file to:

POST api/enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/import

App Publish and Deploy

Before an app model can be used, it needs to be published. This can be done through following call:

POST api/enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/publish

A JSON body is required for the call. You can either use an empty one or the following example:

    "comment": "",
    "force": false

To add it to your landing page, deploy the published app:

POST api/enterprise/runtime-app-definitions

Where, appDefinitions is an array of IDs, for example:

    "appDefinitions" : [{"id" : 1}, {"id" : 2}]

Process Definition Models List

To retrieve a list of process definition models:

GET api/enterprise/models?filter=myprocesses&modelType=0&sort=modifiedDesc

The request parameters

  • filter : Possible values: myprocesses, sharedWithMe, sharedWithOthers, favorite.
  • modelType : Must be 0 for process definition models.
  • sort : Possible values: modifiedDesc, modifiedAsc, nameAsc, nameDesc (default modifiedDesc).

Model Details and History

Both app definition and process definition models are versioned.

To retrieve details about a particular model (process, form, decision rule or app):

GET api/enterprise/models/{modelId}

Example response:

     "createdBy": 1,
     "lastUpdatedBy": 1,
     "lastUpdatedByFullName": " Administrator",
     "name": "aad",
     "id": 2002,
     "referenceId": null,
     "favorite": false,
     "modelType": 0,
     "comment": "",
     "version": 3,
     "lastUpdated": "2015-01-10T16:24:27.893+0000",
     "stencilSet": 0,
     "description": "",
     "createdByFullName": " Administrator",
     "permission": "write",
     "latestVersion": true

The response shows the current version of the model.

To retrieve a thumbnail of the model:

GET api/enterprise/models/{modelId}/thumbnail

To get the version information for a model:

GET api/enterprise/models/{modelId}/history

Example response:

     "size": 2,
     "total": 2,
     "data": [
               "createdBy": 1,
               "lastUpdatedBy": 1,
               "lastUpdatedByFullName": " Administrator",
               "name": "aad",
               "id": 3000,
               "referenceId": null,
               "favorite": null,
               "modelType": 0,
               "comment": "",
               "version": 2,
               "lastUpdated": "2015-01-10T16:15:50.579+0000",
               "stencilSet": 0,
               "description": "",
               "createdByFullName": " Administrator",
               "permission": null,
               "latestVersion": false
               "createdBy": 1,
               "lastUpdatedBy": 1,
               "lastUpdatedByFullName": " Administrator",
               "name": "aad",
               "id": 2000,
               "referenceId": null,
               "favorite": null,
               "modelType": 0,
               "comment": null,
               "version": 1,
               "lastUpdated": "2015-01-10T16:07:41.831+0000",
               "stencilSet": 0,
               "description": "",
               "createdByFullName": " Administrator",
               "permission": null,
               "latestVersion": false
     "start": 0

To get a particular older version:

GET api/enterprise/models/{modelId}/history/{modelHistoryId}

To create a new model:

POST api/enterprise/models/

with a json body that looks like:

    "modelType": 0,
    "name": "My process",
    "description": "This is my favourite process!"

The modelType property defines the kind of model that is created:

  • 0 is a BPMN 2.0 process model
  • 1 is a step process model
  • 2 is a form model
  • 3 is an app model
  • 4 is a decision table model

Following properties are optional:

  • stencilSet : the identifier of the stencilset in case a non-default stencilset needs to be used.

To update the details of a model:

PUT api/enterprise/models/{modelId}

with a json body that looks like:

    "name": "New name",
    "description": "New description"

To favorite a model:

PUT api/enterprise/models/{modelId}

with as json body:

    "favorite": true

To delete a model:

DELETE api/enterprise/models/{modelId}

To duplicate a model:

POST api/enterprise/models/{modelId}/clone

with as json body:

    "name": "Cloned model"

To convert a step process to a BPMN 2.0 process, add "modelType" : 0 to the body.

BPMN 2.0 Import and Export

To export a process definition model to a BPMN 2.0 XML file:

GET api/enterprise/models/{processModelId}/bpmn20

For a previous version of the model:

GET api/enterprise/models/{processModelId}/history/{processModelHistoryId}/bpmn20

To import a BPMN 2.0 xml file:

POST api/enterprise/process-models/import

With the BPMN 2.0 XML file in the body as a multipart file and the file as value for the file property.

Process Definitions

Get a list of process definitions (visible within the tenant of the user):

GET api/enterprise/process-definitions

Example response:

     "size": 5,
     "total": 5,
     "data": [
            "id": "demoprocess:1:7504",
            "name": "Demo process",
            "description": null,
            "key": "demoprocess",
            "category": "",
            "version": 1,
            "deploymentId": "7501",
            "tenantId": "tenant_1",
            "hasStartForm": true
     "start": 0

Following parameters are available:

  • latest: A boolean value, indicating that only the latest versions of process definitions must be returned.
  • appDefinitionId: Returns process definitions that belong to a certain app.

To get the candidate starters associated to a process definition:

GET api/enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}


  • processDefinitionId: The ID of the process definition to get the identity links for.
  • family: Indicates groups or users, depending on the type of identity link.
  • identityId: The ID of the identity.

To add a candidate starter to a process definition:

POST api/enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks

Request body (user):

    "user" : "1"

Request body (group):

    "group" : "1001"

To delete a candidate starter from a process definition:

DELETE api/enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}

Start Form

When process definition has a start form (hasStartForm is true as in the call above), the start form can be retrieved as follows:

GET api/enterprise/process-definitions/{process-definition-id}/start-form

Example response:

  "processDefinitionId": "p1:2:2504",
  "processDefinitionName": "p1",
  "processDefinitionKey": "p1",
  "fields": [
      "fieldType": "ContainerRepresentation",
      "id": "container1",
      "name": null,
      "type": "container",
      "value": null,
      "required": false,
      "readOnly": false,
      "overrideId": false,
      "placeholder": null,
      "optionType": null,
      "hasEmptyValue": null,
      "options": null,
      "restUrl": null,
      "restIdProperty": null,
      "restLabelProperty": null,
      "layout": null,
      "sizeX": 0,
      "sizeY": 0,
      "row": 0,
      "col": 0,
      "visibilityCondition": null,
      "fields": {
        "1": [
            "fieldType": "FormFieldRepresentation",
            "id": "label1",
            "name": "Label1",
            "type": "text",
            "value": null,
            "required": false,
            "readOnly": false,
            "overrideId": false,
            "placeholder": null,
            "optionType": null,
            "hasEmptyValue": null,
            "options": null,
            "restUrl": null,
            "restIdProperty": null,
            "restLabelProperty": null,
            "layout": {
              "row": 0,
              "column": 0,
              "colspan": 1
            "sizeX": 1,
            "sizeY": 1,
            "row": 0,
            "col": 0,
            "visibilityCondition": null
        "2": [ ]
      "fieldType": "DynamicTableRepresentation",
      "id": "label21",
      "name": "Label 21",
      "type": "dynamic-table",
      "value": null,
      "required": false,
      "readOnly": false,
      "overrideId": false,
      "placeholder": null,
      "optionType": null,
      "hasEmptyValue": null,
      "options": null,
      "restUrl": null,
      "restIdProperty": null,
      "restLabelProperty": null,
      "layout": {
        "row": 10,
        "column": 0,
        "colspan": 2
      "sizeX": 2,
      "sizeY": 2,
      "row": 10,
      "col": 0,
      "visibilityCondition": null,
      "columnDefinitions": [
          "id": "p2",
          "name": "c2",
          "type": "String",
          "value": null,
          "optionType": null,
          "options": null,
          "restUrl": null,
          "restIdProperty": null,
          "restLabelProperty": null,
          "required": true,
          "editable": true,
          "sortable": true,
          "visible": true
  "outcomes": [ ]

Note: To retrieve field values such as the typeahead field, use the following REST endpoint:

GET api/enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/start-form-values/{field}

This returns a list of form values.

Start Process Instance

To start process instances, use:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances

With a json body that contains following properties:

  • processDefinitionId: The process definition identifier. Do not use it with processDefinitionKey.
  • processDefinitionKey: The process definition key. Do not use it with processDefinitionId.
  • name: The name to give to the created process instance.
  • values: A JSON object with the form field Id and form field values. The Id of the form field is retrieved from the start form call (see above).
  • outcome: If the start form has outcomes, this is one of those values.
  • variables: Contains a JSON array of variables. Values and outcomes can’t be used with variables.

The response will contain the process instance details including the ID.

Once started, the completed form (if defined) can be fetched using:

GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/start-form

Process Instance List

To get the list of process instances:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/query

with a json body containing the query parameters. The following parameters are possible:

  • processDefinitionId
  • appDefinitionId
  • state (possible values are running, completed and all)
  • sort (possible values are created-desc, created-asc, ended-desc, ended-asc)
  • start (for paging, default 0)
  • size (for paging, default 25)

Example response:

    "size": 6,
    "total": 6,
    "start": 0,
            {"id": "2511", "name": "Test step - January 8th 2015", "businessKey": null, "processDefinitionId": "teststep:3:29"...},

To get a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}

To get diagram for a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/diagram

To delete a Process Instance:

DELETE api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}

To suspend a process instance:

PUT api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/suspend

To activate a process instance:

PUT api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/activate

Where, processinstanceId is the Id of the process instance.

Get Process Instance Details

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}

Delete a Process Instance

DELETE api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}

Process Instance Audit Log As JSON

If you need the audit log information as a JSON you can use the next URL:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{process-instance-id}/audit-log


200 Ok

Returns a JSON string representing the full audit log for the requested process instance. For example:

  "processInstanceId": "5",
  "processInstanceName": "myProcessInstance",
  "processDefinitionName": "TEST decision process",
  "processDefinitionVersion": "1",
  "processInstanceStartTime": "Wed Jan 20 16:18:46 EET 2016",
  "processInstanceEndTime": null,
  "processInstanceInitiator": "Mr Activiti",
  "entries": [
      "index": 1,
      "type": "startForm",
      "timestamp": "Wed Jan 20 16:18:46 EET 2016",
      "selectedOutcome": null,
      "formData": [
          "fieldName": "Text1",
          "fieldId": "text1",
          "value": "TEST"
      "taskName": null,
      "taskAssignee": null,
      "activityId": null,
      "activityName": null,
      "activityType": null
      "startTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:05 GMT 2017",
      "endTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:05 GMT 2017",
      "durationInMillis": 1
      "index": 2,
      "type": "activityExecuted",
      "timestamp": "Wed Jan 20 16:18:46 EET 2016",
      "selectedOutcome": null,
      "formData": [],
      "taskName": null,
      "taskAssignee": null,
      "activityId": "startEvent1",
      "activityName": "",
      "activityType": "startEvent"
      "startTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:05 GMT 2017",
      "endTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:09 GMT 2017",
      "durationInMillis": 24054
      "index": 3,
      "type": "activityExecuted",
      "timestamp": "Wed Jan 20 16:18:47 EET 2016",
      "selectedOutcome": null,
      "formData": [],
      "taskName": null,
      "taskAssignee": null,
      "activityId": "sid-15E18ED8-252F-4A24-9E93-68F53FE28535",
      "activityName": "",
      "activityType": "serviceTask"
      "startTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:05 GMT 2017",
      "endTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:09 GMT 2017",
      "durationInMillis": 24054
      "index": 4,
      "type": "activityExecuted",
      "timestamp": "Wed Jan 20 16:18:48 EET 2016",
      "selectedOutcome": null,
      "formData": [],
      "taskName": null,
      "taskAssignee": null,
      "activityId": "sid-001FD811-C171-40E3-9C62-602621672022",
      "activityName": "",
      "activityType": "userTask"
      "startTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:05 GMT 2017",
      "endTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:09 GMT 2017",
      "durationInMillis": 24054
      "index": 5,
      "type": "taskCreated",
      "timestamp": "Wed Jan 20 16:18:48 EET 2016",
      "selectedOutcome": null,
      "formData": [],
      "taskName": null,
      "taskAssignee": "Mr Activiti",
      "activityId": null,
      "activityName": null,
      "activityType": null
      "startTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:05 GMT 2017",
      "endTime": "Thu Feb 16 16:32:09 GMT 2017",
      "durationInMillis": 24054
  "decisionInfo": {
    "calculatedValues": [
        "name": "outputVariable1",
        "value": "1.0"
    "appliedRules": [
        "title": "Rule 1 (TEST Decision Table 1)",
        "expressions": [
            "type": "CONDITION",
            "variable": "text1",
            "value": "== 'TEST'"
            "type": "OUTCOME",
            "variable": "outputVariable1",
            "value": "1"

Process instance variables

A process instance can have several variables.

To get process instance variables:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

Where, processInstanceId is the Id of the process instance.

To create process instance variables:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

To update existing variables in a process instance:

PUT api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

Example response:



  • name - Name of the variable
  • type - Type of variable, such as string
  • value - Value of the variable

To update a single variable in a process instance:

PUT api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

To get a single variable in a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

To get all process instance variables:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

To get a specific process instance variable:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

To delete a specific process instance variable:

DELETE api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

Either the users or groups involved with a process instance.

To create an identity link of a process instance:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks

Example request:

     "user": "1",
     "type": "customType"

Get identity links of a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks

Get identity links by family type of a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/{family}

Where, Family should contain users or groups, depending on the identity you want to link.

To get involved people in a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks

You can get identity links for either user or groups. For example:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/users
GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/groups

Task List

To return a list of tasks, use:

POST api/enterprise/tasks/query

which includes a JSON body containing the query parameters.

The following parameters are available:

  • appDefinitionId
  • processInstanceId
  • processDefinitionId
  • text (the task name will be filtered with this, using like semantics : %text%)
  • assignment
    • assignee : where the current user is the assignee
    • candidate: where the current user is a task candidate
    • group_x: where the task is assigned to a group where the current user is a member of. The groups can be fetched through the profile REST endpoint
    • no value: where the current user is involved
  • state (completed or active)
  • includeProcessVariables (set to true to include process variables in the response)
  • includeTaskLocalVariables (set to true to include task variables in the response)
  • sort (possible values are created-desc, created-asc, due-desc, due-asc)
  • start (for paging, default 0)
  • size (for paging, default 25)

Example response:

    "size": 6,
    "total": 6,
    "start": 0,
                "id": "2524",
                "name": "Task",
                "description": null,
                "category": null,
                "assignee":{"id": 1, "firstName": null, "lastName": "Administrator", "email": ""},
                "created": "2015-01-08T10:58:37.193+0000",
                "dueDate": null,
                "endDate": null,
                "duration": null,
                "priority": 50,
                "processInstanceId": "2511",
                "processDefinitionId": "teststep:3:29",
                "processDefinitionName": "Test step",
                "processDefinitionDescription": null,
                "processDefinitionKey": "teststep",
                "processDefinitionCategory": "",
                "processDefinitionVersion": 3,
                "processDefinitionDeploymentId": "26",
                "formKey": "5"

Task Details

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}

Response is similar to the list response.

Task Form

GET api/enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}

The response is similar to the response from the Start Form.

To retrieve Form field values that are populated through a REST back-end:

GET api/enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}/form-values/{field}

Which returns a list of form field values

To complete a Task form:

POST api/enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}

with a json body that contains:

  • values: A json object with the form field ID - form field values. The Id of the form field is retrieved from the start form call (see above).
  • outcome: Retrieves outcome values if defined in the Start form.

To save a Task form:

POST api/enterprise/task-forms/{taskid}/save-form

Example response:


"values": {"formtextfield":"snicker doodle"},


Where the json body contains:

  • values : A json object with the form field ID - form field values. The Id of the form field is retrieved from the Start Form call (see above).

To retrieve a list of variables associated with a Task form:

GET api/enterprise/task-forms/{taskid}/variables

Example response

    "id": "initiator",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "3205"
    "id": "FormField2",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "TestVariable2"
    "id": "FormField1",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "TestVariable1"

Create a Standalone Task

To create a task (for the user in the authentication credentials) that is not associated with a process instance:

POST api/enterprise/tasks

with a json body that contains the following properties:

  • name
  • description

Task Actions

To update the details of a task:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}

with a json body that can contain name, description and dueDate (ISO 8601 string)

For example:

Example request body:

  "name" : "IchangedTaskName",
  "description" : "description-updated",
  "dueDate" : "2015-01-11T22:59:59.000Z",
  "formKey": "100"

To delegate a task:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/delegate

Example request body:

     "userId": "1000"

To resolve a task:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/resolve

To complete a task (standalone or without a task form) (Note: No json body needed!):

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/complete

To claim a task (in case the task is assigned to a group):

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/claim

No json body needed. The task will be claimed by the user in the authentication credentials.

To assign a task to a user:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/assign

with a json body that contains the assignee property set to the ID of a user.

To involve a user with a task:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/involve

with a json body that contains the userId property set to the ID of a user.

To remove an involved user from a task:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/remove-involved

with a json body that contains the userId property set to the ID of a user.

To attach a form to a task:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/attach-form

with a json body that contains the formId property set to the the ID of a form.

To attach a form to a task:

DELETE api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/remove-form

Task Variables

To create new task variables:

POST api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables

To get all task variables:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables

To get a task variable by name:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}

To update an existing task variable:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}

Example response:



  • name - Name of the variable.
  • scope - Global or local. If global is provided, then the variable will be a process-instance variable.
  • type - Type of variable, such as string.
  • value - Value of the variable.

To delete a task variable:

DELETE api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}

To delete all task variables:

DELETE api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables

Where, taskId is the ID of the task.

To get all identity links for a task:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks

To create an identity link on a task:

POST api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks

Example response:

     "user": "1",
     "type": "customType"

To get a single identity link on a task:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type}

To delete an identity link on a task:

DELETE api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type}


  • taskId: The ID of the task.
  • family: Indicates either groups or users, depending on the type of identity.
  • identityId: The ID of the identity.
  • type: The type of identity link.

User Task Filters

Custom task queries can be saved as a user task filter. To get the list of task filters for the authenticated user:

GET api/enterprise/filters/tasks

with an option request parameter appId to limit the results to a specific app.

To get a specific user task filter:

GET api/enterprise/filters/tasks/{userFilterId}

To create a new user task filter:

POST api/enterprise/filters/tasks

with a json body that contains following properties:

  • name : Name of the filter.
  • appId : App ID where the filter can be used.
  • icon : Path of the icon image.
  • filter
    • sort : Possible values: created-desc, created-asc, due-desc, due-asc.
    • state : Open, completed.
    • assignment : Involved, assignee, or candidate.

To update a user task filter:

PUT api/enterprise/filters/tasks/{userFilterId}

with a json body that contains following properties:

  • name : Name of the filter
  • appId : App ID where the filter can be used.
  • icon : Path of the icon image.
  • filter
    • sort : Created-desc, created-asc, due-desc, due-asc.
    • state : Open, completed.
    • assignment : Involved, assignee, or candidate

To delete a user task filter:

DELETE api/enterprise/filters/tasks/{userFilterId}

To order the list of user task filters:

PUT api/enterprise/filters/tasks

with a json body that contains following properties:

  • order : Array of user task filter IDs.
  • appId : App ID.

To get a list of user process instance filters

GET api/enterprise/filters/processes

with an option request parameter appId to limit the results to a specific app.

To get a specific user process instance task filter:

GET api/enterprise/filters/processes/{userFilterId}

To create a user process instance task filter:

PUT  api/enterprise/filters/processes

with a json body that contains following properties:

  • name : Name of the filter.
  • appId : App ID where the filter can be used.
  • icon : Path of the icon image.
  • filter
    • sort : Created-desc, created-asc.
    • state : Running, completed, or all.

To update a user process instance task filter:

PUT  api/enterprise/filters/processes/{userFilterId}

with a json body that contains following properties:

  • name : Name of the filter.
  • appId : App ID, where the filter can be used.
  • icon : Path of the icon image.
  • filter
    • sort : Possible values: created-desc, created-asc.
    • state : Running, completed, or all.

To delete a user process instance task filter

DELETE  api/enterprise/filters/processes/{userFilterId}


Comments can be added to a process instance or a task.

To get the list of comments:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments
GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/comments

To create a comments:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments
POST api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/comments

with in the json body one property called message, with a value that is the comment text.


You can add checklists to a task for tracking purposes.

To get a checklist:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/checklist

To create a checklist:

POST api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/checklist

Example request body:

    "assignee": {"id": 1001},
    "name": "mySubtask",
    "parentTaskId": "20086"

To change the order of the items on a checklist:

PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/checklist

with a json body that contains an ordered list of checklist items ids:

  • order : Array of checklist item ids

Task Audit Info (as JSON)

To obtain the audit information for a specific task in JSON format, use the following URL:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/audit


200 Ok

If everything works as expected and the task is accessible to the current user, then the response will be as follows:

  "taskId": "18",
  "taskName": null,
  "processInstanceId": "5",
  "processDefinitionName": "TEST decision process",
  "processDefinitionVersion": 1,
  "assignee": "Mr Activiti",
  "startTime": "Wed Jan 20 22:03:05 EET 2016",
  "endTime": "Wed Jan 20 22:03:09 EET 2016",
  "formData": [],
  "selectedOutcome": null,
  "comments": []

Process Engine ReST API

The Process Engine REST API is a supported equivalent of the Activiti Open Source API. This means that all operations described in the Activiti User Guide are available as documented there, except for REST endpoints that are not relevant for the enterprise product (for example, forms, as they are implemented differently).

This REST API is available on <your-server-and-context-root>/api/

For example, fetching process definitions is described as an HTTP GET on repository/process-definitions. This maps to:


Note: You can control access to the Engine API using the “Access the Activiti REST API” capability (Identity Management -> Capabilities). This matches the Activiti Engine (Java) API, which is agnostic of user permissions. This means that when calling any of the operations, the tenant identifier must always be provided in the url, even if the system does not have multitenancy (there will always be one tenant in that case):

For example <your-server-and-context-root>/api/repository/process-definitions?tenantId=tenant_1

Historic processes and tasks

This section covers the examples for querying historic process instances and task instances in the Process Services API. You can query for historic process instances and tasks to get information about ongoing and past process instances, or tasks.

Historic process instance queries

To run a historic process instance query:

POST api/enterprise/historic-process-instances/query

To run a historic task instance query:

POST api/enterprise/historic-tasks/query

Get historic process instances

The following table lists the request parameters to be used in the JSON body POST. For example, to filter historic process instances that completed before the given date (startedBefore):

POST api/enterprise/historic-process-instances/query

With a JSON body request:


Example response:

"size": 25,
"total": 200,
"start": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "2596",
      "name": "Date format example - June 7th 2016",
      "businessKey": null,
      "processDefinitionId": "dateformatexample:1:2588",
      "tenantId": "tenant_1",
      "started": "2016-06-07T14:18:34.433+0000",
      "ended": null,
      "startedBy": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": null,
        "lastName": "Administrator",
        "email": ""
"id": "2596",
. . .

Where, size is the size of the page or number of items per page. By default, the value is 25, start is the page to start on. Pages are counted from 0-N. By default, the value is 0, which means 0 will be the first page.

processInstanceId An ID of the historic process instance.
processDefinitionKey The process definition key of the historic process instance.
processDefinitionId The process definition id of the historic process instance.
businessKey The business key of the historic process instance.
involvedUser An involved user of the historic process instance. Where, InvolvedUser is the ID of the user.
finished Indicates if the historic process instance is complete. Where, the value may only be True, as the default values are True or False.
superProcessInstanceId An optional parent process id of the historic process instance.
excludeSubprocesses Returns only historic process instances which aren’t sub-processes.
finishedAfter Returns historic process instances that finished after the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format.
finishedBefore Returns historic process instances that finished before the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format.
startedAfter Returns historic process instances that were started after the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format.
startedBefore Returns historic process instances that were started before the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format.
startedBy Returns only historic process instances that were started by the selected user.
includeProcessVariables Indicates if the historic process instance variables should be returned.
tenantId Returns instances with the given tenantId.
tenantIdLike Returns instances with a tenantId like the given value.
withoutTenantId If true, only returns instances without a tenantId set. If false, the withoutTenantId parameter is ignored.

Get historic task instances

The following table lists the request parameters that can be used in the JSON body POST. For example, in case of taskCompletedAfter:

POST api/enterprise/historic-tasks/query

With a json body request:


Example response:

  "size": 4,
  "total": 4,
  "start": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "7507",
      "name": "my task",
      "assignee": {
        "id": 1000,
        "firstName": "Homer",
        "lastName": "Simpson",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2016-06-17T15:14:26.938+0000",
      "dueDate": null,
      "endDate": "2016-06-17T16:09:39.197+0000",
      "duration": 3312259,
      "priority": 50,
. . .
taskId An ID of the historic task instance.
processInstanceId The process instance id of the historic task instance.
processDefinitionKey The process definition key of the historic task instance.
processDefinitionKeyLike The process definition key of the historic task instance, which matches the given value.
processDefinitionId The process definition id of the historic task instance.
processDefinitionName The process definition name of the historic task instance.
processDefinitionNameLike The process definition name of the historic task instance, which matches the given value.
processBusinessKey The process instance business key of the historic task instance.
processBusinessKeyLike The process instance business key of the historic task instance that matches the given value.
executionId The execution id of the historic task instance.
taskDefinitionKey The task definition key for tasks part of a process
taskName The task name of the historic task instance.
taskNameLike The task name with like operator for the historic task instance.
taskDescription The task description of the historic task instance
taskDescriptionLike The task description with like operator for the historic task instance.
taskDefinitionKey The task identifier from the process definition for the historic task instance.
taskDeleteReason The task delete reason of the historic task instance.
taskDeleteReasonLike The task delete reason with like operator for the historic task instance.
taskAssignee The assignee of the historic task instance.
taskAssigneeLike The assignee with like operator for the historic task instance.
taskOwner The owner of the historic task instance.
taskOwnerLike The owner with like operator for the historic task instance.
taskInvolvedUser An involved user of the historic task instance. Where, InvolvedUser is the User ID.
taskPriority The priority of the historic task instance.
finished Indicates if the historic task instance is complete.
processFinished Indicates if the process instance of the historic task instance is finished.
parentTaskId An optional parent task ID of the historic task instance.
dueDate Returns only historic task instances that have a due date equal to this date.
dueDateAfter Returns only historic task instances that have a due date after this date.
dueDateBefore Returns only historic task instances that have a due date before this date.
withoutDueDate Returns only historic task instances that have no due-date. When false value is provided, this parameter is ignored.
taskCompletedOn Returns only historic task instances that have been completed on this date.
taskCompletedAfter Returns only historic task instances that have been completed after this date.
taskCompletedBefore Return only historic task instances that have been completed before this date.
taskCreatedOn Returns only historic task instances that were created on this date.
taskCreatedBefore Returns only historic task instances that were created before this date.
taskCreatedAfter Returns only historic task instances that were created after this date.
includeTaskLocalVariables Indicates if the historic task instance local variables should be returned.
includeProcessVariables Indicates if the historic task instance global variables should be returned.
tenantId Returns historic task instances with the given tenantId.
tenantIdLike Returns historic task instances with a tenantId like the given value.
withoutTenantId If true, only returns historic task instances without a tenantId set. If false, withoutTenantId is ignored.

User and Group lists

A common use case is when a user wants to select another user or group, for example, when assigning a task.

To retrieve users:

GET api/enterprise/users

Use the following parameters:

  • filter: Filters by the user’s first and last name.
  • email: Retrieves users by email
  • externalId: Retrieves users by their external ID.
  • externalIdCaseInsensitive: Retrieves users by external ID, ignoring case.
  • externalId: Retrieves users by their external ID (set by the LDAP sync, if used)
  • excludeTaskId: Excludes users that are already part of this task.
  • excludeProcessId: Excludes users that are already part of this process instance.

Example response:

    "size": 2,
    "total": 2,
    "start": 0,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "firstName": null,
            "lastName": "Administrator",
            "email": ""
            "id": 1000,
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "email": ""

To retrieve a picture of a user:

GET api/enterprise/users/{userId}/picture

To retrieve groups:

GET api/enterprise/groups

with optional parameter filter that filters by group name.

Additional options:

  • externalId: Retrieves a group by their external ID.
  • externalIdCaseInsensitive: Retrieves a group by their external ID, ignoring case.

Example response:

     "size": 2,
     "total": 2,
     "data": [
               "externalId": null,
               "name": "Engineering",
               "id": 2000
               "externalId": null,
               "name": "Marketing",
               "id": 2001
     "start": 0

Get the users for a given group:

GET api/enterprise/groups/{groupId}/users

Example response:

     "size": 3,
     "total": 3,
     "data": [
               "email": "",
               "lastName": "Test",
               "firstName": "John",
               "id": 10
               "email": "",
               "lastName": "Test",
               "firstName": "Mary",
               "id": 8
               "email": "",
               "lastName": "Test",
               "firstName": "Patrick",
               "id": 9
     "start": 0

With a json body that contains:

  • order : An array of user task filter IDs


Content such as documents and other files can be attached to process instances and tasks.

To retrieve the content attached to a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/content

By default, this will return all content: The related content (for example content uploaded via the UI in the “related content” section of the task detail page) and the field content (content uploaded as part of a form).

To only return the related content, add ?isRelatedContent=true to the url. Similarly, add ?isRelatedContent=false when the return response should include only field content.

Similarly, for a task:

GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/content

By default, this will return all content: The related content (for example content uploaded via the UI in the “related content” section of the task detail page) and the field content (content uploaded as part of a form).

To only return the related content, add ?isRelatedContent=true to the url. Similarly, add ?isRelatedContent=false when the return response should include only field content.

Example response:

  "size": 5,
  "total": 5,
  "start": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": 4000,
      "name": "tasks.PNG",
      "created": "2015-01-01T01:01:01.000+0000",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "null",
        "lastName": "Admin",
        "email": "",
        "pictureId": 5
      "relatedContent": true,
      "contentAvailable": true,
      "link": false,
      "mimeType": "image/png",
      "simpleType": "image",
      "previewStatus": "queued",
      "thumbnailStatus": "queued"

To get content metadata:

GET api/enterprise/content/{contentId}

To delete content:

DELETE api/enterprise/content/{contentId}

To get the actual bytes for content:

GET api/enterprise/content/{contentId}/raw

To upload content to a process instance:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/raw-content

where the body contains a multipart file. Add the isRelatedContent parameter to the url to set whether the content is related or not. For a process instance, this currently won’t have any influence on what is visible in the UI. Note that the default value for this parameter is false.

To upload content to a task:

POST api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/raw-content

where the body contains a multipart file. Add the isRelatedContent parameter to the url to set whether the content is related or not. If true, the content will show up in the “related content” section of the task details. Note that the default value for this parameter is false.

To relate content (eg from Alfresco) to a process instance:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/content

where the json body contains following properties:

  • name
  • link (boolean)
  • source
  • sourceId
  • mimeType
  • linkUrl

Add the isRelatedContent parameter to the url to set whether the content is related or not. If true, the content will show up in the “related content” section of the task details. Note that the default value for this parameter is true (different from the call above with regular content!).

Example body (from Alfresco OnPremise):


To upload content for a task:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{taskId}/content

Where the json body contains following properties:

  • name
  • link (boolean)
  • source
  • sourceId
  • mimeType
  • linkUrl

In case of a start form with content fields, there is no task or process instance to relate to.

Following REST endpoints can be used:

POST api/enterprise/content/raw


To retrieve the thumbnail of a certain piece of content:

GET api/enterprise/content/{contentId}/rendition/thumbnail

Identity Management

For more info about Identity Management, see this section.


Following REST endpoints are only available for users that are either a tenant admin or a tenant manager.

Get all tenants (tenant manager only):

GET api/enterprise/admin/tenants

Create a new tenant (tenant manager only):

POST api/enterprise/admin/tenants

the json body of this post contains two properties: name and active (boolean).

Update a tenant:

PUT api/enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}

the json body of this post contains two properties: name and active (boolean).

Get tenant details:

GET api/enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}

Delete a tenant:

DELETE api/enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}

Get tenant events:

GET api/enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/events

Get tenant logo:

GET api/enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/logo

Change tenant logo:

POST api/enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/logo

where the body is a multi part file.

Note: The Create a new tenant and Delete a tenant endpoints are not available where you have installed a single-tenant license.


Following REST endpoints are only available for users that are either a tenant admin or a tenant manager.

Get a list of users:

GET api/enterprise/admin/users

with parameters

  • filter : Filters by user name.
  • status : Possible values are pending, inactive, active, deleted.
  • sort : Possible values are createdAsc, createdDesc, emailAsc or emailDesc (default createdAsc).
  • start : Used for paging.
  • size : Use for paging.

To create a new user:

POST api/enterprise/admin/users

with a json body that must have following properties:

  • email
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • password
  • status (possible values are pending, inactive, active, deleted)
  • type (enterprise or trial. Best to set this to enterprise)
  • tenantId

Update user details:

PUT api/enterprise/admin/users/{userId}

with a json body containing email, firstName and lastName

Update user password:

PUT api/enterprise/admin/users

with a json body like

        "users" : [1098, 2045, 3049]
        "password" : "123"

Note that the users property is an array of user ids. This allows for bulk changes.

Update user status:

PUT api/enterprise/admin/users

with a json body like

        "users" : [1098, 2045, 3049]
        "status" : "inactive"

Note that the users property is an array of user ids. This allows for bulk changes.

Update user tenant id (only possible for _tenant manager):

PUT api/enterprise/admin/users

with a json body like

        "users" : [1098, 2045, 3049]
        "tenantId" : 1073

Note that the users property is an array of user ids. This allows for bulk changes.


The following REST endpoints are only available for users that are either a tenant admin or a tenant manager.

Internally, there are two types of groups:

  • Functional groups: Map to organizational units.
  • System groups: Provide users capabilities. When you assign a capability to a group, every member of that group is assigned with the capability.

Get all groups:

GET api/enterprise/admin/groups

Optional parameters:

  • tenantId : Useful to a Tenant Manager user
  • functional (boolean): Only return functional groups if true

Get group details:

GET api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}

Example response:

     "capabilities": [{
          "name": "access-reports",
          "id": 1
     "name": "analytics-users",
     "tenantId": 1,
     "users": [
               "tenantId": 1,
               "firstName": null,
               "password": null,
               "type": "enterprise",
               "company": null,
               "externalId": null,
               "capabilities": null,
               "tenantPictureId": null,
               "created": "2015-01-08T08:30:25.164+0000",
               "pictureId": null,
               "latestSyncTimeStamp": null,
               "tenantName": null,
               "lastName": "Administrator",
               "id": 1,
               "lastUpdate": "2015-01-08T08:30:25.164+0000",
               "email": "",
               "fullname": " Administrator",
               "groups": null
               "tenantId": 1,
               "firstName": "John",
               "password": null,
               "type": "enterprise",
               "company": null,
               "externalId": null,
               "capabilities": null,
               "tenantPictureId": null,
               "created": "2015-01-08T13:22:36.198+0000",
               "pictureId": null,
               "latestSyncTimeStamp": null,
               "tenantName": null,
               "lastName": "Doe",
               "id": 1000,
               "lastUpdate": "2015-01-08T13:34:22.273+0000",
               "email": "",
               "fullname": "John Doe",
               "groups": null
     "id": 1,
     "groups": [],
     "externalId": null,
     "status": "active",
     "lastSyncTimeStamp": null,
     "type": 0,
     "parentGroupId": null

Use the optional request parameter includeAllUsers (boolean value, by default true) to avoid getting all the users at once (not ideal if there are many users).

Use the following call:

GET api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/users?page=2&pageSize=20

Create new group:

POST api/enterprise/admin/groups

Where the json body contains following properties:

  • name
  • tenantId
  • type (0 for system group, 1 for functional group)
  • parentGroupId (only possible for functional groups. System groups can’t be nested)

Update a group:

PUT api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}

Only the name property can be in the json body.

Delete a group:

DELETE api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}

Add a user to a group:

POST api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId}

Delete a user from a group:

DELETE api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId}

Get the list of possible capabilities for a system group:

GET api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/potential-capabilities

Add a capability from previous list to the group:

POST api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/capabilities

where the json body contains one property capabilities that is an array of strings.

Remove a capability from a group:

DELETE api/enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/capabilities/{groupCapabilityId}

Alfresco Content Services repositories

A tenant administrator can configure one or more Alfresco Content Services repositories to use when working with content. To retrieve the repositories configured for the tenant of the user used to do the request:

GET api/enterprise/profile/accounts/alfresco

which returns something like:

     "size": 2,
     "total": 2,
     "data": [
               "name": "TS",
               "tenantId": 1,
               "id": 1,
               "accountUsername": "jbarrez",
               "created": "2015-03-26T14:24:35.506+0000",
               "shareUrl": "",
               "lastUpdated": "2015-03-26T15:37:21.174+0000",
               "repositoryUrl": "",
               "alfrescoTenantId": ""
               "name": "TsTest",
               "tenantId": 1,
               "id": 1000,
               "accountUsername": "jbarrez",
               "created": "2015-03-26T15:37:36.448+0000",
               "shareUrl": "",
               "lastUpdated": "2015-03-26T15:37:36.448+0000",
               "repositoryUrl": "",
               "alfrescoTenantId": ""
     "start": 0

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