
Configure Digital Workspace

Alfresco Digital Workspace settings are in the following file ../digital-workspace/app.config.json. You can use the file to tailor Alfresco Digital Workspace easily and without making any code changes. The file can be updated while Alfresco Digital Workspace is still running and users will see the changes once their pages are reloaded.

For more in-depth documentation about how to configure Digital Workspace, see Application features.

The following settings can be configured in ../digital-workspace/app.config.json.

Property/Sub-property Description
adf-start-process/name The name of the process as it appears in Alfresco Process Services including the current days date and time. The default setting for this is %{processDefinition} - %{datetime}, which will produce, ‘Capital Approval Process - Jun 17, 2020, 11:02:07 AM’.
adf-start-process/processDefinitionName The name of the definition of the process you are using to create an instance, for example Capital Approval Process definition.
adf-versions-manager/allowComments Toggle version comments on/off.
aosHost Server address of the AOS endpoint, for example Note: Server address has to be https.
application/name Application name that will be shown in the header of the application and in the page/tab title, for example Digital Workspace.
application/copyright Copyright text shown on the login page, for example © 2017 - 2020 Alfresco Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
application/logo Path to the logo shown in the application header for example, assets/images/alfresco-logo-flower.svg.
authtype Determines the type of authentication. To use Single Sign-on mode you must change this property to OAuth, for example basic. See Single Sign-On (SSO).
bpmHost Server address of Alfresco Process Services, for example
content-metadata/presets Add custom aspects and properties to be shown in the information drawer.
content-metadata/custom Add custom aspects and properties to be shown in the information drawer.
ecmHost Server address of Alfresco Content Services, for example
files/excluded Restrict users from uploading certain types of files and folders by setting or extending the list of rules at the “files.excluded” path for example, “.DS_Store”, “desktop.ini”, “Thumbs.db”, “.git”.
files/match-options, no case Ensures that the exclusions are case insensitive, for example true.
files/allowDownload Toggle downloads of versions on/off, true or false.
headerColor Value for the header background color of the application, for example #2196F3
languagePicker Enable manual language selection menu, true or false.
languages/key Key for language picker menu options, for example en.
languages/label Label to display in the language picker menu, for example, English.
pagination/size Set the default number of items to be displayed on a page, for example 25
pagination/supportedPageSizes Change the items available in the pagination control, for example 25, 50, 100.
processService Toggles the Alfresco Process Services plugin to be on/off, "true" or "false" Note: You must include the quotation marks.
search/include Specify the node information returned by the API with the search results set.
search/sortng Search result sorting options available, and which option is the default.
search/filterqueries Specify what content should, and shouldn’t be returned in the results set.
search/facetFields Allows the configuration of the search results filter options.
search/facetQueries Allows the configuration of the search results filter options.
search/categories Allows the configuration of the search results filter options.
search/aca:fields Specify the metadata fields that will be included in search queries.
sidenav/preserveState Remember the users choice of sidenav minimized or expanded, true or false.
sideNav/expandedSidenav Side navigation expanded by default, true or false.
viewer.maxRetries The preview mechanism used to view a file tries to open it and if its unsuccessful it waits 20 seconds and then tries again. The process involves converting the file (multiple file formats are supported depending on content type) and if it takes more than 20 seconds the system will say that the content isn’t supported. This time out can be increased by adding a value for this property. If you enter 2 the wait time before time out will be 40 seconds.

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