Alfresco Process Automation

Calendar connector

The Calendar connector uses the Microsoft Graph API to integrate with Microsoft Outlook.

The Calendar connector is displayed on the process diagram with the calendar icon.

Important: The Calendar connector and user both require a Microsoft Outlook client. The Calendar connector requires a Microsoft Outlook account. The account is separate to the Alfresco hosted environment and should be created and managed by an administrator.

The actions that can be executed using the Calendar connector are:


Calendar connector configuration parameters

The Calendar connector uses the Microsoft Teams credentials to connect with a Microsoft account. The configuration parameters for the Calendar connector are:

Parameter Description
TEAMS_CLIENT_ID Required. The client identifier to be used for authentication.
TEAMS_CLIENT_SECRET Required. The client secret to be used for authentication.
TEAMS_SCOPE The scopes requested by the connector in the Teams instance OAuth protocol.
TEAMS_TENANT The Teams tenant to be used by the connector.

Calendar connector errors

The possible errors that can be handled by the Calendar connector are:

Error Description
MISSING_INPUT A mandatory input variable was not provided.
INVALID_INPUT The input variable has an invalid type.
INVALID_REQUEST An invalid request is received.
SCHEDULE_ERROR An error occurred from attempting to get the availability.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unexpected error occurred during the execution of the action.

In addition to the above configuration the following properties are required to perform calendar operations.

Create a calendar event

The createTeamsEventCalendar action is used by the Calendar connector to create a calendar event in Microsoft Outlook.

The input parameters to create a calendar event in Microsoft Outlook are:

Property Type Description
subject String Required. Subject of the calendar event.
text String Optional. Body of the calendar event.
startDate DateTime Required. Start Date / Time of the event.
minutes Integer Required. Duration in minutes of the event.
endDate DateTime Required. End Date / Time of the event.
attendees Array Required. List of attendees email addresses.
location String Optional. Location of the event.
timeZone String Optional. Timezone of the event. In general, the timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones supported by Microsoft Windows as well as the additional time zones supported by the calendar API. By default, GMT Standard Time.
onlineMeeting Boolean Optional. Adds an online Teams meeting to the event.
attachments File Optional. File to attach to the calendar event.

The output parameters to create a calendar event in Microsoft Outlook are:

Property Type Description
result JSON Optional. Response with the identifier returned by the Teams API.

Update a calendar event

The updateTeamsEventCalendar action retrieves calendar event information for a specific event in Microsoft Outlook.

The input parameters to update an event in Microsoft Outlook are:

Property Type Description
subject String Required. Subject of the calendar event.
text String Required. Body of the calendar event.
startDate DateTime Required. Start Date / Time of the event.
minutes Integer Required. Duration in minutes of the event.
endDate DateTime Required. End Date / Time of the event.
attendees Array Required. List of attendees email addresses.
location String Optional. Location of the event.
timeZone String Required. Timezone of the event. In general, the timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones supported by Microsoft Windows as well as the additional time zones supported by the calendar API. By default, GMT Standard Time.

The input parameter used to update an event in Microsoft Outlook is:

Property Type Description
result JSON Required. Response with the identifier returned by the Teams API.

Get schedule availability

The getScheduleAvailability action retrieves a users availability information for a specific period of time.

The input parameters to get the schedule availability in Microsoft Outlook are:

Property Type Description
startDate DateTime Required. Start date of the period of time to query. The time period must be less than 42 days.
endDate DateTime Required. End date of the period of time to query. The time period must be less than 42 days.
timeZone String Optional. Time zone e.g: Pacific Standard Time. The timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones currently supported by Microsoft Windows as well as the additional time zones supported by the calendar API. By default, GMT Standard Time.
scheduleAddress array Required. Email address of a user, group, or room.
availabilityViewInterval Integer Required. Defines the granularity, in minutes, used to represent the users availability. Default value: 60.

The output parameters to get the schedule availability in Microsoft Outlook are:

Property Type Description
availabilityView String Required. Merged view of availability for the specific period of time. The merged view is a string that consists of time slots covering that day, with each time slot using the following convention: n0 - free, n1 - tentative, n2 - busy, n3 - out of office, n4 - working elsewhere.
availability String Required. Single value that represents a global availability status for the required period. 0 - a user is free during the whole interval. 1 - all the existing slots in the required period are either free or tentative (at least one of them is tentative). 2 - all the existing slots in the required period are either free or tentative or busy (at least one of them is busy). 3 - all the existing slots in the required period are either free or tentative or busy or out of the office (at least one of them is out of the office). 4 - all the existing slots in the required period are either free or tentative or busy or out of the office or working elsewhere (at least one of them is working elsewhere).
scheduleItems JSON Required. List of objects containing each of the events in the user`s calendar.
workingHours JSON Required. Indicates the days of the week and time intervals when the user can be available.

Remove a calendar event

The removeTeamsEventCalendar action removes an event or appointment in the calendar.

The input parameters to remove an event or appointment in Microsoft Outlook are:

Property Type Description
id String Required. Identifier of the calendar event.

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