Alfresco Process Automation

Microsoft Teams connector

The Microsoft Teams connector uses the Microsoft Graph API to integrate with Microsoft Teams.

The Teams connector is displayed on the process diagram with the Teams logo.

Important: The Teams connector and user both require a Microsoft Teams client. The Teams connector requires a Microsoft Teams account. The account is separate to the Alfresco hosted environment and should be created and managed by an administrator.

The actions that can be executed using the Teams connector are:


Teams connector configuration parameters

The configuration parameters for the Teams connector are:

Parameter Description
TEAMS_CLIENT_ID Required. The client identifier to be used for authentication.
TEAMS_CLIENT_SECRET Required. The client secret to be used for authentication.
TEAMS_USERNAME Required. The MS Teams user to impersonate in:wq the connector.
TEAMS_SCOPE Thr scopes requested by the connector in the Teams instance OAuth protocol.
TEAMS_TENANT The Teams tenant to be used by the connector.

Teams connector errors

The possible errors that can be handled by the Teams connector are:

Error Description
MISSING_INPUT A mandatory input variable was not provided.
INVALID_INPUT The input variable has an invalid type.
INVALID_REQUEST An invalid request is received.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unexpected error occurred during the execution of the action.

In addition to the above configuration the following properties are required to perform Teams operations:

Get Teams

The getTeams action is used by the Teams connector and retrieves all of the visible teams of the organization.

The input parameter to retrieve all of the visible teams is:

Property Type Description
teamName String Optional. Name of the team. If this property is null, the action will return all the teams.

The output parameter to retrieve all of the visible teams is:

Property Type Description
result JSON Optional. Response with the team name and the identifier returned by the Teams API.

Create Teams Channel

The createTeamsChannel action is used by the Teams connector to create a new public or private channel in Teams.

The input parameters to create a new private or public channel are:

Property Type Description
teamId String Required. Identifier of the team in which the channel will be created.
channelName String Required. Name of the channel.
channelType String Optional. Type of the channel.

The output parameters to create a new private or public channel are:

Property Type Description
result JSON Optional. Response with the channel name and the description returned by the Teams API.
channelId String Optional. Identifier of the channel created.

Get channels

The getChannels action is used by the Teams connector to retrieve all the existing channels from a specific team.

The input parameters to retrieve all the existing channels from a specific team are:

Property Type Description
teamId String Required. Identifier of the team.
channelName String Optional. Name of the channel. If this property is null, the action will return all the channels.

The output parameter to retrieve all the existing channels from a specific team is:

Property Type Description
result JSON Optional. Response with the identifier, the name, the membership type, and the web url returned by the Teams API.

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