Alfresco Process Automation

User interfaces

The user interfaces (UI) section sets an end user interface for users to interact with content, tasks, and processes for the project using Alfresco Digital Workspace.


The basic properties of a UI are:

Property Description
UI name Required. The name of the interface. Must be in lowercase and between 1 and 26 characters in length. Alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed, however the name must begin with a letter and end alphanumerically, for example order-template.
Content and Process Required. Select Content to force all the widgets in the Digital Workspace that refer to content, processes, and tasks to be displayed. Select Process when you want only the widgets that refer to processes, and tasks to be displayed. Additionally if Process is selected then the landing page can be configured that allows the user who runs the application to be redirected to the list of running processes, or to their list of My Tasks.
UI description Optional. A description of what the interface should be used for, for example A template for orders to follow.
Default System Logo Optional. The default system logo image. The recommended size for the logo is 28x28 px. Note: To set a new logo the file must be uploaded in advance with the visibility flag set to public, for more see Files.
Application title Optional. The name of the application. This is the name that will appear in the header and on the tab of your browser.
Header text color HEX code Optional. The color of the header text on the user interface using hexadecimal numbers. For example #b39eba.
Header color HEX code Optional. The color of the header background on the user interface using hexadecimal numbers. For example #b39oba.
Default Background Header Image Optional. The default background header image. Note: To set a new background image the file must be uploaded in advance with the visibility flag set to public, for more see Files.

Create default UI

To create a default UI:

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application and open a project.

  2. Click the three dots next to UI and then select Create Default UI.

  3. Enter a name and optional description.

  4. Click Create UI.

Upload default UI

The UI definition is normally created using the create default UI tool and downloaded as a JSON file by clicking Download UI. You can follow the steps in this section to reuse a default UI definition in another project or UI.

Note: To upload a custom UI, follow the steps in Create custom UI instead.

To upload a default UI definition:

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application and open a project.

  2. Click the three dots next to UI and then select Upload.

  3. Select the JSON file that contains the UI definition.

Create custom UI

You can create a custom UI outside of the Modeling Application. The custom UI can be an Application Development Framework (ADF) application. It can also be any single page application, such as React or Vanilla HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, that conforms to the UI schema. To verify this, upload your JSON definition and click the Validate UI button.

Important: Before uploading your custom UI, ensure that it has a valid application entry point in either an index.html or index.htm file. The custom UI must be contained in a zip archive with the index.html or index.htm file at its root. The archive size cannot exceed 50 mb.

Note: ADF comes with a JavaScript library for managing bearer token authentication handling and renewal, which solution builders using other Custom UI implementations will have to manage.

To create a custom UI:

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application and open a project.

  2. Click the three dots next to UI and then select Create custom UI.

  3. Enter a name and optional description.

  4. If you do not have a customized zip file yet, select Generate from Template to generate a custom UI from a UI template, which contains the source code from the Workspace application. The template zip file can be then downloaded and customized in a different application.

  5. Once you have a zip file with custom UI, click the Upload button and select the zip file that contains your Custom UI.


You can add a theme to the Digital Workspace.

Use the Modeling Application to change the theme

To change the theme using the UI properties in the Modeling Application.

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application.

  2. Select the UI you want to change and enter the new configuration properties under the Theme heading.

    Note: You can only change the Theme of the Default UI.

  3. Save the UI.

The properties of the UI theme are:

Note: See example image below.

Property Description
Primary color The color is used to highlight important parts of your application, for example the text for the selected link in the left pane.
Accent color The color is used to accent highlight areas of your UI and make parts of it stand out more, for example it can be used for floating action buttons, selection controls such as sliders and switches, highlighting selected text or Progress bars, and some links.
Text color The default text color used for the application.
Background color The color of the background, for example the color of the background of the left pane.
Font size The base font size in pixels. Other font sizes are calculated depending on the base size
Font family The family the font belongs to, for example Cursive.
Web font URL Where the specific information about the font used is gathered from, for example.

ADW Colors

Deploy the theme

If you are deploying using the Modeling Application or Docker compose you must provide the correct configuration and the theme will be generated at startup. After updating the properties for the custom theme in the Modeling Application, new entries for the UI are added to this file: "customCssPath": "./assets/theme/custom.css" (i.e. /[app-name]/ui/[ui-name]/assets/theme/custom.css)

For example:

"theme": {
   "primaryColor": "#d92ea8",
   "accentColor": "#2eb7d9",
   "textColor": "#672ed9",

Once you have deployed your application using the admin app, the values from the the theme javascript are used for generating the custom.css file. If using Docker compose the custom.css file is generated during the Docker startup process. The custom.css file is used for altering the application theme and the new theme can be found under the customCssPath value.

User interface modeling

Once a user interface has been created, set the type to content to deploy the Digital Workspace with the application. This can be accessed by users once a project has been deployed using the format ui/<name>, for example

Note: An instance of Digital Workspace will be deployed with each application that can only start processes created within that same application. Only users assigned user access to the application will be able to access the interface.

Custom end user actions can be created for the Digital Workspace. This enables custom options to be added to various menus displayed to users. Rules can be set for the actions to only display on files or folders with specific names, or when an aspect is applied to a node. There are three parts to defining custom actions:

  • The action itself that will executed when the option is clicked.
  • A list of one or more rules to describe which nodes the action will be displayed on.
  • The feature the action will be displayed on, for example the header or a context menu.


There are four types of end user actions that can be configured:

  • Events that are used in conjunction with a trigger to start a trigger action when clicked by a user.
  • Forms that display a form to the user to fill in, independent of a user task or process.
  • Navigation to set a URL to redirect to when clicked by the user.
  • Start process to start a named process when clicked by the user, and optionally include the file the action was launched from when clicked.


Event actions are directly referenced by triggers when they are clicked. This means that an action can post a predefined message to a Slack channel or send an email notifying an email group about the document.

Note: If a user interface trigger action is not created that references the event action then nothing will happen when the action is clicked by an end user.

The properties of an event action are:

Property Description
Name Required. The name of the action. Note: This is not the text that will appear to the end user in a menu.
Type Required. The type of action will be Event.
Use selected nodes in action Optional. Sets whether the nodes selected when the action is clicked can be used in the event or not, for example true.


Form actions open a form in Digital Workspace that users can fill in when the action is clicked. The form in question can be completely independent of a process and user task. Forms allow users to enter some information and use the output, for example to use a trigger on the form submission event.

The properties of a form action are:

Property Description
Name Required. The name of the action. Note: This is not the text that will appear to the end user in a menu.
Type Required. The type of action will be Form.
Form Required. The name of the form to display when the action is clicked.
Use selected nodes in action Optional. Sets whether the nodes selected when the action is clicked can be used in the form or not, for example true.

Navigation actions open a link when they are clicked by an end user. The link can be relative, for example opening another document from the repository, or the link can be absolute, such as to open another application.

The properties of a navigation action are:

Property Description
Name Required. The name of the action. Note: This is not the text that will appear to the end user in a menu.
Type Required. The type of action will be Navigation.
Target Required. The absolute or relative link the action will direct to, for example
Open in new tab Optional. Sets whether the link opens in a new tab or not, for example false.
Use selected nodes in action Optional. Sets whether the nodes selected when the action is clicked can be used in the navigation URL or not, for example true.

Note: The Target can use the variable ${nodes} if Use selected nodes in action is set to true to pass the node ID to the link, for example personal-files/(viewer:view/${nodes})?location=%2Fpersonal-files.

Start process

A start process action will start a process when the action is clicked. If the selected process contains a form on the start event with an attach file field and Use selected nodes in action is set to true, then the file that was selected when the action was clicked will be attached to it automatically.

The properties of a start process action are:

Property Description
Name Required. The name of the action. Note: This is not the text that will appear to the end user in a menu.
Type Required. The type of action will be Start process.
Process Required. The name of the process to start when the action is clicked.
Use selected nodes in action Optional. Sets whether the nodes selected when the action is clicked can be used in the process or not, for example true.


Rules are used to define when an action is displayed to the end user. This is achieved using a series of evaluators, operators and optional nested groups.

Rule groups must:

  • All be met for the action to display using Every.
  • At least one met for the action to display using Some.
  • Must not be met for the action to display using Not.

Note: Individual evaluators in a rule can be set to evaluate negatively using the ! against them. For example, if the evaluator app.navigation.isTrashCan is set to evaluate negatively then the user must not be in the trashcan for the action to appear.

Some evaluators take additional operators such as contains, equals or matches. For example, the evaluator can use a fully qualified folder name such as Invoices or use a regular expression such as ^(I|i)nvoices.

Application evaluators

Application evaluators check a user’s permissions on files and folders to set whether action will be displayed.

The application evaluators are:

Evaluator Description
app.selection.canDelete User has permission to delete selected node(s).
app.selection.canDownload User can download selected node(s).
app.selection.notEmpty At least one node is selected.
app.selection.canUnshare User is able to remove selected node(s) from public sharing.
app.selection.canAddFavorite User can add selected node(s) to favorites.
app.selection.canRemoveFavorite User can remove selected node(s) from favorites.
app.selection.first.canUpdate User has permission to update selected node(s).
app.selection.file A single File node is selected.
app.selection.file.canShare User is able to share the selected file.
app.selection.file.isShared A shared node is selected.
app.selection.file.isLocked File is locked for editing.
app.selection.file.isLockOwner File is locked and current user is the lock owner.
app.selection.file.canUploadVersion User can update file version.
app.selection.library A single Library node is selected.
app.selection.isPrivateLibrary A private Library node is selected.
app.selection.hasLibraryRole The selected Library node has a role property.
app.selection.hasNoLibraryRole The selected Library node has no role property.
app.selection.folder A single Folder node is selected.
app.selection.folder.canUpdate User has permissions to update the selected folder.
app.selection.file.canLock User has permissions to lock file.
app.selection.file.canUnlock User has permissions to unlock file.
repository.isQuickShareEnabled Whether the quick share repository option is enabled or not.
canCopyNode Checks if user can copy selected node.
canToggleJoinLibrary Checks if user can perform ‘Join’ or ‘Cancel Join Request’ on a library.
canEditFolder Checks if user can edit the selected folder.
isTrashcanItemSelected Checks if user has trashcan item selected.
canViewFile Checks if user can view the file.
canLeaveLibrary Checks if user can Leave selected library.
canToggleSharedLink Checks if user can toggle shared link mode.
canShowInfoDrawer Checks if user can show Info Drawer for the selected node.
canManageFileVersions Checks if user can manage file versions for the selected node.
canManagePermissions Checks if user can manage permissions for the selected node.
canToggleEditOffline Checks if user can toggle Edit Offline mode for selected node.
user.isAdmin Checks if user is admin.
app.canShowLogout Whether logout action should be present or not.
app.isLibraryManager Checks if user is library manager.

Navigation evaluators use the location within the repository structure to set whether an action will be displayed.

The navigation evaluators are:

Evaluator Description
app.navigation.folder.canCreate User can create content in the currently opened folder.
app.navigation.folder.canUpload User can upload content to the currently opened folder.
app.navigation.isTrashcan User is using the Trashcan page.
app.navigation.isNotTrashcan Current page is not a Trashcan.
app.navigation.isLibraries User is using a Libraries or Library Search Result page.
app.navigation.isNotLibraries Current page is not a Libraries page.
app.navigation.isSharedFiles User is using the Shared Files page.
app.navigation.isNotSharedFiles Current page is not Shared Files.
app.navigation.isFavorites User is using the Favorites page.
app.navigation.isNotFavorites Current page is not Favorites.
app.navigation.isRecentFiles User is using the Recent Files page.
app.navigation.isNotRecentFiles Current page is not Recent Files.
app.navigation.isSearchResults User is using the Search Results page.
app.navigation.isNotSearchResults Current page is not the Search Results.
app.navigation.isSharedPreview Current page is preview Shared Files.
app.navigation.isFavoritesPreview Current page is preview Favorites.
app.navigation.isSharedFileViewer Current page is shared file preview page.
app.navigation.isPreview Current page is Preview.
app.navigation.isPersonalFiles Current page is Personal Files.
app.navigation.isLibraryFiles Current page is Library Files.

Node property evaluators

Node property evaluators use the types, aspects and properties of folders and files to set whether an action will be displayed.

The node property evaluators are:

Evaluator Description
selection.files.type All the selected files are of the input type.
selection.files.aspect All the selected files have the input aspect. All the selected files have the indicated property and their values satisfy the condition. All the selected files match the condition in their name.
selection.folders.type All the selected folders are of the input type.
selection.folders.aspect All the selected folders have the input aspect. All the selected folders have the indicated property and their values satisfy the condition. All the selected folders match the condition in their name.
selection.currentFolder.type The current folder is of the input type.
selection.currentFolder.aspect The current folder has the input aspect. The current folder has the indicated property and their values satisfy the condition. The current folder matches the condition in their name.


A user action can be associated to a feature once it has been defined and the rules for when to display it have been configured. This determines in which menu or view the action is displayed.

The properties to configure the action feature are:

Property Description
Title Required. The text displayed to the end user in the menu, for example Start invoice process.
Description Optional. The tooltip for the action in the menu, for example Start the invoice process with the intial invoice attached..
Icon Required. The icon that will be displayed to the end user in the menu next to the Title.
Order Optional. The order the action will appear in the menu list. The higher the number the lower down the list, or further right in a list it is displayed.
Action Required. The selected action to execute.
Visibility Optional. The rule to use for evaluating whether a user can see the action.
Enabled Optional. The rule to use for evaluating whether the action is enabled or not.

Actions can be displayed in different parts of the Digital Workspace by associating them with different features.

Application header feature

The application header will display an action next to the search bar and user information:

application header image

Application header menu feature

The application header menu will display an action in the application header menu next to items such as Settings and About:

application header menu image

Application toolbar feature

The application toolbar will display an action underneath the header where items such as a breadcrumb are normall placed:

application toolbar image

The dropdown button will display an action in the left-hand menu as a new item:

dropdown button image

Context menu feature

The context menu will display an action in the menu displayed when right-clicking a node:

context menu image

The sidebar will display an action in the properties sidebar:

sidebar image

The sidebar toolbar will display an action on the toolbar within the properties sidebar:

sidebar toolbar image

Viewer feature

The viewer will display an action on the file viewer page:

viewer image

Viewer toolbar feature

The viewer toolbar will display an action on the toolbar located on the file viewer page:

viewer toolbar image

Viewer toolbar menu feature

The viewer toolbar menu will display an action in the dropdown menu in the toolbar located on the file viewer page:

viewer toolbar menu image

Viewer shared feature

The shared viewer will display an action on the file viewer page of a shared file:

viewer shared image

Viewer shared toolbar feature

The shared viewer toolbar will display an action on the toolbar located on the file viewer page of a shared file:

viewer shared toolbar image

Custom user interfaces

Custom user interfaces can be developed with the Application Development Framework and deployed as part of the project.

User interface actions

The actions that can be run against an interface are:

Action Description
Download UI Download the JSON for the interface.
Validate Run validation against the interface. Any errors can be seen in the log history at the bottom of the Modeling Application and are flagged in a pop-up box.
Save Save any changes made to the interface.
Save As Save As allows you to save a another copy of a model. This new saved copy will not affect the orirginal model.
Delete Delete the interface.


When an event action is performed you will find an entry in the Audit service, the information visible depends on the Action type.

Action type Event type Description
Event USER_ACTION_NAMED_EVENT This event is sent from the Form runtime and provides information about the user action, such as the name of the interface in which the action was performed, the name of the event and the nodes selected when the action was performed.
Form USER_ACTION_FORM_SUBMITTED This event is sent from the Form runtime and provides information about the form submitted from the user action, such as the name of the interface in which the action was performed, id of the submitted form, the values submitted, or the outcome pressed.
Start process PROCESS_STARTED This event is sent from the Process runtime and provides information about the process definition and the process instance created.

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